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Everything posted by denny411

  1. If you see another one in good usable condition, please pick it up for me. I will be more than happy to make it worth your while.
  2. I`m not sure how the laws are written in California, but I personally think there should be special circumstances if the person kills someone while commiting a felony. Again, i`m not sure if street racing is a felony in Cali, but it should be If it`s inside city limits or highly populated areas. My opinions are based purely on my own personal feelings. My 25yr old brother is possibly dieing from an unpreventable form of cancer. there is nothing that could have been done to keep him from getting it, and there is almost nothing they can do to help him. It seems to me that everyone is obligated to do everything possible to prevent the possible death of innocent people around you. Just by keeping your head out of your ass and having a little consideration for the possible victims of your actions, alot of sensless deaths could be prevented.
  3. I agree with Mike. Also, if you are going to street race, you should at least have the good sense to take it out of town, away from other cars and potetial innocent victims. The people that race on city streets or in residential areas are just asking for trouble. The only places that I have ever street raced was on rural roads with no cross roads or driveway access anywhere in the course or shut down area. If something tragic were to happen, the only possible victims would be myself and the other driver. Both of us know the risks and have made the decicion to break the law and take those risks. In the case you are talking about, The victims were innocent bystanders that just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If they were my family members, I would want the driver that hit them to get whatever the max penalty could be.
  4. I remember the green machine too. This is completely different. It`s red and about 3.5' in diameter. The large blue wheels on each side have white directional stripes on them, and it has one 4" caster wheel under the seat. It is only powered by your arms useing the handles on the blue wheels, and the only way to stear is to change the speed of one of the wheels or to rotate them in opposite directions. if you rotate them in opposite directions at a standstill, you can spin in a complete 360 without moving forward or backward at all. I`m going to see if my Mom has some pictures of it that survived the fire. if so, I`ll post them. I don`t think it was a very popular toy. The only one I`ve ever seen was the one that we had. It`s very surprising since it was so much fun.
  5. Possibly. I think the Big Wheel came out in the late 60`s. This thing came out in the early 70`s. I would like to find one somwhere in usable condition to give to my son for his fourth B-day in October. I know it might be a mistake to give a kid a toy that is so rare and hard to find, but I remember how much fun my brother and I had with ours.
  6. This has been bugging me for awhile now. When I was three,(71 or 72) I had this red saucer that I would sit in, it had two large blue wheels, one on each side that had handles to drive with. I could turn them both in the same direction to go forward or in reverse, or turn them in opposite directions to turn left/right or spin in circles. It only sits about 5in of the ground and your feet are kept stationary in front of you. Does anyone here remember this toy or recall the name of it? It came out about the same time as the original Big Wheel.
  7. I`ll have to take the Z and the wifes MGB next year. sounds like a cool weekend.
  8. HOLY COW, I cant believe how much metal you`ve replaced on you z. The work looks good but there`s soo much of it. i`m glad I don`t have to replace that much metal. It would add weeks of work to my project.
  9. I have to agree with the above posts. Don`t pick your proffession based on money. People have a tendancy to live to their income level. if you end up making lots of money you will most likely have the debt and bills to go along with it. That would make it VERY hard to take a step down later to do something you really love. Now, if your lucky enough to love doing something that brings in lots of cash, then you`ve got the BULL BY THE HORNS.
  10. Mike, Things have to get better, because it sounds like they couldn`t get much worse. Chin Up
  11. I have two engine hoists which makes it fairly simple. If i had to build it over again, i would make the end posts telescope. Then i would install hydraulic jacks on each end. This would allow me to put the car on jack stands, hook up the end brackets, and then jack the ends up to the desired height. With this set up, I could potentially put the car on the rotissurie and have it flipped upside down in less than 15 mins. It would be an easy modification to make to my current design.
  12. I think most of us have built our own rotissuries. When I`m done with my frame work I plan to sell mine. It takes up waaay to much space.
  13. I`ve got one on the way. But I`m not sure if your suggested mod will work in my situation. I`ve already got a 3yr old and a 5mo old. OOPS
  14. You might be able to get the info directly from the BMV. In the state of Ohio you can get information about ownership from vin or licence # directly from the Ohio state BMV.
  15. 3M makes a few different bonding adhesives that are material specific.I`ve used the metal to metal adhesive with good results. if their f-glass to metal adhesive works as well, i would recommend it.
  16. The paint that i plan to use is two stage imron 6000. For the paint and activator is almost 600.00
  17. If you want to do that many body mods to the front and rear,I`m surprised you want to keep the doors. You must really like the Z doors.
  18. The best bet would be to find one at a salvage yard. then you can get everything including the harness. It would make things MUCH easier.
  19. I assume the builder/owner of the car feels the same way about the ricer crowd as the majority of us do. The whole design of the car screams SARCASM
  20. You are a lucky man. Not only do you have a wonderful wife, but having a Father that you hold with such high esteam is an added bonus. I have a great relationship with my wife, but I haven`t said more than 10 words to my "dad" in almost 10 yrs. On the up side I guess I could say that I passed him up years ago.
  21. As far as I know it`s still there. I`ll check the next time i go thru the area.
  22. denny411

    Best exhaust?

    Muffler inserts that slide inside of the pipe. http://www.schoenfeldheaders.com/product.htm
  23. I`ve met ricers that were almost that stupid.
  24. the important thing is to get the rotors and calipers from the same year of car. They bolt up the same but the depth of the rotors are different from some years which require the same year model of calipers to line up properly.
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