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Everything posted by jdizzy204

  1. Looks like an awesome project so far. 2JZ was a good choice of powerplant
  2. an arsenal fan huh? nice carbon bits for the z.
  3. thanks raff. got 3 people ready to roll. pm me for details on pricing.
  4. i sold some rb30s a while back and since then have received a lot of phone calls asking about getting more blocks. this thread is simply to gauge interest in bringing in more rb30s. if interested please say so in this thread. since i am not a vendor, please pm me with questions concerning pricing. here are some pictures of the last lot i brought into the us. contact info 704-699-6152 jdizzy204@gmail.com
  5. how much does it widen the track as opposed to the stock s30z rear subframe. also were any mods done to the front/rear towers to accommodate the s13 coils?
  6. chances are it is from a fairlady z that was junked.
  7. have you tried emailing watanabe wheel usa to ask if they can be custom made? if you can settle for 17s then rs watanabe does have those. they are weak offsets but you can re-barrel them go here:http://www.rs-watanabe.co.jp/index2.htm then at the bottom of the screen with the 14 buttons, click the 5th button on the top row. on that next page under aluminum wheel, click "f8 17" and pick from there
  8. mark i dont think watanabe makes the wheels you are looking for in 18s
  9. this information is incorrect. these flares are NISMO works flares that were copied by some japanese tuners. arita speed flares are similar but not as wide which i know because i have the AS rear flares sitting in my garage currently. also the flares sold by zccjdm are universal and are the same front to rear. you can tell by the picture you posted that they are not the same. look at my old threads that i started in this section about identifying flares for more information. ninja edit: merry christmas http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=153796
  10. cant wait for this. this is vipv35 from supraforums btw
  11. hs30-h is alan thomas. he is a wealth of information when it comes to vintage cars so please dont be offended by him trying to educate you. i went to him to find out the very same information in a thread much like this before.
  12. dear breastfeeding baby jesus!!! we need vids asap. is there a rollbar in that thing?
  13. coulda bought a nice gas setup for 1800
  14. those look like the msa street flares, they were discontinued a while back.
  15. HS30-H, thanks so much. Arita speed's kit is a bit different than the one im looking for, so do you know any other companies that produce these flares? so i am assuming that nissan no longer produces them and even if they did, i wouldnt be able to purchase them. I have the arita speed rear fenders and dont think they are as wide as the ones i have posted up.
  16. ive come to peace with that lol. anyone???
  17. i dont think they are custom. ive seen a few cars with the same flares on them. such as this one:
  18. i need to know what flares these are
  19. hahaha, that was actually me. and bartman, the webmaster emailed me and said he was messing with the coding for the editing so give it a try now.
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