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Everything posted by denny411

  1. A 20yr old kid that used to hang out at my garage almost hit my house and two of my cars at about 2:00am. The DRUNK BASTARD came around the corner at a high rate of speed, slid off the road and into my yard. he came up the hill between my house and my wifes Explorer. (a space about 15ft wide) He missed the corner of my house by less than 5" and turned just before hitting my deck. Then he slid down the hill towards the road and managed to pass in front of the explorer and behind the Hyundia. The explorer was parked about 20ft behind the hyundia. I heard a crash and ran out of the garage to see him burning rubber down the road. At first I didn`t know who it was. I had never seeen the car he was driving before. I took chase and found him about 5 blocks away in his granpa`s drivway inspecting the damage to his car. I pulled in behind him to block him in, got out of my car and told him to go in the house and call the cops to turn himself in. He just starred at me with a confused look on his face. I had to repeat myself 3 times before I got any response. He asked me to wait until tommorrow to report it because he was on probation and would go to jail. I told him that wasn`t my problemand that I know damn well if i hadn`t run him down he never would have turned himself in. He would have more than happy to stick me with repairing my own damages. At the time I didn`t know that the only real damage was the downspout ripped loose from my house, some ruts in the yard and some scuffs and a small dent on the rear of the hyundia. This kid stiffed me about 3yrs ago on an edelbrock chrome breather and I suspect he is the one that stole my Nitrous kit out of the garage while I was in Alabama. He had no permission to be in my garage and My neighbor said he was in the garage for almost a half hour one day. To sum up; WHAT COMES AROUND GOES AROUND He`s now sitting in the county jail and should be their for quite a while. When the cops picked him up his BAC was .26 I hope he learns his lesson,but I doubt he will. His grandpa and his "mommy" have been bailing his a$$ out his whole life, and I doubt this time will be any different. The Officer told me his grandpa was mad but he wasn`t sure if it was at his grandson or me.
  2. That`s FUNNY But MAN that site has alot of pop-ups
  3. To clarify; The hydrant I have was NOT in service at the time of aquisition. I have heard many stories of people taking road signs(specifically stop signs) and causing serious accidents. I would NEVER be that irresponsible.
  4. as a rule, you should keep at least a 1/4 tank in cars w/ electric pumps in the tank. frequently running below this will overheat the pump. In tank pumps are cooled by the fuel washing around them. Have you ever wondered how those little electric motors can pump contiuously for 100,000+ miles?
  5. the pickup screen in the tank could be plugged.
  6. I have a 300lb fire hydrant on my front porch. Don`t ask where it came from.
  7. The servo piston has an o ring around it. you have to remove the cover and then the piston to replace the seal.
  8. I meant that you would have to remove the shaft from the inside and the seal from the outide. That`s why i think that tool is so sweet. it keeps you from having to remove the shaft.
  9. I wonder what the offspring will look like?
  10. I think your next fab job should be some kind of cow/deer catcher for the Z. You know,like the ones the old steam engines used to have?
  11. go for it. looks like a deal to me.
  12. Would it hurt her feelings if you swapped the intake itself for one that would keep the carbs underhood? Like the ones in the later posts? You would still be using the carbs and various other parts. My wife wouldn`t care if I sold something she gave me, as long as I got more out of it than she spent for it. She knows better than to buy car parts though since I change my ideas almost as often as i change underwear. I usually get gift cards to Advance Auto or Sears.
  13. I`d say that`s the most expensive 10mm wrench I`ve ever seen.
  14. I tried the search but couldn`t find a name. I remember this being discussed a few months ago. I was hoping someone would remember the name ,or have better luck with a search. I called the local paint shop and they said "Kleen Strip". I know that`s the brand name but the guy I talked to must have been new because he didn`t seem to know what he was doing.
  15. Where is the best deal on weatherstripping for a 75z? I assume it`s best to buy the entire set than to get the pieces separately.
  16. Another drawback to dipping is getting all traces of acid of of the car and out of the little cracks and crevices. If any residue is left it will cause the new paint to blister and peal, and it`s seldom a good thing when something blisters and peals.
  17. The need for additional oil cooling is because of the heat disipated(sp?)in the turbocharger. Not ambient air tempurature. I`m sure someone else with more hands on experience will chime in. By the way... i have an oil cooler with hoses from an 83zxt that I`m not using. If you decide that you need one, I`ll sell it for 45.00+ shipping
  18. There is an o-ring inside the case around the shifter shaft. you have to remove the shaft from the inside, then use a small pick to get the old o-ring out. put a small amount of vasiline on the new one before installation. this will help keep you from cutting the new seal when you reinstall the shaft. The other cover is the servo cover. it should be held in by a snap ring in the case. there will be another o-ring there that needs replaced.
  19. The late"style" heads should have the center intake bolts at a different angle. They should also have small threaded holes between some of the rockers for center bolt valve covers.
  20. Try here, http://www.worldcastings.com/tech/4pgguide.pdf
  21. The four top reasons a guy would sell a car that he loves, 1)layoff 2)kid on the way 3)divorce 4)wedding Not neccessarily in that order
  22. I need to strip the old paint from my cowl hood and rear spoiler. I`m looking for some paint stripper that won`t hurt the gel coat or fiberglass.
  23. I`m not a big fan of the hood or the color, but overall it`s a very clean job that deseves respect.
  24. If you`re talking about just removing the stainless trim. start at the rear and twist the trim from the bottom and lift. go slowly so you don`t kink or permanently bend it. Tim, what caused you to have so much rework time involved? I`m considering it too. Is there anything you could have done to limit the amount of time and bodywork involved?
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