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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. I've got a stock 1977 ignition module, but I'm using an MSD Blaster II coil with Accel Super Stock 8mm wires. I don't remember what the gap was, I'm pretty sure its .044", but it might have been .043"? Somewhere around there anyway...I'd have to pull one out and check it to be 100% sure. *edit* Mario, this is the link you were looking for: http://www.ngk.com/sparkplug411_ngk.asp Looks like I was mistaken, the P means "projected insulator type" when it follows the B, but platinum when it leads off the part number string, and it seems that 1.1mm is .044"...it's been awhile since I was fooling around with spark plug catalogs.
  2. bpr6es I think is platinum. bKr6es-11 is what I'm using, they are the 280zx NA plugs. The 11 at the end just means it has a 1.1mm gap, which as about .042" if I remember correctly. I just loaded a derivation of BRAAP's fuel settings into my VE table, and it seems like it ran better up to about 4500rpm, and then started to break up again. I've only got a few gallons of gas in my plastic fuel cell, and even though it has the foam I suspect it may be sloshing away from the pickup under load...maybe I should just go fill 'er up and see if that doesn't help. Also I haven't tried free revving it to see if the problem is only under load or not, let me go try that too. *edit* Well, mine revs fine in neutral all the way up to 6500rpm. Guess I'll fill it up with gas and see if my 4k problem goes away or not. If so, guess that means I'll be needing a surge tank...
  3. Dang Phil, first we were mystery front spook buddies, and now we're "my wife can't see the vision!" buddies! They must be twins seperated at birth...
  4. veritech-z


    The general "swampiness" looks a lot like it does in rural Florida. Vegetation (trees, sawgrass looking stuff) looks like a typical cypress swamp...
  5. Scoop-a-licious! OTM, do one of the side of that kit for me, I'm curious what's going on with the fender there behind the wheel...
  6. I had a pic there, but I guess the link was broken...let me dig one up for you... *edit* here is the picture, I just hosted it myself on photobucket: the best part about these is that working at a saturn parts department gives me easier access to these than some others.
  7. Terry, you're such a pimp. VIP style, baby! Do these videos make you want one even more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNF-W4ucQ4w (cheesiest driving music award goes to....this video right here!) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkSA4Bwru40 And what really made me want to have one was finding this video of a car I'd driven in GT4: http://videos.streetfire.net/video/d85e3371-5439-4779-ad1c-982a00594863.htm
  8. I tried to name his yellow car "the BRAAPmobile", but it never really caught on...(although "magnum ZI" seems to have pretty much stuck to b_sosick's car, so my name games aren't a total failure...)
  9. What exactly do you mean by "custom center section?" If it's your intent to change the offset, you would need different rim sections, not necessarily a new center section. And if you wanted a different shape of center, why bother buying those wheels at all? www.kodiakracingwheels.com offers all kinds of custom wheel choices (even re-setting the offset of an existing multi-piece wheel), but they are pretty steeply priced. I wanted to resize my Impul RS-IIIs, but after I was done pricing out the rim sections that I would need, it would be cheaper to buy Advan Onis in the correct size...
  10. I've heard of this conversion, but never actually looked at it to see what the finished product looks like...I have been giving some serious thought to picking up some Saturn Sky side marker lights, they are as flush as you are going to get: See them right in front of the front wheel? I think it would go well with my new fascia...
  11. Well, the drawbacks for me have nothing to do with power delivery or percieved lag, and everything to do with my own ideas of how likely that design would be to fail prematurely (and possibly catastrophically). I mean, imagine you are cruising on the highway at speed, and the oil line lets go and starts spraying your left rear wheel with oil...that's got disaster written all over it. Or for instance, look how much more susceptable to picking up road debris and water your wastegate is in that location. Imagine you catch a speed bump just right (not a stretch really, I do it in my Altima all the time when I have more than one passenger, and it's only 1.5" lower than stock) and damage it, now it's not controlling your boost at all, but you don't realize it until it's too late. I've got a good friend that just graduated from UTI in Orlando that actaully saw a wastegate fail on one of the STS GTO turbo systems. Spiked the boost up to 30psi and blew the dipstick right out of the hole. Supposedly it ran fine after that, but I suspect that owner's troubles are just beginning...
  12. The only advantage to a system like this would be the relative "stealth" of the modification. I have yet to see any of these systems try to take it to the next level and hide the plumbing, but that would be the only viable consideration to doing this vs a traditional system from my point of view. If it was me, I'd think about going so far as to try and hide my pitifully small turbo inside a gutted out muffler. A proper sleeper need only look stock from the back, and pass a cursory underhood inspection. If you aren't concerned with that, then the drawbacks far outweigh any advantages to a system with this configuration in my opinion.
  13. My fuel pump is wired on a dedicated switch with new wires....I'm glad you were able to get your bugs worked out, but I suspect I've got some funny spots in my fuel map...I just don't have the time right now or anyone to ride shotgun with me to do a little street tuning.
  14. Ok, that cop comes to a stop right next to the hole in the fence where the car just drove through...look a the last frame, it's on the right, clearly visible in the headlights of the police car.
  15. What's wrong with that three wheeler in the background? That looks like it's pretty quick...probably good on gas too....
  16. I was wondering that also, could the fuel be sloshing away from the pickup under load? Have you tried a completely full gas tank and see if the condition persists?
  17. could it be a faulty FPR?
  18. I like the wheels you've got in that picture WAY better than the ones in your sig, J. I like the roller skate look (wide tires, no flares, kind of looks like an old school roller skate) too, but flares also can look nice.
  19. You'd probably like these guys then Jimbo (straight edge hardcore has a LOT of aggression...): Earth Crisis: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lghqWE7JPeY Strife: Some of the angriest hip-hop I've heard in a long time has got to be Jedi Mind Tricks (content warning, as usual for the hip-hop videos...)
  20. I knew a kid who really was that dumb once...a senior in high school that had no idea how much he didn't know, but he was belligerently ignorant about it just the same...I suspected it might be the same guy since most of the players in that thread were from around here...I think I know the LT1 power guy from Temple Terrace...
  21. Asian Kung Fu Generation...not quite as good (in my opinion) as The Pillows, but I don't hold it against them... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teutusRlTCc
  22. You could just send whichever ones you arent' using down my way...I need something to fill out my new fascia look. I like not body colored flares better than body colored flares, but the street flares are pretty cool looking. I'd be tempted to bolt them on and paint them gloss black.
  23. $18k AND you'll throw in the alternator? I'll take two please! Just kidding John, that seemed like an odd thing to use to justify that kind of price tag, though the rest of it makes a little more sense.
  24. Are you talking about the bumper? No, I don't have that, sorry.
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