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I'm growing up lol.


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I just noticed that it no longer says Junior Member beneath my name, woohoo. I'm a real member now, but what I wonder is, at what point do we become real members as opposed to lowly jr. members??

I'm guessing that it has to do with posts.....Probably 30 being the magic number. Or is it a conglomerate of big wigs sitting around smoking cuban cigars and drinking 25 year old scotch going, "He's funny, lets give him a bump up in rank." Or, "This guy donated money that paid for half an inch of my cigar, lets show appreciation by giving him a cute nickname."

Or maybe I'm just proving that I have no life and I'm a certifiable jacka$$ because I'm sitting here wondering these things.

Of course it could be that I'm just bored cause it's too cold to work so I'm sitting at home doing nothing......



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I am merely questioning the powers that be to see if there is a method to their madness or if it is just madness. My vote leans towards the latter of the 2. I would never truly suspect that our truly magnanimous admins would pilfer money from the coffer to indulge in fine cigars and even finer booze, I'm just saying that it's plausible. As for ending up like you, there's nothing wrong with being named after a sloth, or being horney for Z's. However, in order to learn the answers you must first know the question.


Confucious say,



"Man who jerk off with super glue feel cocky all day." or something like that.

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It's a pre-set option in the forum settings. At X amount of posts, or for X amount of time, the status is upgraded. So to answer your question: no "one" changed it for you... it was the forum software. If you become a paying subscriber, you can probably change your sub-title all by yourself. :D

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It's a pre-set option in the forum settings. At X amount of posts, or for X amount of time, the status is upgraded. So to answer your question: no "one" changed it for you... it was the forum software. If you become a paying subscriber, you can probably change your sub-title all by yourself. :D


How did you come by such wisdom pick?? I did mention something like that in my original post, however I think that the other explainations are a lot more fun. You have dashed my hopes that one day I could rise to power like a tyrant and rule over all the junior members as an almighty ADMIN.


Ha Ha this is getting fun,


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Traitor, spy, scoundrel, an admin who in not labeled, running around under the guise of a member, a wolf in sheeps clothing......aaaaaaahhhhhhh run for the hills. Not only that, but an admin from another site here to spy on our methods and report back about our efficiency and camaderie. Oh what has my peaceful little reality come to, why the madness, the insanity............

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Traitor, spy, scoundrel, an admin who in not labeled, running around under the guise of a member, a wolf in sheeps clothing......aaaaaaahhhhhhh run for the hills. Not only that, but an admin from another site here to spy on our methods and report back about our efficiency and camaderie. Oh what has my peaceful little reality come to, why the madness, the insanity............


Try turning the heat up alittle, your brain is getting cold! :lmao: :lmao:


If you donate you can change your subtitle.

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Can't turn up heat, gas goes down, utilities do not, firewood does not, brain freeze, brain freeze. However I guess I said too much, but at least it's star wars based, god forbid that it was star trek.....No no no, forget I said that.

This thread wasn't to p*ss off the admins, just a little fun.

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However I guess I said too much, but at least it's star wars based, god forbid that it was star trek.....No no no, forget I said that.


Your sig earned your user title...


If you can't find someone to play with, play with yourself.


This thread wasn't to p*ss off the admins, just a little fun.


Not even. With the exception of a small handful, all titles were/are given in fun :wink:

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Funny thing about my sig though, when I was a kid and I lived with my grandpa, I came inside bored as heck one day and when I told him that there were no kids my age to play with, that's what he told me.

He sure was a grumpy old fart but he was always there for me and singlehandedly gave me my love for the automobile.


For the record, if I ever say anything offensive or rude, please let me know, I have no problem refraining from saying something in order to promote the brotherhood that drew me to this site in the first place.

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