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Everything posted by bschiltz

  1. Sorry, I misread your question. I didn't mean to sound like a jerk. I don't know where the ECU grounds to, but you might try a chiltons manual. They have full electrical diagrams in some of the newer ones.
  2. A shot in the dark here and forgive me if I'm way off base, but if both terminals are reading a 12v+ then it could be a grounding issue, right?
  3. Right, Thanks all of you for the help. I'll check compression and go from there. NosebleedZ, Thank you very much for the offer, I'll keep that in mind. I'm going to be the second kind of Z owner...Wish me luck Ben
  4. I was a little unclear, I guess. It's more than the plugs which makes me think the head gasket is blown. When it runs at idle, the oil pressure gauge reads zero untill you rev to about 2k RPM. Also, when you check the oil with the dip stick, it's very runny and about 1/2 inch over the 'full' mark. Like I said, I think it's a blown headgasket, but haven't had anyone look at it yet. Thanks Ben
  5. ok, so I've read the rebuild book and am still not realy sure about what to do. How hard is it to actually rebuild the engine? I'm good at figuring things out and working with my hands if that helps. What about getting the engine out of the car? I know somewhere where I can rent a 'cherry picker' but am not so sure about actually pulling the thing. Also, would it be best to buy a stand or can you go without one? Thanks a ton! Ben
  6. The stripes aren't realy doing it for me, but that's just my opinion. Also, I think the front aero in black will help to off set some of the orange, but again, that's just my opinion.
  7. Very cool, thanks again! I ordered the "How to rebuild your Nissan OHC engine" and "Restoring your Z car" last night on Amazon so I'm hoping those will help a lot.
  8. Thanks zeiss. How much do you think a rebuild would cost if I do most of the work myself? I'll check out that book, too. As per the HP, I'm not realy woried about anything crazy, the car is going to be my daily driver. Too much power ( ) and gas prices realy put me off the V8 swap.
  9. I need some help with my 1979 280zx. First off, I'm 17 years old so I don't have much/any mechanical experience or garage space. I bought the car in December from my brother for $300 not realizing how much work it would be to 'fix it up'. It sat in my garage for a month or so, then I tried taking the sparks plugs out and wirebrushing them (they were blacker that all get out) and it started up. At this point, I was still fairly set on a V8 swap as the motor (as far as I could figure) had a blown head gasket ('wet black' spark plugs) and some sticky/ cloged fule injectors (read on 'zcar.com' about a clicking sound coming from the injectors). About a week ago I was messing with the car again and cleaned the spark plugs off with carb throttle body/choke cleaner. When I was putting them in, I sprayed a little carb cleaner in each cylinder (figured it'd give it a kick in the a** starting, if nothing else) and it's started several more times without cleaning the plugs. I plan on changing the oil and plugs to see if it makes a difference. So, rebuild or swap? No matter what I do, I'm probably going to have to get a shop to do it. Thanks in advance Ben
  10. "a lot more fun" (with a space, thank you) won't get you much respect and you'll probably see the not so pretty side of HybridZ. Not only that, you'll be stuck as the FNG forever if you don't learn to FIND OUT YOUR OWN INFORMATION. Ben
  11. 'Grats on the new shop, David. Too bad you won't have anything to work on for a while! Ben
  12. What happened to David K? Was the mustang that much of a mickey?
  13. Whaaa?!?! How does that tiny car weigh so much? Did they use cast iron for the frame rails? It'd still be a sweet car, though.
  14. You're only 22 and you had a hard time? I must be doomed, because I'm only 17!!! Congrats on the Z!
  15. Can you use the computer and harnesses from a donor car, like if I were to but a rear end damaged Mustang for the engine, etc.?
  16. It's usually worse in the winter when the air's dry, too. I got one that made my whole hand go numb last week Ben
  17. Good idea! A friend of mine had some like those and he told me to put it on my ear lobe like an ear ring. Boy, that hurt!
  18. I thought I read that the stick came out farther back, thanks. As far as mounting the engine out/up, how can you keep the angles little to none? Will using the fox body(?) sump help, allowing the engine to be lower? Thanks yet again Ben
  19. Like I said, this is going to be my daily driver so I can deal with the engine being a little farther forward. When mounted forward, how much of a difference is there in the shifter placement?
  20. s3079893: Thank you so much! That helps a ton! How much of an issue is the clearence with the crossmember?
  21. I've talked to some of my friends and even if you just have diagrams of the mounts, etc. I could get them fabricated. Thanks again. Ben
  22. I'd be very interisted in a conversion kit for a 302. I have a 79 280zx that's going to be my daily driver, so a 5.0 won't break the bank on gas money! Thanks Ben
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