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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. This isn't really funny, but I couldn't help but think of that saudi driving thread. http://articles.news.aol.com/news/_a/tongan-royal-family-members-killed-in/20060706193509990005?ncid=NWS00010000000001 We had a kid here in the Tampa area a year or so ago that managed to hit and kill his own mother while street racing. How this girl managed to hit and kill the entire royal family of a south pacific nation and walk away from it is beyond me. Must have some kind of luck...
  2. If you can convince my wife to pay for it, I'm interested in a whale tail.
  3. I had one of those when I was a kid for our daily driver. I (and my mom) loved that car. I saw two of them turn up in the local junk yard side by side a few months back. Did you know that there is no timing belt/chain at all? there is a big gear on the crank snout that directly meshes with the cam gear. I guess that's part of how that guy got his p1800 to go 2.5 million miles with nothing but routine maintenance....
  4. Now see, if you had the o-ringed head, you wouldn't have to worry about your gasket blowing! (what are we even talking about anymore?) Angelina is so hot....
  5. I'm pretty sure that the 1/8" just describes the internal diameter of the passage on pipe fittings. The threads are listed in TPI-threads per inch.
  6. That would be cool if you ran the intakes into the inspection panel areas or up into the cowl area...I bet you could get a corvette motor to have that same sex appeal for WAYYYY less cost though.
  7. Yeah L28et, I wasn't impressed either. That was total jack-assery, looked like they were just driving around with the e-brake on. No provisions for safety, the cars looked completely stock (check out the way the suspensions were just pegging back and forth...).
  8. Hey Mike, where did you find those wheel sections? I am dying to resize the wheels I have on my car, but I can't find a supplier for Impul wheel parts. I don't see why some other brand wouldn't work, but in my mind there is no reason why a three piece wheel should be this hard to modify. Isn't that the point of multi-piece wheels? To be able to repair the parts if something gets bent/damaged instead of scrapping the whole thing? I want to change the offset so they are deeper and I can ditch my 1 1/4" spacers... -max
  9. I've noticed that guys that are around turbo deisels for some reason use those terms interchangeably. I argued with this guy for like 20 minutes once until I realized we were discussing the same device, but with different terminology...
  10. And I thought there was nothing to do in FLORIDA, now I see how you guys get down in Utah! For some reason that makes me think of the DeLorean from Back II the Future. On a semi-related note, when I got rid of my old green z (that survived a head on collision witha horse-the z was parked, the horse hit IT) I gave it to a buddy, and he decided to spend his time doing the gas powered leaf blower supercharger. It seemed a little suspect, but I saw it take a full second off the quarter mile time of that car (went from a 15.6 down to a mid 14 blowing smoke all the way). So if anyone was wondering if that would work, the answer is yes, yes it will.
  11. I don't know if that's funnier than Kramer or not, but I'll be sure not to profile you as you're riding a bicycle towards me with a chest strapped full of black cats...
  12. At my old house, we had some really jerky people living across the street. They were shooting mortars horizontally down the street, and we were pretty fed up with the whole affair. Right as we're going inside, they angle one up a bit, and it does a short hop out of the tube, and lands on the trunk of their lexus still burning until it blew up. It was so dope! I was like "yeah, take that jerk-off!" Sometimes there is justice in the world...
  13. That definitely doesn't look like short bus yellow. I say go with it.
  14. It doesn't have to be purpose built really, just make sure your components are working together within their ranges. It's like putting a super stereo head unit on factory speakers. It would work great until you turned up the volume and blew them out. You can upgrade the speakers, or not turn up the volume. I'm sorry to hear about this new problem though. Hopefully everything will work out.
  15. I was thinking of using a split rubber vacuum hose or something, but I like that idea Jon, it would probably work pretty well. I hate the hatch seal I've got. I'm not even convinced it's the right seal for this car, it came in the back of a parts car I got, and it was pretty close. Blows chunks pretty much describes it though.
  16. That intake is coming along really well! What does the rest of that audi look like?
  17. Well my engine definitely falls on it's face at 5500, so guess that confirms my cam is stock...
  18. A cousin in tampa, huh? I wonder if I wouldn't know him? Probably not...
  19. That's cool. I always thought your posts were really informative, so I was just wondering what your car was like. Doesn't bother me that it isn't a z one bit.
  20. Fair enough. I've just noticed a bunch of old threads getting dug out of the archives, and people posting about stuff that has been talked about a bunch of times as if it was the first time anyone had ever heard of it. Wasn't commenting on this guy so much, just making an observation that there were a lot of "new members" popping up. I didn't mean that to be a negative observation. Plus this guy seems pretty cool.
  21. I don't know dude, the camo zzzap! will break loose the 255/50-17's shifting into second with what I'm assuming is all stock gear (just su's)...
  22. Hey grumpy, do you have a z? I always see you post about vettes. Just curious.
  23. There seems to be an influx of newbe's the last week or so...maybe it was Pinks? or maybe just summer vacation? I hope everybody turns out to be cool. Welcome to the board Miata!
  24. Run a search for aerodynamics, there have been some pretty lengthy discussions of what would help a z in that department (one of my favorites was driving in reverse). It was said that removing the hatch all together would make the car more aerodynamic, so I would imagine the pantera hatch would help as well.
  25. That is so hard...what's up with the new avatar? Got a new evil look to go with the new evil post count?
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