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Photo from 2009 Pokemon championships


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The video is kind of sad. I'm not sure that Teenager is all there.

At least his dad is spending time with him regardless if I find it interesting. To each his own.

I like Z's he likes cards. At least his hobby is somewhat cheap. He's been to Hawaii. I've not done that!

Edited by JSM
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The video is kind of sad. I'm not sure that Teenager is all there.

At least his dad is spending time with him regardless if I find it interesting. To each his own.

I like Z's he likes cards. At least his hobby is somewhat cheap. He's been to Hawaii. I've not done that!


After watching the video it seems like he shows a lot of symptoms of autism and ADHD. I agree, the fact his father and him having something to share and travel with is awesome. I feel like an a*hole for laughing at the first picture. Props to the kid, probably brilliantly smart just can't communicate it.

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I'm still feeling alright about laughing at this, hahahaha.


I would agree with you 100% until I became a father. When you hold your son or daughter in your hands at their birth, it will change you.


Without watching the video and just seeing the picture it is funny, but that video is sad.


Either way, it's all good.

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Yeah, he's somewhat socially slow. Probably Aspergers syndrome.


Have a kid with a condition like that, and that video won't seem funny. But it will make you glad - that some kid with less than a full portion of social ABILITY (nothing to do with effort, believe me) had a success in his life.


His dad loves him and is proud - for good reason. His kid probably puts up with incredible heartbreak due to not being accepted - for not fault of his own.


But his dad should be helping him life a more healthy lifestyle by not letting him eat the way he does and getting more exercise. But I've seen parents back off of the tough love that requires, because they feel sorry for the kid, don't want to add to their already very stressful life, etc. Growing up with that kind of a condition is difficult. You look pretty normal. Many people can't tell quickly that you don't have the tools everyone else has socially/mentally, so they laugh at you.


I used to laugh at that kind of thing. Then I became a parent of someone with just a touch of that kind of social skill level. Life is a lesson.

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