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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. that's too bad, I liked where you were going with that...
  2. Good luck finding another set of Impul Hoshino Racing RSIII in 17X7 front and 17X8 rear anywhere.... Don't worry Mike, I'm not done yet, I'm planning to touch up the rest of the flat black, and also spray the door stripes this morning. I'll load the pics up later. I might have to re attatch all these, because like the super genius I am I decided to load them up at 8megapixels, and my album is full, so I'll probably resize them a bit later. I was wondering if anybody would notice my sig...I thought that was one of the funniest things I'd seen in a long time. I kept picturing the Black Mage character from www.nuklearpower.com the whole time I was reading it. *edit* for those that don't get the joke, this thread we're talking about can be referenced by braving the dark, convoluted labyrinth that is known as.......the tool shed (dun dun dun!)
  3. Do it! Do it!(said in the ben stiller voice from starsky and hutch) Somebody has to join my drift armada...
  4. Ok, so if anyone was following the My S30 Drawings thread starring Olderthanme, racerx, z-tard, myself, and a few others, you might have heard mention of Operation: camo zzzap! In the spirit of good natured jack-assery and lovers of over the top silliness everywhere, I have decided to put my money where my mouth is so to speak, and get started on what may or may not be a source of WTF?! threads on other internet forums for minutes to come... So, in case you guys missed it, here is the inspiration for operation: camo zzzap! Somebody posted a picture of a busted yellow zzzap z a week or so ago, and it got me thinking. I actually dug the graphics, just not the colors.... I made this drawing, and Olderthanme suggested I actually do it, so I decided what the heck, i've got nothing better to do... the car before paint... the supplies... the tape job (yes that is duct tape, not masking tape...) I'm planning to paint the airdam and the side stripes tomorrow before work since I go in late.
  5. veritech-z


    From the album: veritech's pix

  6. veritech-z


    From the album: veritech's pix

  7. veritech-z


    From the album: veritech's pix

  8. veritech-z


    From the album: veritech's pix

  9. veritech-z


    From the album: veritech's pix

  10. veritech-z


    From the album: veritech's pix

  11. veritech-z


    From the album: veritech's pix

  12. veritech-z


    From the album: veritech's pix

  13. veritech-z


    From the album: veritech's pix

  14. what if you made a patch panel and welded it back in to close the hole up, like the way the chopper guys do when they cut off the sides of their gas tanks and weld them back in on opposite sides to create a dish? Would that restore enough rigidity to keep it from collapsing?
  15. That kind of puts the value destroying supra swap I posted a few weeks ago into perspective.... http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=111541
  16. I was getting my alternator tested yesterday at Advance Auto parts (and buying paint for Operation: camo zzzap! [stay tuned]) and ended up talking to no less than two different employees at the same time and some guy and his son who claimed they were building a 914 porsche with a new wrx motor just from having my hood up in the parking lot. There was an s13 with a sylvia front end conversion in the spot across from mine and I suspect it belonged to one of the two emplyees that it took to do an alternator test (which isn't working by the way, does anyone know if having your volt gauge disconnected causes your alternator to stop working?). I don't seem to get the ricers, I get the niche car guys like the 914 swaps and the chop top Karmen Ghia's painted kawasaki green that want to talk to me...fun, but also annoying in it's own way...
  17. I just got a front wheel drive stanza ka24 throttle body and didn't have to do any of that stuff...I just swapped the throttle flywheels and rigged up the springs. I did use the spacer though.
  18. Also, I work with a guy named Joe at my current job in the Saturn parts counter, and he's almost as bad. He's pretty much the most incompetent coworker I've ever had, and it amazes me tha no one can do anything about it. Well, we just had inventory last thursday, and so the week leading up to it consisted of counting the entire parts department. All the large body panels are upstairs, and the downstairs may have 3-4 times the amount of actual parts to count. So we had him count upstairs, and since I'm pretty much the only one in the department at any given time, it was up to me to count the whole bottom floor by myself, during business hours. Of course it didn't help that I was sick too. Anyway, he ended up counting upstairs FIVE TIMES because it was wrong every time. Anyway, when the inventory came and went, there were a total of 8 parts that were not where they should have been, which is kind of the bench mark for how organized your department is. Well, two of those were upstairs, and this guy is like: "Dude, I don't mean to brag, but I only had two write ins.." I replied: "BUT YOU COUNTED IT FIVE TIMES!!!!!!!!!" It was about that time that I started to get that not so fresh feeling...
  19. When I worked at the local Acura dealership in parts (my manager was working on putting a 2jz-gte into a 240sx and after a week of being there talking about my 280z he was on the phone trying to find himself a 510 until he got buyer's remorse and backed out-he wasn't the douche though) I worked with one of the most gigantic douche bags I've ever had the misfortune to be around. This guy's name was Robert, and he just thought he was the only thing with a brain to ever climb up out of the ooze, and his opinions were instantly more important than anything you could possibly have to say. He was one of these guys who NEVER has a positive experience with anyone he deals with, and delights in telling you that whirlpool appliances are crap, and he'll never use them again, or that home depot doesnt' know what they are talking about, and he'll never shop there again. I think you might know the type, where you wonder when they'll reach that critical threshold where they can no longer do any business of any type with anyone because nobody can meet their expectations? I used to get back at him by pointing out filthy things around the parts wherehouse, and since he was so OCD, he would drop everything and start cleaning up. I pointed out how much dust was on the ac vents on the ceiling, and so I about fell out trying not to laugh as he got the dust mop and was balancing on some rolling desk chair to reach up and clean the grating...I so wanted to see him bust his junk, but he didn't...
  20. I like the part where he taught himself how to make cast aluminum parts, and "read a few books on designing motorcycle frames.."
  21. There is a British magazine called "Retro Car" that sort of meets those criteria, although it is heavy on the cars that they tune across the pond. I get it at barnes and nobles every so often.
  22. Why not go for the 2" jaguar su's instead of the 1 3/4" datsun units? Before I settled on doing megasquirt, I spoke with a shop that does mini cooper hot rod engines about the suitability of using su carbs with a turbo, and they told me that they use a jaguar su just like it sits to turbocharge those engines (but I'm pretty sure they draw through it instead of doing blow-through).
  23. That sketch looks like the baby aston a LOT...
  24. Over on http://www.freshalloy.com they had some professional car designer making concepts of what a new 510 would look like if it came out tomorrow. take a trip over there and search for neo 510 project, and it should come up.
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