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Everything posted by veritech-z

  1. No need to cut any holes in MY battery tray area...already got a nice one going... I've never cared for the mustang style door scoops. Non-functional from an aerodynamic and stylistic point of view as far as I'm concerned. Maverick would be much nicer with a closed up front end.
  2. I get caffiene headaches if I go cold turkey...but Coke is my soft drink of choice, I can't stand some mountain dew.
  3. Actually no, it's not. My screen name and sig pic are actually references to Robotech. Bandai I guess had the rights to market the toys for Robotech, and they decided to re-sticker one of the Veritech VF1-j fighter toys as a transformer (it's not popularly known, but the transformers cartoon was actually a half hour advertisement for the toys. the toys actually came first, and the show was made around them to get the word out), so they wrote it into the show as Jetfire, a long lost robot that was frozen in the ice. The toy was IDENTICAL down to the molded in serial numbers to a real Robotech toy. The only difference was the stickers. The reason for the Veritech-z screen name is that I had my car painted like the Roy Fokker Veritech from Robotech for awhile before the camo zzzap! days. I'll see if I can dig up a picture. Here's a link to the jetfire toy: http://cgi.ebay.com/Transformers-G1-Air-Guardian-JETFIRE-SKY-FIRE_W0QQitemZ220016948877QQihZ012QQcategoryZ4696QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem The only gen-1 transformer I still have is Grimlock. I rescued him from a flea market as an adult. I used to have tons of those things as a kid, and I'm not really sure what ever became of them. I also had a real Veritech toy that would change into all three modes, but I remember it breaking. I got a cheap knock off from ebay because a new one is like $100 if you could even find one...
  4. Ouch, the mullet of the automotive world? I thought that was the gen-III camaro... I'm partial to the whale tail. I think it helps balance out the extra length of the g-nose. I know they are out of fashion, but the WT will rise again! Even if I'm the only one...
  5. No other info on where to get the kit. I've seen the pics before from tokyo auto salon or some such, and ran a google image search for "datsun miata" and it came up. You might find some more info on the web. I've seen pics of the 240sx-z, but never any info on who makes that kit either.
  6. Nigel: "Oy, Davie, this 'ere 'atch is a touch rusty! Wot you fink we can do abou' it?" Davie: ....scratches head.... "I dunno Nigel, I 'eard abou' this 'ere show across the pond called "MacGuyver," and in this one episode, 'e made 'isself a tent out of a lawn chair and some chewing gum...wotcha got in the garage that ain't nailed down?"
  7. So nobody cared about the inverted headlight buckets? I thought that was so cool...back to the drawing board I guess. Literally. (voice of ALF: HA! I kill me!) Michael, I thought your car was really cool. Looked really rx-7-ish to me, but in a good way. OTM, keepin the secret stash of sketches! Holdin out on us, eh? I'm thinking of doing something a little more Akira/primadonna style, stay tuned...
  8. Got any videos of an Ls miata floating around? I'd love to see what something like that would be like...I remember reading about ford test fitting a duratec v-6 into a miata, as well as mazda squeezing a rotary into one as part of a concept study to see what the next gen miata powerplant might be. I guess nothing much ever came of it though, since it still has the 4 cylinder, and not even a turbo anymore.
  9. It looks to me like just adding a 3/8" or 1/2" thick space would do the trick, but it's hard to tell. That should still give you some room to play with the firewall, and you could always reclock the compressor, right?
  10. So what's the story? Do you at least get a copy of your own kit design for free if they go with it?
  11. Looking at that supra manifold, the actual round area of the plenum doesn't start until above the opening of the velocity stack. Wouldn't that make it act pretty much as if the stack were flush? I've been unsure of the logic behind this theory since the first time I've heard it, so I'm always up for a good explanation.
  12. Do you think there is enough material to machine a small groove in the housing? Or would that weaken it too much for the temperatures it's going to see? Would putting a spacer on the flange move it out enough to clear the steering linkage?
  13. Wouldn't it be funny if the fiberglass place that wants the bodykit ideas just copied some stuff from this thread unsolicited, and never bothered to contact any of us about it? By the by, OTM, were you planning to send them anything?
  14. I have a question about the uerethane tranny mount bushings: Would installing that help with 5th gear popout? Or is that worn synchros?
  15. Awesome! And there's still time to register! That's right around my wedding anniversary though...
  16. I guess I can scratch an unsupportive girlfriend off the list of why you are so resistant to the camo conversion...but that DOES explain why you have so much time on your hands for the z! Anybody who would flame you over something like that is a jackass anyway. For the record, I've never had a drink of alcohol, even at my wedding. Don't plan to either. I don't know....something about the big-phil experience seems a little...different? Maybe something is missing, something that used to be there that made your car cool, but isnt' there anymore? I can't quite put my spook I mean finger on it....
  17. Yeah I thought the same thing! I really like the tonneau cover part.
  18. I liked Atlanta when I went there, but until I finish my megasquirt install, I'm pretty positive I couldn't get there in the camo zzzap!. There is a track in Ocala Florida called the Ocala Grand Prix or something like that where they usually do drift events, but it's a significant expense to rent it for the day, so there would have to be more people than just me and b_sosick to cover costs. Maybe some of the ATaLiens (OTM I'm looking at you! You know you want to drift!) would make the treck to beef up the z presence? That place is normally a shifter cart track, but it's big enough to drive real cars on it. Perfect for drifting really because the corners are nice and tight.
  19. 240hoke? He's a member here, just send him a pm.
  20. Anybody seen the Miata bodykit that looks like a fairlady roadster?
  21. The picture doesn't work for some reason...
  22. Every set of Eibach springs I've seen over the years always ends up sagging in the back for some reason. I don't know if it's user error or what, but every time I've seen someone with a lowered car that's higher in the front and asked what type of spring it was, they turned out to be eibach...Anybody else made that observation, or is it just around here?
  23. On a lighter note, I laughed for like an hour when I went to Blockbuster and saw that "Snakes on a Train" is in fact a real movie...it was made by the same people that brought us "The Davinci Treasure." Genius. And Forrest, your review almost got me into the theater today to see SOAP, but the wife was not into it. I trust the opinions of Hybridzers for the most part when it comes to stuff like that. I'm sure if I don't catch it now, I'll see it on DVD.
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