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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. If it was me, I'd steer clear. Yeah they're different, but not really in a good way. there are other choices on ebay that would look decent, and be rare because they ARE desirable...like these: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JDM-IMPUL-15-RIMS-240SX-S13-DATSUN-510-240Z-AE86_W0QQitemZ140086055431QQihZ004QQcategoryZ43955QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD1VQQcmdZViewItem okay, these are 5 lug, but.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JDM-ADVAN-ONI-17-wheels-rims-S13-S14-RX7-Nissan-240sx_W0QQitemZ300083017383QQihZ020QQcategoryZ43957QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JDM-WORK-WHEELS-14-X-6-S13-AE86-510-4-LUG-COROLLA_W0QQitemZ330089341090QQihZ014QQcategoryZ43956QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Anyway, you get the idea...most of these are smaller than 18", actually, all of them are smaller than 18"...but that's what you get when you ask other people to tell you what they think. I'm sure whatever you pick will make you happier with your car, and really that's what it's all about.
  2. Phil, you might need to represent the independant party during the Veritech-z vs OTM smackdown...
  3. Why not get these and paint them black? I'd love to have a set... You'd need an adapter, but they're only $550 plus shipping from http://rbmotoring.dreamhosters.com/gallery/album426
  4. I've got 17s on mine (sometimes), and I know I personally wouldn't want to go any bigger than that. I'm not feeling these very much either...SSR made a turbine wheel that looked pretty sweet. I saw them on ebay once, but they aren't very common at all. Here's a car that's wearing them:
  5. Pedal feel should come from your pressure plate for the most part, so I wouldn't really expect that to change. I'm glad it's working well for you, I've always heard good things about ACT clutches.
  6. Jon, I didn't know that about the coilovers, but if he knew it, that was his chance to say so. To his credit though, he was really polite the whole time, he listened while I told him about my car and didn't jump on me for expressing interest in the V-8 (though I suspect this is because I'm driving a 280 and not a 240...these are the types of guys that think they stopped making Z's after 73). I got the impression that his run in with Mikelly happened in "real life" though I didn't ask him for specifics. Didn't get his name either, but his car is green he said. I told him I didn't think I'd seen it around, and he said I wouldn't have because it rarely leaves the garage. I don't know, he seemed nice enough, but I don't think I'd be interested in spending much time with him.
  7. So my encounter started out innocently enough: I was trading in a stack of records that my parents left me when they moved at a local used record store. The owner noticed my Datsun sweatshirt that I was wearing, and tentatively asked what kind of Datsun guy I was. I proceeded to tell him about my 280, and he started talking about his 71 240z, and how he was the original owner. So I bit, and asked him The Question: "So is it stock?" Then he proceeded to tell me about how it was stock interior/exterior, but he's got Panasports and coilovers and a Rebello stroker with an "83 or 84" five speed. Oh, and a 4.11 lsd rear end. "All without drilling any holes" to which I replied: "You've got coilovers and didn't have to section your struts?" Then he had to back pedal and tell me how he just meant on the unibody. How he wanted it so that he could put it all back to stock if he chose. Then he was telling me how he had his SUs bored out to 45mm, and I was asking if it wouldn't have been easier to just use the Jag 2" SUs...then we started talking about mine a little bit, and I was saying that I was planning to use a 350, and he was all like "If you aren't going to use a Z engine, then you shouldn't call it a Z". Then he started talking about the "RB2600" he was thinking of putting in. This is where it got good. I suggested he check out Hybridz, and he says: "Is that that guy.....Mike in Virginia? I've had a few run-ins with him, and we just didn't see eye to eye...I'm kind of a Purist, and I just didn't agree with him." Mikelly, your reputation preceeds you.
  8. I like to say: "You can polish a turd all week, but no matter how shiny you get it it still smells like sh*t."
  9. I actually like the flares on that car, the spoilers and hood/fascia are what kill it for me. I'll bet that Honda still has the single cam in it, and it's NA based on the angle/location of the filter that's sticking through the hood. Probably a knock of of the DC sports short ram intake.
  10. I was thinking it looked like a Daytona as well. Looking at the front view of that car, I'm almost 100% that the rear flares were Jim Cook Racing California Z flares.
  11. Also, this guy has a boat spoiler on his car...
  12. That's why Google earth should come with a parental advisory warning...
  13. Phil, are you happy with the pressure plate you're using with that clutch? I had a buddy with an SR20det powered sentra that used the full ACT setup with that disc, and his pedal was stiff like crazy...it was like all engaged or nothing, real grabby. But he got a 12.98 in the quarter with no suspension or anything, so it got the job done. I can't wait for Part II with driving in it!
  14. That guy was my hero back in the day...I always wondered what happened to him, then heard he got locked up for some chop shop stuff or something...I had heard he was building a new car, but that was a long time ago and hadn't heard anything since. Him and Adam Saruwarti in the yellow and chameleon RX-7. Once Adam switched to the twin turbo NSX it was kind of down hill from there.
  15. I bet your new 280 friends don't let you win at Street Fighter II on their super NES like I did...If you paint the little chrome piece in the middle black, then I suppose they'd look pretty cool.
  16. the rear flares on Mike's car there look a lot like the JCR rear flares with that little notch at the top.
  17. Do it Phil...you might as well go all the way to support your sell-out front end. (Max is bitter that phil left his mystery front spook's only car club to join the cookie cutter ranks of those with repressed 280 guilt).
  18. I got rep once for telling somebody that the picture of the mustang I posted was a picture of a mustang...I guess they couldn't tell what it was? I think that's the only rep I got though.
  19. I've seen Camo blowing up big time as well...I can't prove it, but I suspect that these threads are getting around...
  20. Weren't they available as far back as the Shelby Charger in the mid-late 80's? I think Acura is using one on the new RDX too.
  21. looked more like an Iroc hood to me...
  22. I saw this new Spoon widebody S2K, and thought it reminded me of one of the concept sketches I'd done a while ago. I wonder if this kit could be adapted to work on a Z? I've never seen one side by side to get a good idea of the proportions.
  23. I think we need to discuss what exactly you're doing on www.big-boys.com there aux...
  24. I hide all my unsightly wires and brake lines in plain sight. How you ask? By equipping the World's Rustiest Header, I have effectively distracted all attention away from anything else in the car that is even marginally less rusty or ugly. I know RonTyler is about as jealous of this mod as it's possible to be, that's why I keep offering to trade headers with him so he'll finally get some respect around here. He has yet to accept, to his credit. Another trick I like to use is to only angle my photographs in such a way that you can't actually get a good look at my brake lines, thereby obviating the need to actually do anything at all about them...
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