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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I don't want to get into a fight here but, if you mean no offense, just try to be a bit more restrained in your answers. I'm not insulted or anything, it's just that I tried to point out that the people who developped the method, all say that only mineral spirits works best. I was'nt trying to diminish your efforts in any way if that's how it sounded.
  3. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=117018&highlight=holset
  4. Also useful to get back all that loose change you lost in the car over the years, before selling it. LOL
  5. Exactly what I have, I took the QUIET model on top of that but, at close to $400 it's far from the same ballpark.
  6. Easy bro, The thing started as an PS2/Xbox tread and since there was a bunch of people in the know around here I just asked if it would be possible, since they stated that it would be with said Xbox/PS2, to compile all of my car's electronic functions (Brain, Tuning interface, Entertainement, ScanTool/Diagnostics, Data aquisition...) into a single electronic device (the laptop) that I could take with me once I shut the ignition. I can wire a USB or Paralel port cable int the wiring harness and unplug it once I'm done, it does'nt NEED to be FIRMLY mounted to the car. This way it's like: a detachable face radio, detachable ECU... Was just a question for discution. I did'nt meant to stray from the tread. In short, the question should have been, can I use the laptop directly as my MS processor so to have only one module for control and interface?
  7. What's the max torque output? Cause a 1" impact, especially cheap ones, usually command a bigger CFM compressor.
  8. Just an other idea out of nowhere but, maybe that by blue foam, they meant that stuff that you use to lay your sleeping bag on when camping. Sounds a bit bizzar at first but, I had friends that used to play something like "Dungeons & Dragons" but in real time, anyways, they used to take 1" to 2" PVC pipes as skeletons, that they would sandwish between two layers of epoxyed blue matress. once the epoxy dried thay would carve all sorts of "fantacy" shaped blades that they would then cover with silver Duct Tape to simulate swords and axes. The big point being that this stuff is pretty tuff, it could withstand alot of hits plus moisture and dirt since they would spend entire weekends bashing at eachother and sleeping in the woods. It's pretty stiff too but thin and flexible enough to bend and shape like you whant + it has the added benefit of making MUTCH LESS of a MESS once you're done carving and scrapeing. Just my $0.02
  9. There's an easy fix to that situation in one of the diff. treads.http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=114798 Bottom of first post. You take the button inserts from the side gears in your original diff and they fit right in your new ones so you can use your bolt in axles. You should also look for good uncracked windshields, they're getting harder to find.
  10. Hey all! I just finished tagging every wire in my series 2 harness and I'm puzzled by a few things. 1-Why are the injector grounds all clustered in a brown connector????? A: Because, there's too many of them, to use a normal splice. 2-I have a purple plug on my intake manifold, that has 1 solid yellow wire that goes to ???? somewhere on the chassis and 1 solid grey wire that goes from there to PIN 36 in the ECM but, when I check the pinout that I have, PIN 36 is marked as (-) or not used. When I check the pinout from the RB26 wich shares the same ECM plug as the RB25, PIN 36 is marked as (IAT sensor sign.) I'm a bit confused here. A: 3- I have some kind of a shunt, or I don't know what, that was tapped to my power transisor control signal plug and I can't find where it was plugged. A: It's a plug designed for use with a factory style timing light. Thus, making it a good place to plug your TACH adapter that RHUMNHAMMER refers to in his RB25 wiring guide. Thanks. EDIT: I compiled all the info and answers, I got from different members, in the original post and asked them to delete there posts and so did I, to give easy access to the info for the ones in the need.
  11. Well my friend, seem's to me you allready won, the guy said your Z was garbage and that he wanted to race you for 2000$ thinking you'd shy away but, to his suprise, you stepped forward and even offered to set the race up. Suddenly, he wants to race a 10 y/o car (with a swapped engine) against an 35 y/o car, seems to me he proved to you and everybody else that HE owns the POS. + what would be more sacreligious, swapping the engine, to give a new lease on life to a great clasic or painting FLAMES on a nice classic that is neither a 32 deuce coupe n'or an Harley Davidson gas tank. Keep it up and whip his as*.
  12. One thing that's good to know for those with a series 2 harness, when you look at the ECCS relay, you'll notice that it's marked as pin 3-5 being switched voltage and 1-2 being the coil but, when you look at the diagrams, it's the other way around. Well, to be sure, I tested the relay and determined that the diagrams are right. Strange that they made a mistake like that, at the factory.
  13. Hi, alexidewayz again so, I'm done tagging every function to every wire in the harness and I'm puzzled by a few things. 1-Why are the injector grounds all clustered in a brown connector????? 2-I have a purple plug on my intake manifold, it contains 1 solid yellow wire that goes to ???? on the chassis (the connector was cut off) and 1 solid grey wire that goes to PIN 36 in the ECM but, when I check the pinout that I have, PIN 36 is marked as (-) or not used. WTH? When I check the pinout from the RB26 wich shares the same ECM plug as the RB25, PIN 36 is marked as (IAT sensor sign. I guess, from the shape of the device, this could be it. See 1st thumbnail 3- I have some kind of a shunt, or I don't know what that was tapped to my power transisor control signal plug and I can't find where it was plugged. See 2nd thumb nail. Thanks.
  14. I also always secretly wished that Sylvester would at least once catch that damned Tweety and ripped it's "to big for it's body" little head off and shi#t in it LOL.
  15. Puff the magic dragon?!?!? Duke, you know we already have a member called RACER X with the exact same signature pic. as you?????? j/k
  16. It all depends on where your priorities are set I think...
  17. Sorry, that is one of the questuions I asked: "is all those gains trough injec. only or, on top of intercooling?" and did'nt got any answer for that but, for the rest, I think it's all been well covered.
  18. I guess that by $107.50, you meant, 10 750.00 or, we're further away from the point than I tought.
  19. We are Z guyz are'nt we??????????????????????????????
  20. Try the search function with key words "methanol injection", I've already asked and there's quire a bit of knowledge compiled there.
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