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Everything posted by CruxGNZ

  1. Cool 8) ... Hope you grabbed that Beemer and had some rear wheel drive fun in thet fluffy stuff Well, you don't want to mess up the Z now... !M!
  2. I believe '74. Seen a few' date=' but they need sutle modifications to look good IMO. Stock just looks a little goofy to me. I'll see if I can find one on my computer and post the picture later. Akzeim (sp?) on here has a very clean white 2+2 with some nice 5 spoke wheels, good lookin' 2+2 . 2+2 has a longer wheelbase and is heavier than the coupe. Also the 2+2 has a little better aerodynamics than the coupe. Weight and goofy looks (stock).
  3. Possibly. Is it wrong to take a link from one website and post it on another website without permission? The car video was posted along with a link to these guys NSU, so maybe it's on their web site somewhere. I have a dictionary to translate what they are saying on that website, but there has to be a faster way. !M!
  4. Holy balls this thing moves! Right click, save as Supposedly 590hp, 4 rotor engine Just listen to that thing scream! !M!
  5. Joel, A quick search on Yahoo turned up a "how to". This will give you an idea as to what the heck it is. It gives more clearence for wider tires. http://vamp.darkravers.net/DIYRollingFenders.cfm EDIT: I should add that if you use a heat gun on the area you are working on, you will have less of a chance for the paint chipping as you bend the lip up. !M!
  6. "David K"? Hey, you trying to pull a Prince on us? You're not going to turn your name into a symbol now, are you? !M!
  7. WTF happened this year? I made more $$, but got less back? So, there is no incentive to working harder these days. The "man" is keeping me down. !M!
  8. Scammer uses pictures of guy "A"'s car to advertise his below par lights. Guy "A" makes his own auction with scammers picture of him in a braw (sp?), you know the over the shoulder boulder holder that chicks wear, just sitting there. Guy "A" explains that scammers lights are inferior to his PIAA lights and blah blah blah, it was pretty funny. Guess they took it down, because guy "A" was making fun of the scammer. I fell off my chair laughing though. Kind of hard to explain in words, you had to see it. !M!
  9. I love it when John pipes in, you always learn something . I would have said "Yes" to his quiz. !M!
  10. I feel you on this. If they can't spell, how the heck can they complete a trasaction with you? For some reason, it just doesn't feel right. !M!
  11. Haven't read anything that was posted yet, but from what I hear Family Guy was the best seller over Christmas, usually Simpsons was the best seller. I LOVE Family Guy! Have the DVD's, fricken awsome comedy. !M!
  12. tx84ae, Check it out: http://www.chrfab.com/index.htm !M!
  13. Hmm, it was working earlier. !M!
  14. ...you're not the only one. Pretty creative. !M!
  15. Ooo, thems are fight'n words. Cool swap. Looking good Alex. !M!
  16. Stub axle or input shaft? The stub axle has a nut holding it inside the strut housing and the input shaft is stuck into the differential with a snap ring. If it's the input shaft, then they do come out, just more force is required. Had just this on my new (old) differential. I wasn't able to remove it at the junkyard. I had to use a few prybars to remove it from the differential when I got home. For some reason, it was really stuck in there, but it did eventually come out. I really need to buy myself a slide hammer !M!
  17. I personaly stay away from SS braided line after seeing my buddies car arcing (SP?) from the SS line to the chassis. Try hidding it cleverly. Make a cover or run it uncoventionaly. Maybe check this out, John Spina ran his injector harness under the intake to hide the wires. Just an example. http://www.gnspyder.com Yes, that's a twin turbo GN engine in that kit car. His company is http://www.casperselectronics.com Awsome guy to deal with by the way. !M!
  18. Now, why do I see so many Bricklin's in Wisconsin? If nobody knows what a Bricklin is, read up. As for the AWD G35, the only downfall is that it will only get an automatic transmission. As soon as those puppies come out, there will be an aftermarket turbo setup installed with the headline, "The next Skyline?" Hmm... !M!
  19. Whoa baby! Wish I could have heard that. !M!
  20. Aw, COOL! That does look sweet!! I've been waiting patiently to see what the rear end looks like lit up, but wow, just awsome! 8) 8) 8) I love it! !M!
  21. Wow, nice! I would really like to see your tail lights in use, maybe a night shot? !M!
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