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Everything posted by denny411

  1. I would have to ask her to come inside to get her "TIP"
  2. NAahh, 550 would be more realistic With nitrous (for "EMERGENCIES")
  3. If you have the right tools, it can be done in a couple hours TOPS. first you have to use the air chisel to chip away at the aluminum. I`m not sure exactly what your intake looks like, but mine had raised bosses at the four center bolts. these have to be chipped down to match the angle of the other holes. You will then need to elongate the existing holes to get the bolts to thread in straight.it is important to get the proper angle on the flange, or the bolts will not tighten down evenly, causing inaccurate torque. You need to know that once you start this there is no going back. You need to be sure that you will have enough clearance to put the bolts in at the new angle. Another option would be to have the heads redrilled to match. I had a set of edelbrock heads drilled and had thread inserts put into them.("tap cons" I think) They are solid with threads on the inside as well as the outside. more solid and permanent than a helicoil. I think it was 6.00 each including labor, but that was a few years ago
  4. I modified the late style intake to fit early heads for my truck, but it`s not something a novice should try. It takes some ingenuity with an air chisel and a die grinder. It`s messy but it can be done.
  5. Is there any chance of exchanging your heads for the proper design? If not,What heads(manufacturer) do you have now? You may be able to find someone to buy these from you, so you can get the proper year/style. That may be a more cost effective way to solve your problem.
  6. It may be more realistic to have someone skilled with an english wheel make some one offs. It would take some serious money and equipement to actually build a die to stamp out flared quarters.not to mention you would have to do it twice, one for each side.
  7. It looks like a mix between a z and a jaguar
  8. I`m not sure what car it`s from, but it IS an r230. The flanges for the CV`s are diferent from my Q45 flanges though. Does it say what ratio?
  9. I got it on ebay for 350. It was on a car that was for sale last year some time. A viper yellow, 280 with a toyota 3000 sequential twin turbo, from the memphis area. It bolts on with all original hardware. I`m sure someone here has a picture of the the car. I think it sold for around 20k. I never heard what happened to the rest of the car
  10. The economically backward hills, is exactly why I say the property values are on the rise. In the southeastern part of Ohio (where this plant is going) property values are going up. There are MANY new homes being built on lots where shacks used to be. As this trend continues, the market for all property in the area will naturaly go up. Many of the people building in these areas are trying to escape the cities. They may still work there, but they don`t want to live there. For nearly 27.00 an hour, you could live very well in that area. My .02 anyway
  11. I have keys for all sorts of vehicles, just for these reasons
  12. Things Hallmark doesn't say: 1. So your daughter's a hooker, and it spoiled your day. Look on the bright side; its really good pay. 2. My tire was thumping. I thought it was flat. When I looked at the tire... I noticed your cat. Sorry! 3. You had your bladder removed and you're on the mend. Here's a bouquet of flowers ... and a box of Depends. 4. Heard your wife left you, how upset you must be. But don't fret about it... She moved in with me. 5. Looking back over the years that we've been together; I can't help but wonder ... What the hell was I thinking? 6. Congratulations on your wedding day! Too bad no one likes your wife. 7. How could two people as beautiful as you ... Have such an ugly baby? 8. I've always wanted to have someone to hold, someone to love. After having met you ... I've changed my mind. 9. I must admit, you brought Religion into my life ... I never believed in HELL till I met you. 10. As the days go by, I think of how lucky I am ... that you're not here to ruin it for me. 11. Congratulations on your promotion. Before you go ... would you like to take this knife out of my back? You'll probably need it again. 12. Someday I hope to get married ... but not to you. 13. Happy birthday! You look great for your age .. almost life-like! 14. When we were together, you always said you'd die for me. Now that we've broken up, I think it's time you kept your promise. 15. I knew the day would come when you would leave me for my best friend. So here's his leash, water bowl and chew toys. 16. We have been friends for a very long time ... what do you say we stop? 17. I'm so miserable without you ... it's almost like you're here. 18. Congratulations on your new bundle of joy. Did you ever find out who the father was? 19. You are such a good friend that if we were on a sinking ship and there was only one life jacket. I'd miss you terribly and think of you often. 20. Your friends and I wanted to do something special for your birthday. So we're having you put to sleep. 21. Happy Birthday, Uncle Dad! (Available only in Alabama and Mississippi)
  13. What is your opinion of the G-tech pro? i`ve considered getting one but had ?`s about accuracy.
  14. Someone else needs to make some good Z video. I like Darius car too but I`m sure that a number of Z`s from this board could easily compare in hp #`s, and be equally as fun to watch
  15. Looking at the profile of your car, and picturing it with the cowl hood and any of the three spoilers that i already have to choose from. I am leaning towards not using them. This is a case where less could be more. I will probably use them on my 77 instead. Unless someone here wants to give them a shot. They are the msa sideskirts if anyone is interested.
  16. Sorry, my bad(as I pull my head out of my a$$)
  17. I got a real good deal on all of the parts, the yard I`m dealing with is going strictly european, and clearing out all Japanese inventory. i can get the shaft now for about 15 bucks + shipping. I should have less than 375.00 in the diff,4 shafts and the driveshaft, including shipping some pieces they didn`t have off while I was there.
  18. The most ridiculous ticket I ever got, was for a stop sign violation. At 6am out in the middle of BFE, I come to a 4 way stop. I can see clearly for almost a mile in each direction. so I coast to the sign,slowing to about 20mph,and make a quick doubletake in each direction. I can see one set of headlights in the distance,(no problem, looks clear to me) so I accelerate to the posted speed of 55. A mile down the road I get pulled over(by a state trooper,the only car on the road) and cited.
  19. Approximately how long does the driveshaft have to be? I have to have one shipped, and I don`t want to pay for the whole thing when the could cut off only what I need(+ a little extra) You said your solid one is 27". Would 32" be enough to be safe?
  20. You should be able to access the lock mechanism from inside the car by removing the panel on the inside of the hatch. If you need a cylinder with a key, I have one.
  21. How much were the VB side skirts? i`ve got some msa ones that are twisted too. the guy doing the work for me says he can make them work,but if it takes too much time I might be better of with different ones.
  22. The r180`s have one bolt in the center of the splined shaft holding it into the differential. The r200`s have a snap ring that holds the shaft into the diff,regardless of whether or not the halfshaft unbolts from it or not. I have a 77 with a 180 that the splined shaft will not unbolt from the halfshaft, but still has a bolt in the center holding the shaft into the diff.
  23. I have also heard that the reason solid wire plug wires are not aloud for highway use, is they cause a magnetic field aroud the engine effectively confusing radar guns
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