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I somehow just got talked into going hunting


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Uh yah... I don't know how that even happened. I guess I'll be spending man time with my brother in law. I believe the dialog went like...


Kyle: Yah so we'll head out 5AM Saturday, come back for breakfast at 9AM, hang out for a while, go back out around 3PM and come back when it gets dark.

Me: Can I shoot ♥♥♥♥?

Kyle: Yah just not deer

Me: All I have is a Rugar 10/22, like every other 10 year old boy on this planet

Kyle: ... you can shoot one of my guns if you want


Now all I can think about is me sitting in a shade for multiple hours on end, not saying a word "waiting for the perfect kill" :? Oh god.


He said he would be sure to kill something so I could gut it though. Maybe I'll have a video for you guys afterward. Right now, the only thing thats going through my mind is me spending like $80 on a weekend... And its not for ammunition either...


Should I spend another $20 and get 20 rounds of .223 for my dads Thompson Contender or should I be a jerk and leach off of Kyle? All our firearms are like Colt .45 goldcup, Rugar MKII .22 pistol or something, a shotgun which is really old, our 10/22's, Thompson Contender chambered for .223, 2 grenades, 3 trip flare things, and a 30mm round which I don't even bother to question. Oh and some firecrackers and stuff... I think... I should leach... because everything but the .22 is expensive... :/

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Right now, the only thing thats going through my mind is me spending like $80 on a weekend... And its not for ammunition either...


Make sure to get something light then, it'll go down easier, you can drink more, and it'll make you feel warm.


Go get 'em, tiger.


I once went on a hunting trip with my brother in law, it was freezing cold, and the only turkey we saw was a hen [or whatever the females are called haha] and I couldn't shoot it. :?


I guess I'm too much of a city person, I'm just not really into hunting.

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No I meant $80 for gas in the Z. hahaha But you do have a point, I need to stock up on alcohol. New Years is coming up and I absolutely plan on grounding myself at a friends house. :P Kyle said he would be my alcohol sponsor.


List of deliciousness:





Whiskey (I'm cheap so forget that)

cheap champagne

cheap wine

cheap champagne mixed with cheap wine


List of horribles:




I'm going to look like a total noob with this plinker gun. These dudes are out there shooting deer while I'm like shooting a mouse from 5 feet away. Dumbbbbbbbb

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List of deliciousness:





Whiskey (I'm cheap so forget that)

cheap champagne

cheap wine

cheap champagne mixed with cheap wine


List of horribles:




So hey, what sorority are you pledging in this year?


Men drink beer. Women drink hard liquor and mixers.

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So hey, what sorority are you pledging in this year?


Men drink beer. Women drink hard liquor and mixers.


Hahaha, FTW!


Whiskey is also an acceptable man drink. So is hooch, but only if it's in a mason jar or some other random container (I have a great story about that, not suitable for the forum though :D )




Oh yeah, back to the original point. You might want to check the local game laws. Here in Nebraska if you have any firearm with you in the field you must have a hunting license and stamp, etc. or you're guilty of poaching.

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This is on his boss's dear lease. He said I can't shoot any dear obviously but hogs in Texas are open game for ANYONE and other than that, what would I shoot? Squirrels, small birds, cans? I'm not interested in bringing home tons of pork, so killing a hog wouldn't be proper of me anyway.


The Thompson Contender sounds like it would be fun to shoot because its like a short barrel with a rifle stock but its a single shot gun which I guess would help preserve going bonkers on the shooting but meh. I'll just buy a brick of 500 .22 rounds for like $25 and be set for like 3 years of shooting. I got this gun when I was 16 (18 now) and shot it once... Of course I will jump on this offer. The only thing I hate is its 10 round rotary mag. They make banana mags but they are all plastic except for one of them which is metal and costs $50... I've heard horror stories of the plastic mags breaking, jamming, never working out of the box, etc. Oh well, I don't care if I only get 10 shots and then I have to reload another mag.

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Yeah, a buddy of mine was shooting somebody else's 10/22 with a el cheapo banana clip this summer. The first shot he took the mag fell out of the gun and split in two. Just buy a couple of the Ruger mags and load them all at once, then just pop one out and the other in.

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I'm going to wind up bringing the 10/22 and the Rugar MKII. I don't want a dump of money into noncompetitive target/junk shooting. I didn't know we had two shotguns. First time I've seen and held a 12 gauge. Not really a shotgun dude but it was pretty cool, and big!

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When I lived in Ritzville, we had a triathlon.




Drink beer from the bar at the gun range, then shoot skeet, repeat.




Drink beer at the golf course shoot a couple of rounds, repeat.




Drink beer and bowl, continually.



I won one award, stinkest golfer, I had one ball hit a tree and come back within 2feet from where I started. ;)


Living in Ritzville was more like taking a step back in time, lots of good memories.


Over all, don't drink and handle fire arms, golfing and bowling well, that is another story.

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here's my take on hunting:


I don't like gutting things/blood/field dressing unless I need it for survival. Do you want to sit for 4 hours in cold ass weather with a gun, to get your kill, only to have to string it up, gut it, drain it, dress it, then haul it?


To me, that's more work than going to a store and getting meat. But that's just me. Depends whether you want to actually go through all that

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Nobody mentioned the obvious solution to the problem:


Go out and buy another gun, just for this special occasion!


Just bought a shirt for my son (Christmas Time, you know...)




What Would Ted Nugent Do?


My stock answer is: Kill it, gut it, and fry it up with onions and butter for the evening meal.


When you start answering life's big questions like that, it becomes a whooooole lot simpler!

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