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I hate HOAs


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1. Complaint about a table folded up sitting in the front patio [which actually faces inside the complex], which, according to the complaint, is apparently rotting away (it isn't, but ok, this is a valid complaint. I will move the table)


2. On president's day, between 6pm and 8pm I was in the garage cleaning up, organizing tools, etc. with the garage door open. No music blasting, no power tools, no welding. Just cleaning up. Apparently, someone didn't like that I was in the garage cleaning, so the complaint stated that there is a car in middle of restoration in the garage on blocks, and with the garage door open it's offensive.


WHAT. THE. ****. I can swap capt_furious's ******* engine during the whole weekend, welding, grinding, running air compressor, and that's ok. But to clean my garage is problematic?


3. The last notice was about me using complex's water (water is free here, part of HOA fees) to wash other people's cars. It specifically cited that tenants are only allowed to wash cars belonging to tenants of that household.


Now, I have been slacking off washing my car (or any car!) for 3 months now, so how could it be that someone complained about me doing this?


Oh that's right... my gf's car got royally **** on by birds, so I pulled it up in front of our household to wash it off on a Saturday afternoon. It took all of 5 minutes or so.


But some worthless sack of **** complained about THAT? I mean, first of all, she's a tenant, since we live together. Second, the car's been washed many times, full wash and sometimes a wax.


I ******* hate people, I really really really do.

Edited by auxilary
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I feel for you. We moved out of a place with a community pool. The pool used to be 24 hrs untill kids where partying till the wee hours and did not live in the community. I worked late and would swim laps when I got home at 10:00 P.M. Not that late. I would get kicked out for making no noise at all by the old farts that lived near there. I guess they could not sleep with me swimming in the pool because it disturbed their enjoyment of Leno. I know the argument has been made that HOA's are a good thing to keep property values up, but I hate big brother watching me.



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Its probably the same person filing the complaints(or maybe a couple). If I were you I would walk door to door "warning" all of your neighbors that there is a tattletale in the neighborhood making false accusations. If you live around "normal people" tehy should get a little pissed that they live around nosy people who cant mind their own business. And when you approach the person who has been reporting you to HOA, they will sweat and you will be able to tell it was them.


If all goes to plan they will know you know. And your other neighbors should have new found respect for you.


Okay maybe that was a tad extreme, but I would DEFINITELY do something like that. These rules were put into place for a reason, and they are not to be abused. I cant imagine a worse feeling then knowing the people that live around you would tell on you.

Edited by stravi757
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I moved my trailer out of that damn repressive park. After the Park Manager Biker Dan got fired, it really went downhill with the rules.


Luckily the axles were still under there, and I up and moved to the county area.


Now, I got CONEX containers in my backyard, and my neighbor thanks me for putting stuff in them, instead of letting it lay about the yard...



Some here will think I'm joking or making light of the HOA situation.

Others, well they've Google Earthed my address and know the story all too well! :lol:

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Actually, it was funny, up the street there was a doublewide mobile home renting for $1750 a month (2.5 acres land, plus numerous outbuildings---the place used to be called 'biotactics' and they raised mantises and other bugs to put in the fields to naturally kill off crop damaging pests)... but a full on house with a pool and 2 ccar garage on the same 2.5 acres with fencing and it's own well was up for foreclosure/mortgage sale at $128,000... Do the math on the payments for a 30 year fixed.


I'm paying like crazy on the place in Michigan to retire that one so I can get another place in Lotus Land so I can fulfill my dream of living in a Doublewide and being a Rental Property Owner collecting exorbitant rent on people living in my 'proper house'! :D:lol::D:lol:

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Well, in suburban california, trying to find a house (not a flat) to rent (not own) is kind of like finding a left hand drive car in NZ



Umm, actually, if it's over 20 years old, they're pretty simple to find, I drive past one car yard on my way into town with at least half a dozen LHD american iron examples from A-Team type V8 vans, a TransAm 400ci, C4 corvette, a V6 Camaro and a Caddy sedan :D They also have 4 Z32s...


Checking the back of the PetrolHead magazine has a couple dozen road ready licensed and legal 30's to 70's LHD cars, and double that in project cars. Want a '32 ford? how about a '53 Caddy?




But ok, I get your point, Houses to rent are hens teeth in Cali.

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Rent a (smallish) house Aux with a garage, might be a little more outlay of $$$ but you can give your Apt complex and their HOA the middle finger. Heck if things are going solid with you and your GF she could move in, you guys could share some bills and you may wind up SAVING some money!



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Rent a (smallish) house Aux with a garage, might be a little more outlay of $$$ but you can give your Apt complex and their HOA the middle finger. Heck if things are going solid with you and your GF she could move in, you guys could share some bills and you may wind up SAVING some money!




Oh if that would solve Alex's problems. Alex has been griping about his neighbors here for as long as I can remember. And he has moved a few times since. This is a recurring theme. Remember guys, we've only hearing one side of the story. :D

(All in good humor ribbing. Still, Alex, just so you know, there are no places available for rent in Rio) :P

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Oh if that would solve Alex's problems. Alex has been griping about his neighbors here for as long as I can remember. And he has moved a few times since. This is a recurring theme. Remember guys, we've only hearing one side of the story. :D

(All in good humor ribbing. Still, Alex, just so you know, there are no places available for rent in Rio) :P




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yasin: i've been living with my gf almost a year, so when HOA complained about washing her car, i was technically washing the bird crap off a tenant's car. Not a rule violation. And yeah, extra $700/month or so is nice. It's a pretty good setup - only 1 shared wall, and between the next unit and our place are 2 bathrooms, so I never hear my neighbors.


dan: i've only moved once within the last 10 years, sadly. And I haven't complained about the neighbors here until now. And it's just one neighbor, that doesn't even live close enough to our place. And come on, live within 10 miles of you? I visited capt_furious, and felt the forces shift in the darker direction because I was in close proximity to your house! (it could have also been a bowel movement)


My landlord called them nazis and laughed it off. Told me that they were listing these as 'possible violations' and he would clear this up.

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