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Everything posted by CORPCRIM

  1. Hey thanks! I've really been trying to get more paying jobs and possibly a few magazines. I keep egging Justin (280zforce) on to finish his car so I can do a full shoot and get it published. If anyone located locally to me is interested in doing a photoshoot... don't be afraid to PM me!
  2. I should really start posting more.... and another boring rig shot
  3. could this be it? silver mine motors
  4. Another boring night causes more rig practice!
  5. I haven't shot in awhile so i have to get back into my groove, but here are a few shots. FB Miata Sti Old co-worker at work Friend of mine Sam Suicide (musician)... myspace buddy helping out self portrait
  6. Here is my dilemma. I re-wired my 12/1970 using the EZ-Wiring kit but I didn't hook up the tach because every wiring diagram I've seen talks about a green wire on the back of the tach. There is no green wire on my tach. Only a black wire, a yellow/red wire, and a white loop with black and red markings. Can someone help me figure out how to wire this up? Does the Black wire go to a ground and the yellow/red wire go to the coil?
  7. I finished finals today and on the way home I shot a photo of the Z
  8. Oh man I forgot about this thread. I guess this gives me a reason to real photoshoot the new Z! instead of snapshots like this...
  9. I think the wheels that came on the car when I bought it look like poop when the car isn't moving, but when they are, they don't look that bad. sorry for the out of focus photo... it was a quick shot and quick editing job.
  10. Here is a shot from yesterdays MSA show that I wanted to mess around w/ the PPing. I kinda like it but at the same time I don't. What do you all think?
  11. Please tell me your car will be ready come MSA time! I'd love to see this in person.
  12. I sure did. The hard part is the post processing after the shot is taken. This is what I see from the viewfinder.
  13. I'm not a fan of vinyl stickers at all but I found this bottom sticker to be quite funny...
  14. I havent named my Z's but my friends have.. My 80 280zx - Darla... named because of a song they thought I liked. My 71 240z - Dosojin... named because Dosojin is the Japanese God of the Roads I don't know why the names have to start w/ a D but my friends seem to keep doing that.
  15. EMWHYR0HEN... Id love to do a photoshoot w/ your Z.... if you don't mind. PM me if your interested.
  16. Unfortunately I don't have a photo of the rig by itself... It's a custom rig that I put together. There is a company that sells rigs that is very easy to copy for a lot less money that I've put into mine and for what they are charging... www.automotiverigs.com. The shutter speeds vary from car to car and lighting conditions. On the Corolla, the shutter speed ranged from 2-5 seconds. On this turboed Miata, they ranged from 10-30 seconds. If there are any other questions you have, ask away. -Daniel corpcrim
  17. I finally got my rig completed..... I'll have more when I'm done PP'ing the rest
  18. I took this business card from the raffle jar at work... haven't used him yet but might be worth giving them a call.
  19. here is the one that i scanned in... i've been using it for my friends to design my new paint job....
  20. It's actually a photoshop brush that I created one day while I was bored.
  21. Here is a shot of a friends evo... we were bored and i had my camera on me so i just did a few shots.... there is a ton of things i would do differently but Ive been busy because of my photoshoot w/ this pretty lady...
  22. I sure know how that feels! 2 days ago a lady at a light accidentally put her car in reverse while i was behind her and all she did was let go of the brake... this is the result.
  23. I really hate to do this but I was wondering if you Hybridz-ers would help me out. I was recently in a car accident (not my fault) which has made myself and others feel is if my zx is unsafe to use as an everyday car (frame damage). I'm in the process of looking for a new z because... 1- I need a safe way to get around and 2- I dont see myself in anything other than a z, but the problem is that I dont have money right now. School started not to long ago and my current job isnt helping out by giving me more hours so its hard to come up w/ the cash to get something else. My plan is this... offer what I can do best (photography) to the members of hybridz for a very small fee to help me out w/ purchasing a new vehicle. Here is what I came up w/... Basic Photoshoot including profile, 3/4 front, 3/4 rear, front, and rear angles as well as rolling shots. The best 6 photos will be emailed to the owner, - $30 High quality Prints 8" x 10" $10 each 11" x 14" $15 each 16" x 20" $20 each 20" x 30" $30 each Framed and matted prints avalible. I would like to stay in the SoCal area due-to-the-fact that the zx isnt in good shape but I am willing to travel almost anywhere right now if it will help benefit me. most of you have seen my work but if you haven here are some samples so you know somewhat of what you might get. Like I said I dont like asking people for these kinds of things but I'm really desperate at the time being. I'm sorry if I have upset anyone by asking for help but I'm out of options at the moment, and if the admins don't think this is appropriate they are more then welcome to throw this in the toolshed. Thank you everyone -Daniel Garcia corpcrim
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