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Why do so many Z owners go to prison???

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Why do so many of our Z people end up going to prison??? Is it that we have a huge population of members and only the pro-rata share goes? Is it that the exhaust fumes from Z's cause brain damage?


I mean I have been here a while and have seen people go for everything from weapons violations to murder...

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Man, did I miss something?


Maybe because they make good get-away vehicles??

(j/k - the car would probably die out a few minutes into persuit for no apparent reason.)


Actually, the one time I was arrested, it was for reckless driving on my R6. Most of the time, I drive pretty laid back in the Zs...unless I'm late for work or something.


*edit* Nevermind, just found the thread responsible for the provocation of this thread.

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Z's are inexpensive and "cool". I see "criminals" in three groups:

  • Everyday people who have little respect for the law and get into legal trouble without doing anything "wrong"
  • Career criminals who can't afford the car they really want, but buy something cheap and cool
  • Career criminals who buy expensive cars


The first two groups generally end up with imports, muscle cars, scrapers, or Zcars. I have a strong feeling that most of hybridz's members are in that first group. Does that make us criminals?

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What constitutes "so many"? I'm willing to bet there are a lot more Harley riders that are in or were in prison than Z people. Or gangsta' Honda drivers, or any number of groups. But what does it matter anyway? People mess up and make mistakes. That's not for us to judge, that's between them, the law, and their Maker. Maybe since the Z community is so close knit, it just seems more of a big deal.

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Rather than wonder why, maybe we should just accept it...


I say we start a pool about who is the next Z driver to end up doing time.




(Hmmmmm...., now that I think about it a bit, we probably need a separate pool for which statutes get violated.)

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I have yet to achieve a questionable title on this board.


Disappointment has ensued.




Reckless driving and overdue fines seem to run a muck on here... and you wonder why! Light cars and lovely cheap horsepower from broke pockets = tickets = too lazy to pay them or don't have money to pay them = jailbird.

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Can't say that anymore :mrgreen:

Score! :mrgreen:




Pick your poison, men.


By the way, turn safe search on if you decide to Google Image "shank". For some mysterious reason, mine was turned off. Way off. Like Defcon III get ready for a torrent of crazy **** off.



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