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Everything posted by CORPCRIM

  1. Danny Garcia, Baldwin Park, CA (home of the 1st In-N-Out!!) I must admit the meets are pretty fun to go to. I've been to two of them and its pretty cool getting go know HybridZ members in person(eventhough I am sort of shy). I will definately be willing to go to any future local Z meets, as long as my car is still driveable. so Justin, Count me in on any upcomming meets
  2. sorry sean for not finishing the coloring on your other widebody sketches but my computer had crashed and I lost the file... so i decided to do this one real quick.... hope you like it.. I'll do the front view as well
  3. One of my favorite driving songs is Bad Habit by The Offspring Lyrics: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/o/offspring/bad+habit_20102662.html Song:
  4. I signed up but it turns out that the class is full. I am now on this "waiting list" and hope to get some kind of notice that I'm in because although I'm confident with my driving abilities, I would still like to be a tad bit more comfortable while driving in diffrent conditions. Even if I don't get to be apart of the event, I'm still going to show up to watch how things go. I'll be there (1pm) in my Z so if any other people wanna meet up and have some kind of small Z meet.
  5. I read about this in the LA Times this past weekend and I thought I might share it since most teenage drivers (myself included) don't properly know how to get out of a skid or other dangerous things that happen while driving. I hope all the teenage drivers on HybridZ would check this out because we all know that we don't want our Z's to end up here... Wrecked Z Thread "A program to help teenage drivers improve their behind-the-wheel skills comes to the Southland next week. Called Driver's Edge, the half-day of classroom and on-the-road training is offered at no charge. Wait-list applications are still being taken. Two sessions — 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. — are to be held April 21 at Santa Anita Park, 285 W. Huntington Drive, Arcadia. Costs for such programs run by for-profit outfits can easily hit $400, but Driver's Edge is underwritten by sponsors including tire maker Bridgestone Americas, the CarMax Foundation and the IndyCar Series. The program is open to drivers age 15 to 21 who hold a valid learner's permit or driver's license and who register in advance at www.driversedge.org." -Los Angeles Times
  6. So I was playing GT4 and I noticed that the 280zx has wind deflectors. I started thinking... is there even wind deflectors for our cars out there? I didnt have my flash drive so I couldnt take "pictures" so i found this picture online and put arrows to show what Im talking about. If anyone has any info on these I would really like to know because I would actually want some. thanks
  7. I've been wanting to put my door mirros on the fenders but the only thing thats stopping me is where to put them. I know the dimensions are out there for s30's but no one seems to know where to mount them on the s130's. If anyone knows this info... please help!!
  8. When I first saw your car over at RB Motoring, I was drooling!!! Never did I want a car so bad! Its sad to hear that you wont be finishing it. maybe let Kenny over at RB finish it for you?(so I can go there and drool some more) I wish you the best of luck with everything you have going on right now and keep us updated on your upcomming projects.
  9. oh.. it's not mine. I found that picture over on zclub.net I wish I did have that though because that is the sexiest front end that I've ever seen for a ZX
  10. wow these cars are almost identical... but if you truely want a sexy zx dont go bumperless or with this "gnose"... go with the real gnose for the zx!!! I know I want to!!! oooooo baby!!!
  11. Congrats!!! I hope you both have a wonderful life together.
  12. Those resluts are great! But if you're looking for some great spray paint that will last for years then try Belton Molotow, and Montana Colors. They're more expensive than wal-mart can, but they definately will outlast any other paint on the market, and there is a huge variety of colors to choose from. Check out Art Primo and Mtncolors for colors and prices.
  13. There is also the old school song "passing me by" written by pharcyde where a Z was mentioned "His name was Lee, he drove a Z, he'd pick her up from school promptly at three o'clock."
  14. When I was younger, that car was my dream car.... Actually it still kinda is.
  15. I dont know why or how I stumble across the most ricey things but i think this one might top them all... bumper piercings!!! What the hell is this world coming to? and my favorite picture.. poor guy.
  16. This was a few years ago I doubt any of our things got up to you guys in Canada. We only did shirts except for the one dress I did for a close friend. Our stuff was like what you described but like I said I doubt it was ours. Eventhough, it would be cool if someone up there did have one of our shirts
  17. corpcrim = corporate criminals Its was a very very small clothing comany that a friend and I had started in high school. We didnt do to well but I liked the name so I've used it for everything. It's not as cool as backwards names or nicknames at work but I like it
  18. I was looking around on the scion forums and I came across these "zg" style flares on an xB. Kinda interesting
  19. I thought this was pretty cool but a little on the pricey side. http://www.killerglass.com do a search on google videos for "killerglass" and it come up w/ some videos of it in action.
  20. Thats awesome looking!! Great job Eric
  21. Thats pretty damn cool! I wish I had that kind of talent.
  22. So my father got me these pricey hood vents from MSA and I think they kinda look cool and all but I'm not sure if they would actually help improve anything. If anyone has any input on them I'd gladly like to hear.
  23. If I ever have doubts about a company I always just turn to the Better Business Bureau to check out how they are. Here is the link to the Motor Works BBB page. http://www.spokane.bbb.org/commonreport.html?bid=5001161
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