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Everything posted by bschiltz

  1. Hahaha... I saw that last saturday. Too funny.
  2. Man, I just keep going back and looking at the pics. Unreal!
  3. Try again http://bbs.chinavfx.net/view.php?part=6&page=&sort=&age=1&id=1461730
  4. Oh, WOW! That thing sounds like a BEAST!! How's she drive? Nice work all around!
  5. Oh really? Well, never mind then. I don't know prices for LS1s and didn't bother to check. I'll bet being arround christmas time he'll come down on his price easily, though.
  6. Ahh... i see. Car's loking nice, good luck with the strike.
  7. Man, that's a lot of wheels! How'd you get 40 rims from Japan? Shipped them? You work for Goodyear?
  8. Man, there really is no one arround me, huh?
  9. Works now, HOT DAMN! That's crazy
  10. Hey guys, sorry if this goes somewhere else, but I wasn't sure where to put it. Mods go ahead and move it if you need. Anyway, I was looking in the paper and saw an ad for a LS1/T56 combo for sale for $4200. I don't know prices for LS1s or the condition of the motor, but someone in the SE Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri region might want to take a look. Here's a link to the add with the guys phone number. http://journalstar.com/admarket/?change_path=%2F&query=ls1&sort=featured+desc+start_date+desc HTH Ben
  11. Not rude at all, made me laugh:mrgreen: I'm not stuck in the past, I'm still new to this car stuff.
  12. Hey, I remember you Cold Fusion. I used to go to the boards at Traxxas all the time. I've still got my stampede and 4-tec in a tub downstairs. Someday I'll get them running again... maybe
  13. Age: 17 Single/Married: guess... Car:1979 280zx Infractions:none Location:Lincoln, NE Provider:Forsighth (I think?) Coverage:Liability Cost: $/month: Not insured right now, but last may it was $75 a month. I hope it will go down when I turn 18 (about one month) and hopefully will have the car running by then. Edit: That price was on my parents policy (dad was listed as secondary driver) with +20 years discount and good grades discount.
  14. hahaha, yeah. That's what he say... I know, but some of their other stuff is alright.
  15. Good god man, that's awesome. Do you feel all tingly inside?
  16. 1UZFE? A23-L-M-N-O-P? Just kidding. I'm seriously confused by all the engine names/codes that people use:oops: For me, it's LSx or a CID number.
  17. Pop N Wood: Don't the LS1s use the one time use bolts that strech when they're torqued? Maybe this is why it's not supposed to be lubed?
  18. While these guys have very good and valid points, don't let them scare you away form doing a swap. I'm only 17 and I'm doing a carb'd SBC swap. I started with little/no knowledge of chevy V8s but did my homework here on hybridZ, google, in a chilton's guide and the JTR book and have learned a lot. Just take it one step at a time and staw focused on the engine swap. The "While I'm at its" are the best way to burn up money and time and patience.
  19. OTM, I feel your pain! I'm 17 but have some back problems, started when I was a freshman in HS (~15 years old). My teacher for weight lifting class thought I should be able to lift more than I could, so she put another 50 lbs. on the squat bar and told me to do it. Being 15 and standing infront of the whole class I wasn't going to say no. I got under the bar and lifted it up, squated down and tried to stand up. It didn't work. There was no immediate pain, just an uncomfortable feeling. A day later I could hardly stand to sit straight up in a chair.
  20. Mmmmm... reminds me of Japanese water colors. Nice.
  21. So it's a more advanced TBI? I wonder what the prices will be like?
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