"how hard can it be?"
"where did I leave my torch?" (why does the slap guy look so much like Ronald Reagan to me? Am I the only one who thinks that?)
"what the heck is this made of?!"
"Seriously, what is this made of?!?"
Finally, mustache bar bushings are in....now for the spindle pins...
I've discovered that a hole saw works better than a torch, for anyone who is interested and hasn't done this yet...Also, if you use too much of the goo they include, the bushing wants to come squirting back out of the hole after you press it in. Speaking of presses, have at least a shop vise handy to put the new bushings in, and it really helps if you have an actual press around. I'm doing mine at the dealership where I work, so I get to use the big compressor to power my air tools, and the bearing press to squish out the old bushings and compress the new ones. That helps too: go get a job at a dealership before you attempt this operation so you can use the cool stuff they have laying around in the shop!