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Everything posted by CamH

  1. I believe it is the Honda S2000 engine.
  2. holy crap! my room mate posted that when i let him use my computer. sorry guys.
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_2000GT Designed by the same guy as the S30 and everything.
  4. No, probably wouldn't be able to do over 125.
  5. Thanks for the suggestion! The car came with the ignition when I bought it, and I am unfamiliar with the points style ignition. Could you please point out to me which pieces I should try removing because I am not really sure what went with the original points system that I can get rid of. Thanks! Cameron
  6. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=127034 He was doing it with a ZX
  7. Hey guys, My tach hasn't worked since I picked up the car and I've just finally got around to messing with it today. The car is a '73 with a crane cams XR700 ignition system. I've been trying to use the guide located here: http://www.zhome.com/ZCMnL/tech/ZXPertronix.htm but it does not seem like my car has the same colors as the ones listed and I don't really want to ruin anything. I included some pics of what I'm working with here, if anyone would know what to do from the top of their head that would be great, if not I will probably just end up swapping it out for a 280Z tach - I just want to avoid putting in that kind of effort. Also if more pictures would be helpful let me know. Thanks!
  8. CamH

    Tach help

    http://www.zcar.com/forums/read/1/328760/328922 I found that thread to be very helpful.
  9. That wouldn't be twin turbos then. Twin turbos are spooled separately by separate cylinders. You are thinking of sequentials, I think.
  10. Hey guys, my starter went dead in my car so I replaced it with another starter that fellow member Doc Hawk had sitting around. Now with the new starter, sometimes it seems like it's not fully engaging the flywheel because I can hear it spinning (no grinding or anything) but it never catches. After a few tries, it catches and the car starts up wonderfully. I'm wondering if this is indicative of a bad starter or if there was something I needed to do to it before putting in to make it work perfectly. Does anyone know? Thanks Cam
  11. That's the funniest thing I've seen on the internet in weeks!
  12. Man, I wish this was a few weeks later. I've got a bonus on the way and I'm really interested in a lot of the parts.
  13. Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for. I'm swapping to this radiator: http://bandmzcars.com/RadiatorPage.html as soon as I get a chance after I am all settled in down there.
  14. hey, I'm swapping my an L28ET into my 240Z on Oct 23 when I get to come home for leave. Problem is, I can't really afford to purchase a radiator, and I need to drive the car down to California (don't have any other way to get down there, gonna be permanently stationed there at Camp Pendleton), so my question is this: will the stock 240Z radiator be able to handle cooling the L28ET utilizing the L28ET's stock fan? L28ET will be all stock; stock boost, stock ECU, etc. thanks for any opinions/advice
  15. They said he cut horizontally through the whole house! Is that even repairable?
  16. Hey, there are no easy solutions for a DOHC head, RB series heads do not mount on to L-series engines. There have been some DOHC heads built, such as the extremely rare and extremely expensive OS Giken head, and member here 1 fast z built his own DOHC head out of a few KA24DE heads. The best solution as far as I know for the L series engines is the P90 head which your L28ET should have on it already.
  17. Anybody? I'm just lookin' for a little hand-holding here... haha
  18. Hey all, I'm getting ready to swap an L28ET in to my 240Z (hurrah!). After a bit of searching, I finally found myself a complete L28ET for a decent price, sans wiring harness and ECU (Getting them from fellow hybridz member ktm, thanks!). The problem with the engine, I'm told, is that the head gasket is blown. For now, I plan on running stock boost on stock ECU. However, I want to be able to handle more boost in the future. Maybe somewhere around 18PSI. I've been reading threads for the last few hours and the general consensus here seems to be that the OEM L28ET head gasket will be best for me. I'm having trouble finding anything other than Felpro and Ishino head gaskets. If someone could link me to where I can order an OEM gasket I would be grateful! edit: I just read http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=125745 and it sounds like the MSA ones are also recommended. After a quick google search, I haven't seen any come up. Has anyone got a link to a site that sells them? I've also looked in to metal head gaskets, but from what I have read is that a metal head gasket can lead to destroying pistons when knocking rather than blowing out the head gasket, and non-metal head gaskets will act as a 'fuse' and blow out under a knock. I'd like to avoid future engine rebuilds (for a while at least ), and from this information, the metal head gasket seems somewhat detrimental to my cause. Is this information correct? Also I've heard that ARP headstuds (http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?part=ARP%2D202%2D4206&autoview=sku) will help the head gasket hold together a bit better under higher amounts of boost, and I think it would be a good investment for me to put this in while I have the head off. Am I on track here? One last question: I am still running a stock 240Z fuel tank and it needs to be replaced to support my motor swap. I've not looked around much as far as this goes, but from my understanding the 280Z fuel tank is a decent swap, but does not fit well and can still lead to fuel starvation. What would the best solution for a fuel system be on my swap? Keep in mind that I am not a fabricator and it would be very difficult for me to fab up anything to fit properly so the most easily 'bolted in' solution would be the best for me. Thanks for any advice! Cam
  19. Maybe he meant $2,700 and $3,500 invested?
  20. CamH

    SU woes...

    Yes, this just randomly started happening when I was stopped at a light the other day, the line was dumping in to the air cleaner and flooding both carbs so the car was running extremely rich, so I took it home and started to take things apart. Just to make sure before I order the wrong part from ZTherapy, is the part I want called float valve? I can't find anything called a needle valve and I don't want to order the wrong part. Thanks! Cam
  21. CamH

    SU woes...

    My front SU carb is having a strange problem, it's dumping a LOT of fuel up through the fitting on the float circled in the attached picture. I took the four screws off the top of the float and tore the cover off, a little brass fitting above the float had simply fallen out and was loose in the bowl, so I screwed it back in to where it was supposed to be. This seemed to help a tiny bit, but a lot of fuel is still being dumped. If anyone could give any suggestions on how to fix this, I would appreciate it. Sorry if the post was difficult to understand, I am not very familiar with carbs. thanks! Cam
  22. Does anyone else have something for me to try? I'm about ready to put the car under a cover in the garage and just leave it there until the next time I'm on leave when I put a new engine in it.
  23. OK, so I have been screwing with the car for a while now. The car quit wanting to turn over, so I figured it was really really flooded. I pulled the spark plugs out and it turned over again, got a little bit of gas out, and cleaned the gas off the spark plugs. Put the spark plugs back in, and it doesn't want to turn over again. So now the car is just sitting there again, I will screw with it more tomorrow afternoon.
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