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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. "It was about dat time that I realized the salesman was 3 stories tall, and a monster from the Tri-assic era! I was like: D*mn it monsta, I just gave you tree fiddy last week! We work hard for our tree fiddy around here, we're not just giving it away!" He he, best episode of south park ever... Nice 350z by the way, I would only be shopping for a white one myself. I test drove on with the nismo intake on it in a 6 speed, and found it to be a very stable and composed car for a vehicle of that weight. If we would have gotten one, it would have been an automatic for my wife though.
  2. I've seen one of those yearone re-body's in person, and it was pretty amazing. But that is an aftermarket body for a car that has a real demand that outstrips the supply (the one I saw was covertible). Also that program only started up like 2 years ago. I'm pretty sure they are going to start doing first gen mustangs too, and possibly some of the mopar cars, but I'm not 100%. I'm thinking mazda has a similar program to the bodies in white for the spec miata racing series. I would believe that they would sell the last few unbuilt bodies of the cobra, but I have a hard time thinking that they wouldn't just either finish the last 510 wagon, or scrap it if that's indeed what this car is.
  3. I'd always heard that the vertical core intercoolers worked better, but that if the inlet/outlet were on the same side, the air never really made it all the way to the end of the intercooler and it was better if it came in on one side, out on the other so that the air was forced to utilize the entire core area.
  4. I don't like it, the bumper treatments make it look like a ZX, and that spoiler isn't so hot. Maybe if it was flat black with camo...Ugh, I just noticed the chrome hood vents. I guess I'm bling-allergic too.
  5. Dude, trannies are cheap at the boneyard if you pull it yourself. I got one for $50, and it came with a flywheel for my auto to manual conversion. Even in suspect condition, it's going to be less time and money than a rebuild if you are just looking for an interim solution.
  6. I've worked at an acura dealership, and currently work at a Saturn dealership, both times in parts. It is currently NOT possible to buy a complete shell, and even if it were, it would most certainly not come with any doors, hatches, hardware, etc. like that auction has. Floor pans are seperate, fenders inner and outer are seperate, everything comes apart,even the roof, that way you can repair crash damage without totaling the vehicle for minor things. I think somebody played a joke on this guy, and he didn't know any better. The only program I've heard of that allows you to buy a unibody in it's entirety is the bodies in white program that Ford has(where you can buy untitled blem cars off the production line that have paint that is too thick or thin or whatever strictly for racing purposes). You can't even buy complete seat assemblies in most cases. It would cost you into the multiple thousands of dollars to put together two leather front seats for an acura integra just buy buying the parts over the counter.
  7. I also used to fish until my cousin hooked me in the ear, which merely got me a warning from the physics police and not a full fledged citation, however I decided that there was more stylish jewelry out there than a red fishing lure and decided my fishing career was pretty much over too...
  8. I used to golf until I had a horrifying accident on the course that defied the laws of physics. After the physics police were done writing me a citation for disobeying their so called "laws", I decided that anyone who could manage to hit themselves in the face with a golf ball by bouncing it off the corner of a sidewalk didn't need to be playing too much...
  9. I'm driving up to ATL to pick up some rear window louvers from OTM this weekend, and i'll probably continue the stripe on those too. I'll post some more pictures once that is done and installed.
  10. the strut is blown. All that oil that was in there should have been inside the strut cartridge. When I did my struts, I siphoned out enough strut oil from all four cases to fill up a small zephyrhills water bottle...
  11. I'd say laguna seca blue, but ON3GO already has one...
  12. Speaking of AWD, I know I'm not the only one that knows about this link, but here it is anyway: http://www.z31.com/~morgan/nd/?z/awd1000hp240z.jpg I found it in an old post while trying to find out about the red Monza Mystery Z, and thought it was just hard core. Z-tard, I think a 4.3TT would be great. I'm not super familiar with those engines, but there's something to be said for being different. Plus, if it works, you would be everybody's hero, and if it turns out to be a spectacular failure, at least somebody took one for the team and we can all scratch it off the donor list, right?
  13. That red camo is pretty hot. As far as bringing the stripe all the way to the back, my plan was to mimic the zzzap! graphics package, just change the colors. I like the line stopping where it does, so if you want to see it go all the way to the back, you'll just have to do it to yours I suppose. Then you can join the drift armada....maybe I should make a logo for it...Also, the actual painting was easy, just cut a few shapes out of cardboard for stencils, mask off what you want to spray, and go to town. All told, It might have taken me two and a half hours. A trick to keeping your lines straight: Notice the ruler in the supply picture. I taped all the way down the character line at the bottom of the door first, then just made sure every foot or so that my top tape line was always 6" from the bottom line. The 1/4" pinstripe line I just eyeballed, and it shows if you see it in person. But given the state of the car, and the nature of the rattle can paint job, I'm actually really satisfied with the finished result.
  14. The dealership I work for is an Ed Morse property, and I went to our cadillac store yesterday for a meeting. They had a supercharged XLR there for the low price of $100,000 even. Neat car, well put together, but I think the Z06 is a better car at a better price. The new 07 porsche 911 turbos are going to be equipped with variable area nozzle turbos according to the literature, so that might be cool too...
  15. Did anybody notice the triple carb turbo plenum he's also selling for $50? or the SSR MKII's?
  16. now I know the fumes are getting to you! I've got more money in my fuel lines than I do in my car. I only paid $200 for the car, $300 for the fuel cell and braided lines, $275 for the hub adapters and $700 for the wheels. The tires were free, and I spent like $400 on my tokico struts and springs. I actually made money acquiring a donor car to get a 5 speed and R200, but I probably spent that on spray paint and bondo...
  17. Congratulations! Nothing like sticking it to 'em AND getting a new place to really make you feel good.
  18. Hey Mike, what if you mount the turbo around where the A/C compressor is supposed to go? would that work at all? Maybe you could totally reroute the wastegate tube to come up over the turbo flange instead of long as all hell underneath the runners like it is in that picture, that would free up some space towards the front of the engine.
  19. You know what you need to do? Paint your car with camoflage...that would be hot...
  20. Oh it's all rattle can baby! I turn my nose up at proffessional paint jobs, with your compressors and your spray guns...who needs em? If I had money though, that would be a different story.
  21. Otm, I think you've sprayed yourself retarded...give me your keys, you've had enough for tonight sir. I'm afraid you can't drive in this condition. Next thing you know, you'll be painting camo stripes down the hood and sides of your car, and then what?
  22. I got my wheels from www.rbmotoring.com. They carry all kinds of crazy used wheels from Japan. The lug pattern is 4X114.3 by the way.
  23. done and done. by the way, Otm, I bet it sucks watching movies with mel gibson, he probably throws popcorn at people...
  24. veritech-z


    From the album: veritech's pix

  25. Otm, you should get the yellow letter nascar tires to go with those nascar wheels you've got there.
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