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Everything posted by Brad-ManQ45

  1. The guts of the 260/280 go in the 240 tach - the 240 guts are worthless...
  2. I used to live in Round Rock, before that off N. Lamar and I-35. Had one of my stores in Cedar Park. When I lived there I didn't have my Z's - had Conquests and Starions... Like your Z!
  3. 15K ohms 1/2 watt This is for the HEI distributor. You have to use the 260/280 guts in a 240 tach. You have to use the resistor or the needle will bounce all over the place.
  4. Been ther, done it - 280ZXT...
  5. I got a running '75 Z for $300 in about that shape - L Qtr needs replacing and 1 hole in floor. Engine was STRONG!
  6. I got the plans from the following site, but substituted 1/4" tubing for the 11 guage the plans called for. I also fabbed the platforms for jacking the car up off the jackstands it will be on to whatever height I want. http://members.tripod.com/~mopar_roadster/body_rotisserie.html
  7. RacerX: My auto paint supplier has the card book you're talking about so I'll hit them next week...
  8. Thanks a lot RacerX! I have been having a conversation w/the PPG rep (new one for my area) about the clear that Regal Nissan put on when I had the color changed on my ZXT in '95 that is bubbling/separating. I was gonna see what he could do for the color....
  9. Grumpyvette: How about if one was to use them in a forced induction engine? Would you still not?
  10. About $250 in metal and a lot of labor - most of the metal bought ~2 years ago and it's gone up. Drilling all the holes tok a while. I learned how to sharpen drill bits by hand before I was finished - even with cooling the bits while drilling... Don't try it with a cheap benchtop drill press - ask me how I know - OK, I'll tell you - those cheap things from HF on sale for $39 have neither the up and down stroke nor the torque for efficient cutting of 1/4" steel tubing. I borrowed my dad's Ryobi benchtop and what a difference. I'm sure I was getting the full 1/3 HP from it! - and the stroke was great too! Oh well, I wont be doing this again, and the cheapo I bought does fine on thinner metal and wood, and is all that I need 0 plus it's a hell of a lot easier to move around necause it's so much lighter...
  11. Here's a pic in my album... I fabbed some moving platforms so I could use bottle jacks to lift the car off the jackstands it will be on...
  12. You will need a wiring harness from a non turbo digital dash car unless you want to start matching wires to pins...
  13. Most people will use something like machinists bluing put on, then the gasket in place and use a scribe to outline the gasket opening. There are a few sites out there detailinf TB swaps showing pics of the TB porting to the intake manifold... a search should find 'em.
  14. Can't get'em new any more. I'm gonna start w/an R200 3.54 open, but switch to an R230 w. 3.357 from an Armada...when I have the bucks...
  15. Wish I had your problem... I'm just now ready to put my '75 on the rotisserie.
  16. Once you have the air measured(AFM or MAS) you should recirculate and not vent...The type/manufacturer of device doesn't matter.
  17. Exhaust gas recirculation. If the vave is sticking open the engine dies at idle - you have to keep the revs up...
  18. GolDraven - YOFU ARE CRUEL! DON'T EVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm hoping my nads recover...
  19. Everyone I've heard talk about it thinks HOK is the BOMB... What color are you gonna paint the chassis? If you can deal with the overspray and higher paint costs, use the gun you've got if you are used to it. Try these two sites for body & paint info: http://www.autobodystore.com/cgi-bin/config.pl?index http://autobody101.com/forums/index.php?sid=044f9164f9248f3d8a8ca730b35c89f4
  20. You could do a search, and you can go to these two sites and read the posts there: http://autobody101.com/forums/index.php?sid=044f9164f9248f3d8a8ca730b35c89f4 http://www.autobodystore.com/cgi-bin/config.pl?index
  21. Depends. What do you use the car for. If just drag racing leave it be. For a daily driver/autoX, the advantages of lower/further back translate to better weight distribution (handling/steering effort/less weight on front). Almost everyone doing a conversion on this board goes with JTR, and some have switched to it from Scarab and not looked back...
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