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stolen phone....check this out!


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i had my blackberry stolen in june....person started makin calls in buffalo, TX....had it shut down....i had a program on there called itookthisonmyphone.....so anyway...every picture they take ends up in my photobucket account....check out the latest.






what a bada$$....i'm just waiting on a house number in one of the pics...their last name is lopez...so i tried using google maps to locate their house using street view...




they take pics of everything...this stuff just pisses me off.

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That is hysterical. I'm assuming the program has IMEI # to store to photo bucket. I would call the provider (Assuming ATT) and ask them if they can provide any info. If they can I would then call the police. Most likely the IMEI # is in there system.

Edited by JSM
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  On 3/3/2010 at 8:54 PM, 19752802+2 said:

You should rattle his cage a bit and send him a text or call him using *67 and tell him you know about his son, and point out what he looks like and other details from the pictures. laugh.gif



Let him know his pics are now on the net. Wait......... I hope he isn't one of our Newbies on HBZ........ lmao.giflmao.giflmao.gif

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i think this is her...hahaha...it was a pic they took and it was uploaded to my account..




hahahah...even better..i just logged into itookthisonmyphone and it gives me the GPS cordinates where all the pics were taken...sweet!!! plugged 31.464016667 -96.02015 into google maps and it shows me there house....hmmm

Edited by Bobby C.
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Step 1: Delete this thread. Wouldn't want any incriminating evidence out there.


Step 2: Make house call.


Step 3: Dig a hole, make sure the neighbors are not watching.


Step 4: Delete all pics from photobucket and phone.

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I would be a little cautious about this. First of all, if the phone was stolen in June they might not be the ones that actually took the phone. Second, since it is a blackberry there is a lot of information that could be stored on it leading him to you (i.e. your address/contacts etc.). Definitely contact the police since it is stolen property but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions and cause the person to feel threatened. You did say that these were the latest pictures so if he has had the phone all along and you know that he is the one that stole your phone … GET HIM!!!


And do tell us how this all turns out. We all love a happy ending. :) Happy hunting!

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  On 3/3/2010 at 8:46 PM, Evan Purple240zt said:

Wow, that is too friggin' weird.


Be careful, they might be armed!!! ;)

Everyone knows Z owners are also AR owners...

I was going to hint on about using a phone tracker. Upon browsing 4chan, and you know how they are, I saw some dudes stalking this guys exgirlfriend. There was some website where you could type in a number and it would locate it. Sometimes however, it wouldn't work and it would locate the company headquarters or whatever rather than the house, which may be your case, so check on a satellite map before you leave. If I were you, I'd show it to the police rather than taking things into your own hands. He has a gun, and even if you showed up carrying, you would be on his property. Therefore, if you draw and say like "hey butthole you have my phone" he can shoot you and most likely say in court that you were endagering his life, so its self defense. Lure him onto your property and then you do it.


However, to keep things clean and avoid getting messy, calling the police is a lot better. :] Also, if I were you I wouldn't play mind games with him only due to the situation at hand. He has something you want, therefore, as long as he continues to take pictures and what not, you should be able to piece things together. Pictures like that one of the snow and stuff can help you get a general location. Think about it, when was it stolen? How many times has it snowed in Texas since its been stolen? Is it snowing in the picture? No, so it was a day or two after it snowed, and its not melted yet. Where in Texas was the weather cold enough on the time frame from when it was stolen to now to allow it to accumulate that much snow and still be there a few days later? Congrats, you now have a very vague but general location of where he was when the picture was taken.


Also if you look at your bill it should say when the call was made, how long, incoming or outgoing, and where. If it doesn't say where, you still have the number sending or receiving the call so you can do a search on it. So, if you want to play mind games with the dude, call up people that are calling him and people that he is calling. If you get a decent sized map of his suspected location, and then you mark where all the calls are going and coming from, you can then look at the map and see that perhaps it forms a bubble around his suspected location, or maybe all the calls are going to a single general location within a couple of blocks (lets get real its Texas, blocks are miles). Finally, when you really want to get creeper, you take a car, preferably not the one he stole the phone from, and stalk. Once you have enough information on his whereabouts, you can then confront BY PHONE OR MAIL. Be like "So how was the rodeo last night, Lopez?", that sort of stuff. If he catches onto your **** (and lets admit, it doesn't look like he catches on real fast), you can simply call the police before he tosses the goods.


When its all said and done, he's freaked out that you know so much, and he gets in trouble. I would call this a double stuffed Oreo, its absolutely brilliant.


You can applaud me later. Hahahaha


No but seriously, I use to do this to people when they TP'd my house a few years ago when I was in highschool. Being highschool, its really easy just to tag along behind them and figure out their classes, their myspace or facebook, and then freak them out. Of course there were no legal consequences, so be careful. :]



Oh and I also want to note how cool his goatee is. Very thin, very elegant. It complements that curley greasy Permullet in the back there. It doesn't appear his hair is thick enough to be an Ultimullatino, however, he may be a Mullatino Warehouse Worker. He shares that "whispy, frizzle hair" trait that the Mullatino Warehouse Worker has. I'll leave it up to you to decide.



Edited by josh817
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