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Everything posted by naviathan

  1. Thankfully I've spent many years studying the Engrish signs found through out the internet and I think I can handle this one... When you buying a auto from peoples this old usually it can't believe what the other person is telling. So we can assist in find this problem we will be need more infos like plugs color, timing, last filters change and things. So please you get some of this infos and we might can help further.
  2. What panels? Interior panels have clips and foam backing that usually needs to be replaced to tighten up the fit.
  3. Wow...That's power there... Congratz and...well....good luck on finding an upgrade strong enough.
  4. Ummm, I have one in a parts car in my yard. How much is it worth to ya'? EDIT: On second thought, my parts car is a ZX...Not sure it's the same relay...
  5. All Microshaft has to do to say it's an all new kernel design is update a portion of the kernel. They can't stray too far from the NT designed kernel or they would risk breaking older programs, even their own programs. I've used Vista, I was part of the Beta Development team (just like many others) and I can assure you the differences under the hood are minor. The Vista kernel still contains the old XP style boot up splash screens. As for Linux being the future, yes it will be eventually. Unfortunately it's starting at the embedded OS side of the house and slowly moving over into UMPC and sub-notebooks. The day of the desktop linux offered by vendors like Dell and Lenovo is still very far off. Microshaft is ensuring that with their licensing agreements and contracts with PC manufacturers.
  6. "DANGER WILL ROBINSON, DANGER!" Sounds to me like you found your problem. The big relays like that shouldn't heat up much, if any at all. Swap that bad boy out and I bet you have your car back on the road.
  7. Frankly I see Microsoft's push to release a new OS this soon after releasing Vista a big clue that they were met with a great deal of opposition towards the new OS. It's a basic bells and whistles update to XP just like ME was to 98. Granted they might have cleaned up some of the core libraries and bits of the kernel, but it's still a glamorized XP. Personally I'll never switch to Vista so long as I have a choice from PC manufacturers. My preferred OS is and always will be Linux, specifically Gentoo for it's development tools and flexibility. In a world where everything is becoming more expensive by the day, a free OS that's fully featured and customizable is the best thing there is. If Microsoft hadn't cornered the friendly OS market and made sure everyone made their drivers through iron clad contracts and licensing fees Linux would probably be on top of the computer industry. It's free, it's fast, it can be modular or seamless, it's functional, it's adaptive, it's clean, and the support communities out there for it are massive and informative. What more do you need? I use Windows for very little beyond web surfing at work. It's a great OS if you don't want to do anything productive, aside from spend lots of money of course.
  8. Good point, I didn't consider cornering forces.
  9. Good stuff. Regardless what happened it sound to me like you embarrassed someone enough to want to keep it quiet.
  10. Should be fine since the sidewall flexes at the bottom of the rotation around the contact patch and not the top.
  11. Are you sure they're not getting power? Remember, the injectors get a constant hot from a fusible link and a switched ground from the ECU. Make sure you check everything out before replacing parts at will. If need be (although doubtful) I have a dropping resistor pack from an 80ZX that's good.
  12. BRAAP also. He always seems to have an answer or at least a direction to start in.
  13. Well I don't know what kind of ECU that particular model uses, but I would assume it just an L-Jetronics system similar to the Z. If that's the case you won't get a TPS signal like you want, the AFRs would be (if it even has an O2 sensor) limited because it uses a narrow band O2, the thermistor tables would need to be reprogrammed to match the stock temp sensor, etc... Why not just rip out the old EFI and wire in a full on MegaSquirt? Seems pointless to go through all the work of tapping the system just to log it with MS.
  14. Is this a joke? A trick question maybe? 240s don't have ECUs or injectors, they're dual carbs.
  15. Somehow I don't think the problem is a hot plug, I think it's a lean tune. Retune your engine properly for it's current setup and stick with the stock NGKs, they'll work perfectly.
  16. From the description of the car you just gave, I would give him $200-400 and call it even. It's more than he'd get from a scrap yard.
  17. Why not remove the old rails completely and just weld in the new Bad Dog rails by themselves?
  18. Yes read your other thread where I answered that question as well.
  19. Sounds rich to me. Could be leaky injectors or cold start valve, maybe a bad head temp sensor or bad connection.
  20. Check the plugs, they'll indicate whether you're running rich or lean and we can further diagnose from there.
  21. If you searched the forums you'd have found this: http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=134996&highlight=Service+Manuals The EFI Bible isn't year specific and it's available from here: http://www.atlanticz.ca/zclub/techtips/EFI&fuel.htm
  22. How is it wired in? What's triggering the ignition box? We'll need details.
  23. I guess I'm not bing clear on this. There is no code left on the system. The car is code free. The only thing failing it right now is the drive cycle won't complete on the EVAP and CAT systems. Reseting the ECU again won't help and Advance can't clear a not ready code with a scanner.
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