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Everything posted by Globerunner513

  1. So I've been playing around with a D60 my sister has, and I've really enjoyed it. (I've been into 35mm photography for a while but never really went anywhere with it) Anyway I think its time I dropped some cash on a camera of my own. I work for an airline, and have lots of travel opportunities, and so thats mainly what I think I'll be using it for, as well as artsy-fartsy car photography and such. I've been playing with long exposures and lots of saturation which I've really liked so far. I'd like to get something I can grow into, but not so complicated I'm completely over my head. I'm thinking about a used D90, but perhaps a Canon equivalent is a way to go? I don't know much about the Canons yet. I'd like to spend around $500-$600 for a decently used camera. Lenses and extras always a bonus, but I know I can find those elsewhere too. So whadya think? I'm also researching elsewhere but I know there are some gurus here. thanks! And just cause I like to take up space, here's some of what I've taken with the D60: (senior portraits)
  2. I fly standby (Dad works for an airline, as do I), and flew down to Sydney a couple weeks ago, just got back last week. Ended up having to fly in the back both ways. ugh. Can't really complain, but I know for a fact that there were open business seats when we left. I miss the days when airline personnel had a mutual respect. Though being a ticket/gate agent myself, I can understand their bitterness.
  3. Disregard my last post. Just a bit of a brain fart. I read the below quote, and thought "FRP" was some company that also produced bumper brackets, hence the link. Of course you were referring to the bumpers themselves. I do quite prefer your brackets to those ebay ones anyway. Thanks for the reply though!
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsun-280z-260z-240z-Aluminum-Front-Bumper-Brackets-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem45f30a613cQQitemZ300430287164QQptZMotorsQ5fCarQ5fTruckQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories I in no way mean to undermine your sales, azcarbum by posting this link. I am curious though, if this is the "FRP" bracket you referred to, for those of us changing to '73 bumpers. I think I actually ended up buying a '73 which was advertised as a '72.
  5. Pretty crappy work rules, plus wages far below average for that type of company/flying. (even industry average is still a far cry from where it should be) Spirit pilots are PROPOSING a starting First Officer salary of about $32,000 a year and increases to match, or within 10% of other carriers like Jet Blue. Company still thinks that's too unreasonable apparently. So off to the picket lines they went. If I remember correctly, it was voted something of 98% FOR a strike within the pilot group. Good luck to them. Its nice to see the industry rallying around these guys. Pretty much every other US airline has announced that they will help any Spirit pilots with jumpseats that might be stranded. The hope is that this strike might help some other pilot groups who have pending contract negotiations.
  6. So Spirit Airlines pilots are now on strike as of Saturday morning. Apparently its going pretty well too for them, not even management pilots or other airlines are willing to SCAB for Spirit. (except i think 2 or maybe 3 flights operated by a small carrier that now no longer will fly either). It should be interesting to see how it pans out. Definitely is the wake up call this industry needs.
  7. I Like what you did with your wheels. It's an interesting way to set them off. This is what I did to mine. Painted Polished. About a year later here. Planning on polishing again, and a fresh coat of paint.
  8. Reminds me of the "Forum that shall not be named". lol That was great. Unfortunately...all too true.
  9. That bumper looks sick! go for it!
  10. How are you liking the Genesis? I think they're pretty badass but haven't had the pleasure of seeing one up close.
  11. meh. I wont be watching the show again. And he constantly refers to the car as a "Ferrari" in the video. If it was a Frankenstein of parts, and he knew it...why still call it a Ferrari? And that is the worst sounding V12 on the planet... too bad, he really ruined himself on this one.
  12. The Primadona Z looks FANTASTIC! I would drive it in a heart beat.
  13. Wow. That's quite the line up. Kind of looks like fairchild AFB. Any guesses?
  14. That really is some excellent film making. The song selection and editing really helped bring out the different moods through out the race, especially the energy at the start, and the early morning sleepy part.
  15. Just incase there was any doubt (I think the window frame and roof line is a dead giveaway too) I'm hoping the host of that show knew the difference and just didn't want to crush the owner's pride in telling him.
  16. I haven't read the article, but I wonder if the author is trying to say that the hood pins create more turbulent air as it approaches the windscreen/roof of the car, and perhaps a smoother flow is better? That is to say, the effect on the flow of the air over the car rather than the actual drag that's created. Still, I would imagine any effect would be minimal, until very high speeds like mentioned above.
  17. Soccer is my favorite sport to watch, other than F1. I'm super excited for the world cup this year! I just made a bracket on ESPN.com. Picked the Netherlands to win over Argentina (I'm an optimist lol) What do you think?
  18. A series of unfortunate events... So after pushback today and just as the aircraft started taxiing out, another ramper noticed some fluid gushing out of the nose-wheel area. According to her, it looked pink-ish. We contacted the aircraft and had a mechanic go out to the taxiway to check it out. In the mean time we checked the spot where the aircraft had leaked the fluid. Turns out the fluid on the ramp was COFFEE! Ideas were flung around as to what it could come from, and it was thought that maybe a mechanic left a coffee cup up in the wheel well the night before. Who knows. The mechanic at the aircraft looked around and for the life of him couldn't find any coffee or spill or cup or anything up in the nose gear area. Apparently the drain tube that connects to the front galley sink, front lav sink, and floor drain is located just behind the nose wheel. As it happened, a flight attendant spilled a cup of coffee at the same moment that the plane started to taxi. The bright low morning sun shining through it made the coffee look red/pinkish. Go figure. LOL
  19. This kind of goes along. Awesome self produced video from these two guys. They even were able to get the music composed just for their film. Not to mention far better choreography than the Star Wars films.
  20. I have one from a '75. I'll get you a price quote on shipping and get back to you.
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