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Cigarette lighter of DOOM


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Has this happened to anyone else?


When I first got my 280z, I was driving it back to my house when I decided to light one up. After about a minute of looking for it, I found the car's lighter (it was hidden behind the steering wheel:)). I push it in, get out a cigarette, and wait for the lighter to click out. My car decided that would be too boring, however, and proceeded to spit the freshly heated lighter into the crotch-seat area we all know and love.




Being like every other guy who wants to have kids someday (maybe), I immediately did the smartest thing I could think of: standing up with my feet firmly planted on the clutch and gas pedals. Realizing the idiocy of doing this in L.A. rush hour traffic, I steeled myself for the inevitable and sat back down on the seat where the lighter had rolled to the back. Thankfully, I avoided a scar once the burn healed, but not the inevitable laughter of my then-girlfriend when we got home.:(


But yeah, anyone else? We already have a "D'oh!" moments thread, but maybe this can be a "non-fault accident" thread.

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Mine started the car...


Funny thing... mine does now too! :burnout: (although, it's not really a lighter anymore...) The REALLY funny/ironic thing about this, is I didn't tell anyone I rigged a push button start in place of the cig lighter... well, sitting in a parking lot with a friend one day, and he wants to light up.. he reaches over and pushes the button... :shock: yup, the car was in gear and the key was on. Lucky I was quick to push the clutch in, or we would have launched out of the parking space into the street!!

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I have this cigarette lighter adapter that slips into the 12v lighter socket and it has a hole that you slip your cigarette or mini-cigar into and press slightly and it will burn the end of the cigarette and leave a nice even cherry.


You don't even have to pay attention to it, works well on most adapter sockets. :mrgreen:

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My lighter shoots into the back hatch area if I get on it hard off the line. Pretty cool when you have new passangers. Now for my cool (sort of) issue with my Z. When I first got it I had a problem with my headlight plugs grounding out on the steering collum causing them to turn of. Well, i was 16 and had better things to do then fix it, but I had a set of good fog lights so when it happend, i would just turn them off and hit the fogs. The girl I was dating at the time gave me crap all the time about the car being a piecer, and one particular night on the way home from a party she started up because my headlights went out. So, i did what any teenager would do...I pulled over and let her out (at about 11:00 at night) and told her to find her own way home. I still have the car 13 years later, but that was the last time i went out with her...women...

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Come to think of it...

My 280z also came with the dashpad that wasn't taped down anymore, so whenever I launched it, the pad would come off the dash and hit the little tab for the headlights, turning them off. This would happen every time.


It even got me pulled over once. The cop was pissed that I didn't notice until she was passing and I looked reflexively at my speedo. I was in a very well-lit downtown area and, let's face it, the gauges aren't really all that bright to begin with!

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LOL...ya, things don't quite "pop" when your 16 (though I sure thought they did at the time). This kinda goes into another thread, but me and my wife have an understanding about my Z, she never tells me to get rid of it and we don't have any problems. Even now with two kids its the most impractical thing I own, I almost need an excuse to drive it. But unless I total it (chances are I would buy another body and transplant as much as possible) they will be burying me in it.
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