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Courteous Z Driver


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Just a little note to share with everyone who thinks the country is going to hell in a hand basket.

I had this car pulled over this morning for going just a little too fast.

85/65 with me sitting in a marked patrol car right on the shoulder of the expressway. In FL they have a new law called the "Move Over Law".

Basically if on a multi lane roadway you are suppose to move over a lane for any emergency vehicle on the shoulder. Fire, rescue, or in my case law enforcement.

As I was standing next to the vehicle giving her a little ticket I looked back at the traffic coming at me. Approx 6 to 7 cars using both lanes. The only car to move over was a blue 90ish 300ZX with a younger male driver.

Made me feel good that a fellow Z car driver gave me some extra room out on the road. And that after me usually getting on all you guys for your enthusiastic driving on the roads.


Thank you blue Z man, Tom

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And kudos to you for giving that guy some props. We have a similar law in Alberta and they are starting to hand out tickets if you don't obey it. If you stay in the lane next to the emergency vehicle you are supposed to slow to 60 kmh. Most people in my experience follow the rules. They had to do something, there have been a couple of cops killed because they were writing somebody up on the side of the road and some jackass hit and killed them.


...and I'm glad you think 20 mph over the limit is just "a little too fast." I've had an officer chew my butt for less than that. LOL

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It's not a law and I do it here for everyone as long as I can safely get over to the left lane. It's way too easy for someone to trip and wind up a foot or two into the road.


Why do you guys (police) park so close to the road?

Is that how you're supposed to pull cars over?

I'm sure there's a tactical advantage than i'm not thinking of that outweighs opening your door into traffic.


I've noticed that the police car is almost always within a foot or two of the mayo.

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  Datsun350Z said:
It's not a law and I do it here for everyone as long as I can safely get over to the left lane. It's way too easy for someone to trip and wind up a foot or two into the road.


Why do you guys (police) park so close to the road?

Is that how you're supposed to pull cars over?

I'm sure there's a tactical advantage than i'm not thinking of that outweighs opening your door into traffic.


I've noticed that the police car is almost always within a foot or two of the mayo.


I blame the idiot drivers for this one. I'd just as soon have the COP bitch at me for not pulling over fast enough and park somewhere safe, then park where I've seen some people.


But I've also seen where the above happend and the COP just pulls in right behind them. If I were a COP, I'd tell them to move to a much safer location. Doing my job would not be worth getting killed for.

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Dude it takes time to eat, smoke, dump or hide the evidence!!;)


Personlly I try hard to admire our finest from a distance. Funny when I was younger and dumber I ran into them alot WWAAAAYYYY more then now?????? Duhhhhh!!! (When you think of in in hind sight it is quite the DUH!


Run ins were for driving not drugs!!

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You know, I hadn't heard of that law before. To be honest, I'm not even sure it existed in either NH or MA, but there really aren't enough multi-lane roads out there to make it worthwhile or common knowledge IMHO.


I do get a certain sense of satisfaction seeing a person driving their beloved vehicle paying more attention to their surroundings than other people, especially when it surprises me (let's say a riced out civic that's being driven like a mechanic lovingly built it, not like it was stolen).


As much as certain police officers have really gotten under my skin lately (by acting wrongfully, from my opinionated standpoint) I'm really happy to have you guys around and have no problems with giving respect, whether it's a wave at a stop light or plenty of room when you're enforcing laws by pulling someone over. Please remember that you define a location more than anybody else, though.


I'm happy to live anywhere that the cops treat people fairly, like people. I've lived in too many places where they seem to be against the common population for no solid reason (Vallejo, CA for instance). It makes me sad.

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Having driven trucks for a short time, its always a good thing to move left one lane when approaching a vehicle on the shoulder. You just never know what's going to pop out. I also give truckers room to move left if I'm near them when they approach a vehicle on the shoulder.


FYI... here in California, the CHP officers approach a car from the passenger side.

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  johnc said:
Having driven trucks for a short time, its always a good thing to move left one lane when approaching a vehicle on the shoulder. You just never know what's going to pop out. I also give truckers room to move left if I'm near them when they approach a vehicle on the shoulder.


FYI... here in California, the CHP officers approach a car from the passenger side.


I always give truckers room in general. Either they're crazy *edit* people who're suffering from severe road rage or exhaustion and they'll run you right off the road...


or they're not, and I'd feel bad for putting them in a stressful situation with a little car right next to them (that, in all likelihood, they don't even see).

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I don't know what it is, but the police around here make me nervous. It's not that I'm constantly breaking the law (speeding) and worried about getting caught... I'll be doing the speed limit and see a cop hiding on a side road and I'll tense up like I'm about to be pulled over. Conditioned response?


What really bugs me is when you're not doing anything wrong, and they follow you for no apparent reason. Made a walmart trip last night around 10:30PM, one was hiding in my subdivision and followed me all the way to the highway onramp.


I'm all about mutual respect, but it seems a little one sided sometimes. I think all the crap cops have to deal with regularly make them weary of the general public.

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  Globerunner513 said:
hehe...language filter taking a nap?


lol funny


Whoop. Apparently it is. Edited that out, since it really wasn't necessary anyway.


  cygnusx1 said:
There are good cops and bad cops just like everywhere else. I have met both.


I've definitely met more upstanding cops than the few pricks that tend to stand out in my memory more than anything. A bad cop does make you feel violated, powerless, and frustrated pretty quickly though.


A good cop makes you feel like an idiot for what you did, since you know (and knew) that it was wrong. :icon50:

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  BurnoutZ said:
I was about to post that earlier on in the topic...


It just sucks when there are more bad cops than good...


Too bad there are more bad members than good.


ghezzzz reminds me of an old thread, wonder where that went??????

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Did not mean for this to be a discussion of whether what I do out on the road is good or bad, or if there are cops who push it too far.


It was just to say that I thought it was very cool that a fellow Z owner was the only one to give me some room on the side of the road. Sometimes you tend to forget how people who have a passion for their cars also turn out to be really good people at heart.


I am sure some of us would stop to help someone broke down on the side of the road, but all of us would stop for a fellow Z driver. I hope...



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