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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. Well, let's see what Corky Bell has to say: FYI, Corky is quite THE reference regarding turbocharging. Hope it helped.
  2. ...or for a fight!!!!!!! VS They even took a similar posture for the pre-match poster.
  3. Sould have tought about that... thanks. The idea of powdercoating the whole shell was, that I'd be sure all the seams and nooks and crannys would be filled and encapsulated, thus giving it a better shield against elements... Would I be right in saying so or the benefits would not outweight the trouble of doingthis in the first place. If it is a good idea, could I powdercoat the thing and then do the bondo and everything and then paint over it???
  4. You call this doodling!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would qualify it more like HUMMM... let's see...well, ART.
  5. Wow, that's really cool, I've allways had this fantacy of powdercoating my whole car, I think you got a headstart on me. Anybody knows of a place with an oven big enough to put a car in???? lol
  6. Won't work at all, they are not the same type of paint and therefore won't mix. OTM: Look's good but... I really liked the old 2 color you had on it, was very unique and to my tastes, well executed.
  7. So, they are mounts... at first glance they looked like pushrods to move the coils so that's why I was confused. I hav'nt slept mutch these last few days.
  8. Do you need to pay a montly fee for a phone line with this little trick?
  9. :lmao:Good one. I'd say that I'm just a CAR guy, Toyota, Nissan, Toyosan, Nissota, V8, 4 banger, Turbo, N/A... anything will do the job, just as long as it's cool.
  10. My dad had a white Celica when I was born so, it has a sweet spot in my heart cause, all those 10-10ths rides my dad gave me in that thing are probably responsible for me loving to go fast all the time. The NICKEL-DIME is also a really cool car, I owned a wagon one for a short while but I got an offer I could'nt refuse. (Like 4 times what I had payed for it) I guess I'd have to have both, this way I sure will be happy. I think I lean towards the TOYTOY though. Any ideas on what his reserve'll be???????
  11. Well, not THAT mutch euro, these cars were sold here in America under the name of Chevrolet Monza... Cool car nevertheless.
  12. If I had the money to spend on silly stuff like that, you would'nt see my car cause, I'd have spent it on making my car go FAST instead.
  13. Je vien just de remarquer que tu est de France, moi je suis du Québec. Je crois que nous sommes seulement 3 membres qui parlent français sur ce site. Translation: I just noticed that you are from France, I'm from Quebec. I think that we are only 3 members who speaks french on this site.
  14. I think it's simple enough, we can picture it in our minds but, nevertheless, a really cool idea, keep 'em commin'.
  15. That would make sense, I have a bunch of pots & pans made out of this stuff, (everyone has heard of "clear vision" cookwear?) it can go on the range, in the oven and the dish washer + I can't count the times where I dropped the thing on the ceramic floor only to pick it up and put it away in it's place. It is really resistant to abuse. Yeah, it is BLING but... it also DOES actually have a purposful function as was stated a few posts above mine. + I think it does kind of look good for ricey stuff.
  16. I don't think you need to do this. The thick grey wire from the "goofy lookin' " 8 prong INJ. plug you are refering to goes right to (trough 2 splices) pin 45 "main IGN. power" so, I guess that in the series 2 they powered the injectors differently than series 1. Here's a link to my tread where I asked a few questions and got a few answers too.http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?p=725553#post725553 P.S.: please note that in the diagrams, ECCS relay is marked as PIN 3-5 being coil & 1-2 being swiched pwr, THIS IS AN ERROR, as when you look at the relay itself, it's marked as the other way around. I checked the relay with a battery and jumpers and found out that every connection is good on the diagram, exept that they mixed the PIN numbers.
  17. For your information, IT ALLREADY LOOK SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) : What are those red thingies on the side of your heads? Are these coils? Looks like it withe the MSD tags on them. If so, what is the small movable arms on the side of them??? Keep it up.
  18. Good idea. My little brother is a computer freak, The other day, he showed me his new computer he built himself, it's got chromed "magwheels" fans AND it's LIQUID cooled trough transparent silicone hoses. + he has a bunch of "black light" LEDs in there. My first reaction was: "Wow, let's go to the GM dealer and get some of that black light glowing orange coolant. We replaced the water he had in there with the coolant and let me tell you, it REALLY look's nice. P.S. GM orange coolant is MADE TO GLOW under black lights so you can easily find leaks with the same equipment you'd use to find an A/C leak.
  19. From the album: Alex's RB25DET 240Z project

    front part of harness prior to stripping a
  20. From the album: Alex's RB25DET 240Z project

    ECU plug and relay, dash plug, white plug, black box and cut wires'll be removed. O2 sensor and RPM
  21. From the album: Alex's RB25DET 240Z project

    2 wires, they go... somewhere... They'll be removed later anyways so... a
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