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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. Chris to the rescue once again... Please, everyone... a round of applause for mister Rummel. If it keeps going like that, I'll have all of your spare parts under my hood in a short while LOL. Thanks A LOT... Take care, Alex.
  2. Don't worry, I seen the movie and liked it a lot and both Evil Deads as well. Wow guys, this is really interesting keep it up...
  3. Hope it did'nt burn your carpets...
  4. I almost went for Chuck Norris when I first signed up LOL.
  5. Are common grounding systems and voltage stabilizers really worth a few horses:?: Thanks.
  6. Quite a cool name actually, would make a good diminutive for my name... Alexander
  7. Can't find anything either... Do you have pics of a complete spring? Maybe it'd be possible to have some made...
  8. COOL! I'd love for my name to be wheeler that's an awesome, predestinated (how do you spell that?) name LOL.
  9. Thanks guys, keep 'em commin'!! Even if you didn't do to well, would you or someone who bought , by any chance, sold some cloths in Canada:?: Was it skate boarding/hip hop kind of cloths:?: Cause, I swear that corpcrim rings a bell, I might have even owned a pair of pants. Was it a while ago or is it recent:?:
  10. Very Cleaver, It's knda cool your name backwards spells EVIL ...... J/K Thanks for sharing guys.
  11. So, an RB20DET MAF WOULD work on my RB25DET:?: and a VG30DET unit is the same as an RB20 unit from what I can tell if I cross-reference your post and mine:?: Thanks.
  12. Hi, I was just curious. Tell me why did you choose the screen name that you use here. Me, it's quite explicit, since I like drifting, I just merged Alex & SIDEWAYS to form alexideways. Your turn. P.S.: Do we have any FEMALE members on HYBRIDZ:?:
  13. It's not so much so that the B16 head flows really better than the B18's it's more related to the fact that VTEC will let the engine breath better at high revs. For the you asked, I can't really help as I have no experience whatsoever with these engines so, I'll let the V6 guys shim in here.
  14. If you still have the doors on the car, put a piece of masking tape over the door/rear quarter gap and trace a straight line on it, perpendicular to the door gap then, use a blade to cut the tape along the gap. Lift the car from one of the points you wish to use and check if the line's halves are still or, not far from lined up. This way you can precisely mesure how much the chassis is twisting. Hope it helped.
  15. I'd say go MsNs but, I have absolutely no info on that AND I'm no expert in programable ECUs. Or, check this out.http://cgi.ebay.ca/Apexi-Power-FC-PFC-Nissan-Skyline-GTS-T-ECR33-RB25DET_W0QQitemZ290073096978QQihZ019QQcategoryZ33596QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  16. Yeah, i allready have a Q45 one but, I think I'd have to get the ECM reprogrammed to run either the Q45 or Z32 units and this aint cheap. Plus, my engine being stock for now (80mm intake), i don't know if it could create problems attaching my Q45 MAF (90mm). Plus, RB25 MAFs are WAAAAAAAAAY cheaper than Z32s.
  17. Well, keep us posted then. Thanks.
  18. Hi, I was wondering if anybody had an RB25 MAF for sale and if anybody would know if the RB25 and RB20 MAFs are the same????????
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