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Everything posted by jdizzy204

  1. not sure if you noticed but I live in Japan

  2. I saw you thread on the rusty crank, it looks like a decent deal, Find out if he has a flywheel for the 5 speed, I am willing to pay $150 plus shipping if I can find one!

  3. Saw a rusty V07 crank for sale and am wondering if it is even worth picking up since its so rusty? Owner is selling 2 cranks but if its worth picking up, I might just offer a few bucks for the V07. What do you guys think?
  4. have you decided which wheels you are going with?
  5. no worries, I'm not going anywhere for a while haha
  6. apparently, if you use google chrome, it will translate YJA for you
  7. I buy stuff from YJA sometimes. In order to do it, you do need a Japanese address and bank account so most people who want things from the states use a middle man or friend who lives in Japan. If you want something, I may be able to sort it out for you so please pm me. I actually dont mind katakana or hiragana at all. Kanji is the fun part.
  8. I often find myself spending hours on end searching for parts on YJA but it can be daunting without at least a basic knowledge of japanese. If you want to browse Yahoo Japan Auctions to look for parts, post up what you are looking for and I can give you the key words to search. for example: Fairlady S30Z フェアレディS3ï¼Z Search here:
  9. I love your project!! CR01 wheels and the color were amazing choices. It should look amazing once finished!
  10. nice. i look forward to coverage. It wont be nearly as awesome but I'm going to Osaka Auto Messe in February since its only a bike ride away haha
  11. care to share the wheel and tire sizes/offsets?
  12. Those all seem to be watanabes unless rota has gone as far to copy Watanabes trademark stamp (symbol before the W in VVV picture) on the copies as well
  13. Please get some video of the car when the motor is back in. a V-cam rb26 in a 240z sounds like it would be incredible to drive.
  14. care to explain why? I'm assuming its because they can't be adjusted on the car
  15. I bought my first when i was 19. My uncle had an orange 74.5 260z sitting in my grandparents driveway for as long as i could remember. I fell in love with the car after spending almost everyday of my childhood running around that car.
  16. glad to see some more progress on Hugo. Keep at it!!
  17. I know its owned by a guy named Bain from NC. I think it was tuned at National Speed in wilmington NC.
  18. precisely . It does sound silly doesnt it. the blog is in japanese but i suppose it makes sense to post it here too. http://ameblo.jp/progressauto/theme1-10031727183.html#main
  19. forgot to put this in the first post. *****THIS IS NOT MY CAR***** I just found the build online and thought I would share.
  20. yes I'm plugging my blog but there have been a few discussions on if it could be done so I figured I'd post up about it. *****THIS IS NOT MY CAR***** http://oldskooljdm.tumblr.com/
  21. read post #4 Wide ZG flares can be sourced from zforce productions but be careful since some have have bad dealings with him. (I had personally had dealings with him and he was good to deal with though)
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