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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. Denny, is that your real phone number there in your sig? Do people call you all the time now that you've published it to the web? Youre brave, dude.
  2. Except that those cars outweigh an older z by a huge amount, so the performance wouldn't be nearly as good unless you had some WORK done to that motor. I would think, anyway.
  3. Yeah Brandon, that looks a lot like your myspace page...Since when is your car turbo? Maybe I should make one, and then not upload any pics either.
  4. Nobody knows? I was curious if that pimptacular quilted vinyl that comes in the 240z would work on my 280...
  5. how big of a nerd are you? If the answer is huge (like me), than go to www.nuklearpower.com, click on archives, and start at number one. If the answer is not so much, go to www.killsometime.com and play some free flash games.
  6. Google image search turned up this: http://www.drifting.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=894&stc=1 180sx with a bodykit to make the front look like an S30. We had a thread about this bodykit in the non-tech, and it's come up a bunch. Also during the google search there were a bunch of 200sx S12 body pictures, some with 180zx written on the back. http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?t=113824&highlight=240sx
  7. The only thing I've had good luck with from MSD are Blaster coils. I got a used 6al from a guy, and of course it didn't work (although he claimed it worked when removed from a car). Also I bought a brand new 6 series with the boost retard feature that was bad out of the box. No matter how badly I want to use MSD, I have to keep reminding myself of these failures before I spend the money...
  8. here's some t-5 info, if anybody else was interested: http://www.5speeds.com/t5/ So far it seems like the Ford Mustang t-5's are stronger, and they got the world class versions before gm did. I'm still looking to see if either the guts of such tranny are compatible to be swapped into a GM case, or if the gearbox could just unbolt and be put onto a camaro bellhousing. As a piece of trivia, the T-5 on the turbo 280zx is supposedly a ford bolt pattern where it adapts to the bellhousing. *edit* found a flathead Ford page that desribes using a 4 cylinder S-10 gearbox to upgrade to a t-5, since the 4/6 cylinder GM trannies used the ford style bellhousing to main body bolt pattern. The inverse of that should then hold true: If I get a ford t-5 gearbox from say a 5.0 mustang and bolt it to a 4/6 cylinder bellhousing, I should get a decent strength gearbox on a chevy bellhousing. That assumes a few variables: the 4/6 cylinder bellhousing will bolt to a 350, and said bellousing/tranny combo will have the right length input shaft to operate the clutch correctly... http://www.flatheadv8.org/t5-swap.htm
  9. Are most of you guys that are using the JTR mount setup just buying them from JTR, or is anyone having them cut on their own? Is it appreciably cheaper to make them yourself?
  10. Anybody ever use one of those heaters that burns used engine oil? At the dealership we get these catalogs every once in awhile for shop equipment, and they had a whole section on those. I thought there MUST be some kind of EPA restriction on that, but there were multiple models in there.
  11. http://www.z-point.nl/ Works rally cars, with video! None of the cars look like this 260, but the ones featured on the link are the only works rally cars that I'm familiar with.
  12. Hey doc, this thread is worthless without smoky burnout pics! And audio clips! And maybe some video too...
  13. So he dropped the price in half...wasn't that the one that was $30k originally with the stock L28? I think we had a "what's my car worth" thread going with him for awhile. Nice car though, I hope he gets what he wants for it.
  14. I met a guy going to Villanova that is living with my cousin who is from Somalia, who watched his parents and family get murdered in front of him. He proceeded to WALK to another country, and somehow found his own way to America where he is attending an ivy league college. Only in America is right, people are so amazing sometimes... My mom was only able to quit smoking when she got pregnant. I know that's not really an option for you larry, but medical science is making leaps and bounds these days...
  15. Is the world class t-5 strictly aftermarket, or is that who bought the t-5 after borg warner was done with it? How would I be able to tell the difference just by looking? If OEM, what year and model would have been equipped with such a thing?
  16. You should set up one of these decoys to film what's going on, then maybe you could get to the bottom of it: *I found some hilarious pictures of a real deer "getting to know" one of these decoys, but didn't think it was appropriate to post the picture...so here's the link:http://blogidaho.biz/deer3.jpg
  17. So did you duct them, or are they just relying on the ambient air pressure that is building up there in the wheel wells?
  18. My answer for that is "No more than I have to." I won't be beating this car to death, so I figured the service life of the T-5 would vary directly with how hard I shift it. I haven't looked, but I imagine one of those would be much easier to come by in a pick-n-pull than a t-56, and around here a tranny from one of those yards is less than $50 if you have a core, regardless of type. So if there is something stronger I could get in the salvage yard, that's what I'll look for. If i had my druthers I'd be using one of these: http://www.lencoracing.com/st12.html
  19. Hey Chelle, is that a real live ferrari engine in Kim's car, or is it a custom valve cover on something else? You girls and your hot rods...(I'm assuming Kim is a girl...)Y'all ( i realize that looks country as all get out in print, but it sounds normal when i say it out loud...Ok, You all) have some amazing cars!
  20. hey ron, what's that look like with the hood closed? I like those wheel well mounted intercoolers!
  21. Single? I must not have gotten the memo...my 1 year anniversary is on sunday.
  22. That's a fact...I guess what I'll probably end up doing is putting the motor in N/A first, and then boost it down the road, so a t-5 should be acceptable as a "what will it take to get 'er runnin'?" type part...It was just the only manual tranny really talked about in the JTR book, and I'm not extra savvy about what models of cheverolet came with what manual tranny, and even less so when it comes to the reputations of a given gearbox.
  23. I'm not sure it's going to be a 383, I haven't heard from Owen yet on how much he wants for his stuff. For now I'm operating under the premise that it will be a built to stock spec 350 with 6-7 psi intercooled boost. What hp/torque would you estimate to be the guaranteed failure point of a t-5? Is there some other junkyard available 5 speed that would work better? I know that the t-56 is the end all, but it just isn't in the cards to throw that much at one for me any time soon, and I won't do it with an automatic. I've got an open R200 on the car already.
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