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How to change transmission oil?

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So I was doing an oil change on my car, and i was going to change the transmission oil, but i couldn't get this one bolt off and I'm not sure if that was the right one anyway, and i was talking to my friend and he said it didn't look like there was an oil pan there. So how do i change the oil for my transmission? Help is much appreciated

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there is a plug on the bottom of the transmission that looks like you could get a wrench in it, on the side of the transmission, there is a square shaped bolt that you could easily get to using an adjustable wrench but you might have to use some lube.. and DONT USE ROYAL PURPLE make sure you use oil that won't trash your trans..

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When I change the gear oil in my trans, Take the fill plug out (22mm I think) then stick a 1/2 inch drive pull bar in the plug that is facing directly down. about 2/3's of the way down the trans towards the drive shaft. Can't miss that drain plug. let it drain, put the bottom plug back. then I use a hose, route from the filler hole to the engine bay right beside the battery usually. fill up the gear oil until it starts running out of the filler hole.

Or you can read a haynes manual, they have pictures most of the time :)

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Royal purple is fine in an engine, but transmissions and engines are two completely COMPLETELY different applications.


Some guys swear by automatic transmission fluid for some transmissions, and nissan even recomends it in their FSM for the T5 in the turbo cars.


It's widely accepted that one of the better fluids that you can try in most manual trannys is syncromesh, by penzoil or GM.


I WOULD NOT use regular engine weight oil though. Maybe in pinch, expecting to change it out in a week or so, but not for long term use. It's just plain the wrong weight in order to keep a transmission lubed and cooled.

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Could you use some AMSoil for instance in a T-5?


In my Mitsu Evo, I'm using AMSoil 75w-90 GL-4. It's working pretty well, I've got no complain about it so far.


The GL-4 or GL-5 classification is important since one can be bad for your bearing or other seals.


Still in my Evo, both fluids are 75w-90 but:

Trans => GL-4

Transfer Case => GL-5

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a friend of mine who ran it in his FD said the engine didn't run as smooth as before unless it was at its perfect temperature. little too hot or cold and it wasn't happy. Some people live by the stuff, others have said it makes their car smoke. Take what you hear with a grain of salt i guess.

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