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Everything posted by denny411

  1. If it`s carbureted i would say accelerater pump. With FI it could be the fuel pressure regulator, fuel pump, fuel filter.
  2. I`ve been talking to this guy about 700r4`s as well as 200r4`s. he is a former powertrain engineer for GM and builds HP transmission and sells them on ebay. Charlie2@onemain.com <Charlie2@onemain.com> This is one of his auctions, http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=33727&item=2411007402&rd=1 He seems very knowledgable.
  3. No title though. That makes a big difference.It`s a great parts car for the money.
  4. In the relatively light 240, I think the r230 from the Q45 or 300zxt would hold up.
  5. While scrounging my favorite JY today, i had a chance to shoot the bull with the owner. He was telling me about another customer that was looking for a supercharged v6 from a 99 Bonneville. His plan was to put the V6 700r4 with the small bellhousing behind the SC v6 and install it in his street rod. This sounds like a pretty nice swap. I might consider the same swap for my wifes MGB, or maybe a 240Z later down the road. Any opinions or experience with these engines?
  6. HHRrrmm I wonder why? I guess you could do a basic search for "camel toe cup" on google. Yes it IS exactly what it sounds like. Apparently there `s a market for everything.
  7. http://www.computerpranks.com/download/images/ads/camel_toe_cup.jpg This is one of the funniest things I`ve ever seen while surfing.
  8. Yes they offer free updates. each class is 5 hrs a day. I left there 14yrs ago, but I have a friend that graduated last year.He was very happy with the school. i also have another friend that was an instructor in the performance engine machining classes. he left to start his own high performance engine shop. now he works 15hrs a day 6 days a week.
  9. Try here, http://www.unoh.edu/?hasflash=yes this is where i went and it is still the top ranked automotive technology school in the country. I plan to go back soon to get updated on all the new stuff out there.
  10. For the smaller manuals I always prefered Clymer. They "used to" offer more details. When i get stumped I go to the library at Northwestern College in Lima Oh. They have a full set of Mitchell service and diagnostic manuals, with vacume and wiring diagrams and nearly everything else for every car made in the last 45yrs.
  11. glad to hear it was nothing major. Do you have any idea how the pad came out? It seems odd to me.
  12. I usually use a pair of vice grips to twist it back and forth.
  13. I haven`t bought ANY genuine NISSAN parts for my Z, unless you count parts cars. I pretty sure everything I`m going to need from this point on will be 100%US made
  14. Has anyone figued out the proper length for the axles with Mikes setup? I`m planning to drop mine off at MOSER on monday. I`d like to have the R230 setup completed by the end of next week if possible. I`m dropping off my companion flange and outer cv joint in the morning. A toolmaker buddy of mine is going to fab up some adaptors for me.
  15. It all depends on finances and what your primary use is. I personally would rather build from scratch rather than buy a crate engine. But I understand that most people don`t have the tools or facilities available to do everything themselves. I would suggest finding a donor car with a sound drivtrain and swapping it in. Then find another block and build one from scratch as you get the funds and scout bargains. This let`s you drive your hybrid and have everything set up while you build a stronger more durable engine to fit your end goals.
  16. Welcome, I think you will be very happy here.
  17. I should confess ,I hit a parked car with my bike when i was 11. I was standing up and peddling as fast as I could through an intersection. I turned around to yell at our dog to stay at home. (we lived across the street.) The moment that I turned around,I impacted the rear of an early 70`s new yorker. I slid up the back window with my arms too my side. I must have looked like a seal riding on the trunk of that car. The only damage was a bruised ego and some skin from my chin left on his vinyl top moulding. I quickly rode away looking to see if anyone was watching,trying to salvage what was left of my self esteem.
  18. He was in violation of his probation, so he`s going to be there awhile. I think he`ll probably get his in the end(pun intended) His Dad and Grandpa stopped over today to inspect the damage. Apparently he`s taking after his Dad. When I talked to him he said that he got his "first DUI" on this same corner about 15 yrs ago. He missed the corner and ran up the guide wire about 20' short of where his son left the road. What really made me mad was his leaving the scene. I had another car a couple yrs ago that was hit by a young kid that fled the scene. luckily I tracked him down. Did you know that uninsured motorists coverage will only cover damages if they can prove the driver was uninsured? That means hit and runs are NOT covered. If he had stopped and told me what happened, and given me a chance to inspect the damage, I may have let him slide. (after calling and getting him a ride home)But he was more than willing to stick me with whatever damage he may have caused. If you make a mistake, you should at least have balls enough to accept responsibility for your actions. I was in no way an angel in my younger days, but i would have never left the scene without at least talking to someone first.
  19. Are you having the rotating assembly balanced? that could play a part. I would also suggest geting a new or possibly an aftermarket balancer/damper. does fluid damper or some other manufacturer make a fluid type damper for the L6?
  20. I don`t see anything wrong with voicing your honest opinion, but there is no need to be nasty or hatey about it. A simple"Not my style" is all that`s neccessary IMO.
  21. I can help you out on some of the work and special tools. I can also help find a good donor block. PM me and maybe we can get together sometime soon. i still want the cd player we discussed, and I`ve got alot of other body stuff you might be interested in. It would probably be better if you come here so i don`t have to load, haul and unload the stuff that you don`t want.
  22. denny411


    I remember the post, and I put it in my favorites too. I think i deleted it a few months ago when i went through them and cleared out any links that didn`t work.
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