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Everything posted by alexideways

  1. Anyone knows anything about these?? http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=012&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=220079970352&rd=1&rd=1
  2. Roost, from the cuts I see in your pics, I'm now pretty convinced that cutting some clutches, for the Nissan clutch LSD, on the plasma is doable. What are your thoughts on that? I'm not asking you to design anything, just let me know if you think the cuts would be sharp enough on thinner material. Thanks.
  3. Oups... I just found the old SCC issue and it was a guy named Bill Coffey who owned the car. Sorry, I think my memory is playing tricks on me but, the name was so close...
  4. I can remember at least on GOOD car that appeared in SCC, John Coffey's I still remeber it like if it was yesterday, I flipped the pages and there it was, the car that reminded me what was my little boy's dream car was... That was before the magazine became a Primedia Sh*t rag...
  5. Did Porsche needed lead in their air cooled engines?????????
  6. I still run faster than my car... even siting on the couch.
  7. :puke:That car is good for target practice... I'd pay no more than what it says on the trunk lid... A NICKEL AND A DIME...
  8. Don't worry, I did my homework, I took a 20 year loan, but I pay each week instead of each month, cause there's 52 weeks in a year, but there's only 48 weeks in a fiscal year, so this way I save 1 month interest each year, + with my calculations and if I follow my plan rigorously, meaning I use my tax return to lower the capital each year, I'll be able to take that loan down to 11 years... Thanks for being concerned though...
  9. I'm gonna use mine to lower the capital on the mortgage, this way it'll lower the interests, thus lowering the monthly payments, thus giving me a bit more money every month to spend on the car AND girl friend.
  10. Ho well, I guess I'll just move on to something else then... Thanks for the inputs guys.
  11. THAT's why I live in Canada LOL
  12. Yeah, that car looks soooo nice, would you know a bit more about who made it and if it was REALLY hard to pull off, I'd be interested in something like this for my own S13... Thanks.
  13. Sure was, I call those... Peg Leg burnouts:lmao: BTW, thanks for the nice links.
  14. Thanks, it was nice to LEARN about the existence of such creatures AND get to know their story...
  15. The thing is that the open diff will make it way harder to control once you start going sideways...
  16. Just to remind you guys, I don't have the 35 y/o Z tranny, I have the RB25DET and it's tranny, if it makes any difference. Thanks.
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