I just read all 6 pages of this thread. DO NOT GIVE UP ON THIS!!! Ride him into the ground. You, as well as many of us here and at Classiczcars, work TOO DAMN HARD for what little money we have. If you let him think that he has even an incling of getting away with it, He'll do it again. And most likely to someone who does not have the backing that you have here at Hybrid and everywhere else.
Attorney General, Better Business Bureau, Clubs, Ebay, PayPal and many more should have an idea of what you can do with this guy. If his own club, that voted him V.P. wishes to push it under the rug, then the club is just as guilty as he is, hands down. If I act like an ass to my customers, I fully expect MSA, HybridZ and ClassicZcars to bannish me without a second thought.
Hell, I'd expect a bloody lip and a few bruises for my actions if I acted like him. If he's such a good Ebayer, He should easily be able to come up with the money to make your situation right.
Don't give up, we got yer back,
Zs-ondabrain at
Motorsport Auto Supplier