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Everything posted by jdizzy204

  1. Still on the hunt. Anything about 1-1.5 hours away from LA is fair game!
  2. I am looking to buy a clean 240z for bringing to Japan. I have a friend in Los Angeles who is willing to look at and store a car that I find and purchase. Looking to find something less than 2k jamel@fnlhvn.com Basic criteria are as follows: - Must have an L6 (hopefully running but if not, it is ok) - Manual trans (4 or 5 speed) - Straight body (no wrecked cars) - No aftermarket sunroof - No rust holes or cancer (surface rust is ok but no rot) - Must have a title - Interior condition is not so important but no botched wiring harnesses or half baked stereo installs - Any spares or extra parts are appreciated Please shoot me an email if you have anything that meets these criteria jamel@fnlhvn.com
  3. please clear your PM box

    1. jdizzy204


      Would you be able to make another centerlock kit if I was interested in getting one. I could supply you with any necessary measurements for the wheels or even send you one of the wheels to use for mockup. Please let me know: Jamel@fnlhvn.com

  4. No, I live in Japan and made a contact who sometimes gets a hold of retired race stuff. I understand that it would take a lot of work but these wheels are extremely cool and it seems a waste to turn a full set of these into furniture haha. PM me or email me to speak further (jamel@fnlhvn.com)
  5. I tried PMing you skyline240z but it didnt work. I have a set of Magnesium Centerlock wheels that I have been trying to sell. Since I haven't had much luck, I would love to somehow adapt them for use on a Z. Would you be able to give me a rough idea of what it took to convert your car to centerlock?
  6. Very cool present and nice project Z! I live in Osaka and I hope to import a 240z to Osaka soon
  7. Cool, I graduated from Hopewell in '05. I'm sure most of the old faces are gone by now though
  8. Lovely swap and beautiful car. Tip of the cap sir!
  9. Those Ronals are amazing!! I am really looking forward to seeing what you do for flares
  10. All in Japanese but heres a build thats been under way for a while http://ameblo.jp/progressauto/theme-10031727183.html
  11. I'm currently living in Japan and really want an S30Z. The problem is that they are priced very high here in Japan and are not always in decent shape. My solution is to find a decent pre 73 240z in SoCal with minimal rust and export it to me in Osaka Japan. I am obviously unable to personally look at cars but I am looking to see if some would be willing to act as a liaison and look at cars that are local to them for me. I am really just looking for a non rusted, manual car with no sunroof. The car does not need to be running or have a perfect exterior/interior. As long as there is no rot (surface rust is fine) I am keen. If anyone might be able to assist me in getting a car in the SoCal area, please PM me or email me. Any help is greatly appreciated. jdizzy204 at gmail dot com
  12. If you had searched for his build thread before flaming him, you'd see that he is going with a fully custom suspension and the body will be heavily modified to accept it. The car will be as functional as JGTC cars at that height IF he finishes it.
  13. How much are you looking to get for the 18in Panasports? I'm on Okinawa

  14. Looks like you found a keeper. Looking forward to the N/A build
  15. What do you mean PM doesnt work? Are you getting an error when you try to PM me? I sent you a PM WingZr0 If anyone else is interested in my services email me : jdizzy204 (at) gmail.com
  16. What are your service fees for yahoo japan?

  17. I'll pass on it. Just thought I'd ask. thanks for the opinions guys. and yes it was on YJA for a starting bid (both cranks) of 20k. too rich for rusty cranks.
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