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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. Search on this site for custum tail lights and I'm pretty sure you'll come up with what you want, as there's a bunch of guys here with costum tail lamps.
  2. That's exactly the kind of answer I was looking for, clear and precise, thanks.
  3. Exactly! I just want to build something special and different to make a statement, I wish my car to be like a portfolio of what me and my friends's combined talents and resources can do as we are trying to setup a little side buisness. And I want to have something to offer for every taste. Be it gadgets or Hi perf.
  4. Well, thanks Mike, I'll just wait untill they call me back to work and then I'll be able to drop a 100$ no prob.
  5. Well, if there's NO rust, there's no rust. You strip and blast to get rid of the stuff but, if it's not there, you don't need to remove it. Just strip the undercoating, have the few spots, where you do find rust, blasted (NOT sand) and do only what need's to be done. I was in the same situation. I compiled a wealth of info., from over here and other sites, on media blasting and chemical strippers in preparation to strip the entire car. After dissasembling the car, I noticed that I had almost no rust so, I decided on chemical stripping to remove most of the paint so to have a better view of the situation and going to sand to bear metal the spots that need work. The rest, I'm just going to sand it smooth before doing the roller method for the paint. Exept I'll be doing it with benjamin moore paint instead of tremclad cause I can have it at good price.
  6. Thanks Mike, I had'nt noticed it in the first image.
  7. That was the point of my idea of running the car trough the laptop directly, you turn off the car and leave with the ECU, this way, they can try to bypass whatever they want, it just won't start. I was also planning on a MOBILUS system wich is a GPS tracking device, they're going to call you if the car moves and the keys are'nt in it + you get the benefit of being able to go to there web site and see where your car acctualy is.
  8. Anybody knows if a personnal check from Canada would clear in a U.S. bank, I'd really like to donate but, first, my damn PAYPAL account is locked cause I lost my credit card and second, I got layed off work, it's to slow because we don't have a winter this year and the cars just don't break so, I'm a little low funded right now but, I could spare $20.
  9. That is so nice, every time I'm asking myself a question, I come to hybridZ to ask and most often, ther's allready a tread talking about it. I've been looking at this for a while, having one computer doing all in the car, ECU, entertainement, anti-teft, diagnostics... Only problem is, I don't know sh*#t about computers, hell, even when my home computer freaks out, I have to call my, computer wiz, friend. The best anti-teft feature would be the abiility to remove the computer from the car when you leave. My question here, is it possible to drive a car straight from a laptop? Like the laptop itself being the ECU? I would also like to build a device where I could start the car with an USB key instead of a lock key. The point being that you can get a song, an image or any other file you want, to be your key then you have a push button to start. What are your toughts on this?????
  10. You can't lock up your car in a garage if you want it to be worked on do you, please, don't call people idiots for no reason, especially when the guy who writes the post said it happened to one of his FRIENDS.
  11. Would it be possible to have one for us guys who use the ammeter instead of the voltmeter?
  12. Sorry but, what exactly is a mini-itx or atx
  13. I also have a series 2 engine, after quite a bit of searching the net, I finally determined, with my ECM P/N (23710 13V00), that the engine came from an 1996 Gts-t. I also have only one relay. One more thing is, in my harness, I only have 1 white dash plug. Like Z U L8R, I don't have the big red wire in my dash plug. I went one step further and chased down all the unused wires and removed them fom the harness. I was left with 1 grey, 3 prong plug that goes in the TPS, I guess that was used for the cruise control as none of it's wires went to the ECM. I also eliminated the wires that were spliced in other connections to simplify futur diagnostics. I was also left with a black box marked:"AMP ASSY. WIPES, P/N 28510 26V00" and a 6 prong, white connector with 5 wires in it, all of this ended up being connected to nothing. I laso separated all the unused wires that came fron the dash plug to the ECM but, hav'nt cutted 'em off yet as I wan'a make sure of there function before I remove them entirerly.
  14. If it can make you feel a bit better knowing that there is worst, there it goes. A few weeks back, we had a guy that came in to pick delivery of his brand new 335 ci (turbo), he seemed so exited that when he drove off, he did'nt notice that there was a stop light comming out off our lot, he just hammered the thing and dove right into traffic, BAMMM, car totaled with a grand total of 11 Km on the counter.
  15. I think I found where the ECU comes from: A Spec2 Gts-t, anybody know what that is, R33-34???
  16. :2thumbs:Orange is so nice.
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