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stolen phone....check this out!


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nothing missing from the story..i work for the phone company...it was taken right off the counter. i had pictures being delivered but didn't have coordinates cause it was just in my photobucket.it wasn't until this post did i think about the website for the program i had that would upload the pics. it's the website www.itookthisonmyphone.com that gives the GPS coordinates, and i jus figured that out the day of this post. i'm going to the police station tomorrow...it's my first day off since this post. as for a lopez in buffalo...it looks like a pretty small town...and there were only a handful of lopez registered....so before i had the coordinates it was too difficult to use google maps and see if the street view of the registered addresses looked anything like what was in the picture.

Edited by Bobby C.
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Registered being the key word here. Good luck with that. How'd you get the last name, anyways? Did he take a picture of his truck's rear window? :-)

I think it was the Belt Buckle...


Tony, :2thumbs: on that story of the hit and run. Me and a friend of mine saw the same sort of thing happen to a truck full of big, belligerent drunks (who had been powdering their noses, too, I think) and a late model Mustang with temp tags from a used car dealer on it. My buddy snapped a shot of the plate, and we were going to deal with it surreptitiously, but suddenly a crowd ensued and the Apes realized they couldn't drive off.

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That guy was a smarmy bastard. Wearing teardrop sunglasses, older dude, too! Literally did a 'look both ways to see if anybody saw him' and got in the truck and drove off.


Scenario was this: Guy parks, gets out. Doesn't leave it in gear or set brake. Walks off, truck rolls back CRASH! Wastes the whole rear end of this Camry or something. Guy walks back to the truck, pulls back into the stall, LOOKS RIGHT AT ME, and reparks. Goes into Albertsons. Doesn't say anything. I look at my kid and said "This, is a test..."


So I pull my truck to another spot. Where I can see everything. Guy comes back, sees the damaged car. Goes up and looks closer: both tail lights out, his bumper went over theirs, so the trunk is trashed and both rear quarters are pushed in quite a bit. It's in excess of the $500 California reporting requirement for sure.


Guy looks left, looks right, adjusts his glasses, and boogies!


I wait around 20 minutes, but by now my kid is going to be late for his Scout stuff, so I leave a little note on the wrecked car much like many of my posts at ZC.C "I watched this happen, this is the license number, if you need my help in nailing this smarmy lowlife no good mu*&^(*& then here is my cel phone XXX XXX XXXX, it happened at this time, I waited till this time, and left."


I wasn't 10 minutes down the road and got the call, they called the cops and it took them 3 HOURS To arrive. Swore out the statement. About two weeks later a Detective calls me in for a photo lineup. They used CA driver's license photos. One of the guys looked like "The Skipper" from Gilligan's Island! But of the 6 guys he gave me photos of (none of which were wearing glasses) it took me about 5 seconds of looking at all the photos in turn, and pulled out the guy: "This is him"


Detective asks a couple of questions, how do I know. How can I be so positive with such a short look. Take another look, this is serious, make sure... So another couple of seconds per photo, same guy. Go over why.


Apparently my pick matched the registered owner of the vehicle who's plate I wrote down... Bummer!


Detective escorts me out of the building, and as I'm leaving he says "Thanks, Thanks a Lot. Not many people would do this for someone they don't know. Why did you do it?"


Looked him straight in the eye, and said "The guy looked like a little rat-bastard informer from the Mob. Greasy hair, and that look left, look right, nobody saw me I'm free and clear look. That last look is what did it. It pissed me off! I wanted to NAIL that guy for THINKING he got away with it."


Cop kinda chuckled. Then said "You will probably get a call from the D.A. you picked the registered owner of the truck, and he denied everything. He has no clue we have a witness. If he doesn't come clean, the D.A. will take a phone deposition from you, you will probably never need to come to court."


Eeeh! Wrong! Guy lawyered up. I had to go to court. After it was delayed and moved, and delayed, and postponed. I mean, I KNOW what the guy's lawyer was doing. He just didn't realize that I got paid whether I was working or not, and the company I worked for not only paid for my gas and the truck I took to the courthouse....They told me not to miss any court dates so I didn't get in REAL trouble and get constrained to where I couldn't make my own schedule.


I guess the damage was over $4000 so it was pretty serious. Normally the owners would be SOL and could only use me for testimony in Small Claims if they didn't file that police report. Something about the 'completeness' of what they got told got that Detective to push it through and nail that guy. I don't think he liked the guy, either.


So when you think nobody's watching....they're watching! :D

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I almost though you were spying on me being a civilian. :D I had the same incident have happen to me. The man that drove the truck, he struck a car while backing up. Then he re-park his truck and come out to view the damage and looked around to see if anyone had come running out to claim the car he just hit. After waiting for 3 minutes, he jumped back into his truck and took off and not knowing that I was watching him the whole time. I got a called from the owner in 30mins., within 1 hr his insurance company called me for my statement.



Back to the stolen BlackBerry, hope you catch him. Let us know what the Police had to say about your evidence.

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What else can be said...sometimes cops have a hard time reconciling my outward appearance, usualy because of the apparel I'm wearing. Perhaps the perps do a little of the same. But c'mon...


Some things should be obvious!



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Referring back to the OP, seeing as the pictures that were taken and posted up with him showing up his 'piece' the police might be more interested, particularly if it isn't registered, or stolen or what have you.

Yeah the cops might not look too much into this seeing as it really is just a phone, but now there is a weapon that is being displayed and given the history of this post (i.e. stolen phone, who knows what else is stolen....) they might take a second look at it.


Also did you notice the nice blue stain (pen?) on his shirt?

Nothing says you're bad-ass like dressing up in tight pants, ranchero hat and a button up shirt that has a stain.....

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Speaking of 'showing his piece', my dad just sent me this link from the Detroit Free Press.

I love their characterization of "People posting photos in expensive clothing and firearms" which made me think of this exact situation...


And then I used valuable low-band connection time on my mobile modem to connect to post it here, such is my dedication... LOL



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Where can I get a shirt like that?


Something about a stone cold sober dude ranting about the "Great white Buffalo" that's just a little unsettling... I love it


Oh, I forgot to answer that, "TedNugent.com"... seriously, they sell the concert T's there. I ordered a pair of them so my son could wear it to school before he greaduates. The 'Shock and Awe' shirt he wore as a freshman was a conversation starter as well...


There is an old 1973 Photo of Ted in a Loincloth holding two pistols which has recently been made into a 'T-Shirt on E-Bay' involving one of his quotes that went something like "I want burgulars dead, I want rapists dead, no trial, no jury, they try to hur you, just SHOOT EM!"


That one 'went to school' as well....


Am I a 'bad parent'? :D

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No, it's the damnable Vodaphone mobile broadband connection here in the 'sticks' of Lake McQuarrie NSW...


Actually, the way IT has my computer configured with 'zspyfix' and 'spybot' on an autorun routine it bogs the processor and I never know when it will activate. I was so disgusted with 'site performance' because it was 'so slow' I figured it was time to donate so you guys could upgrade some stuff... :D


I only now saw the triple post. But too late for me to delete them from my side, the delete button ain't there no more! :(

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...I only now saw the triple post. But too late for me to delete them from my side, the delete button ain't there no more! :(



I'll get it for you, but its gonna cost ya... a set of those velcro mittens. :wink:

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Curiously, there was a sheep tied out to a telephone pole the other day. I slowed down the car to snap a photo, and it gave me this look, like 'Oh, not another one!'


I figured since it was a 'working sheep' it wouldn't be worth the risk...


What DO these guys down under do that makes their sheep so perceptive? :lol:

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