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Everything posted by SteelToad

  1. The rear window isn't done yet, it'll be one of the last things that gets done, they need the window holes while they work on the pantera hatch. The metal guy and I have a few ideas. The first is to start with a plate cut to shape, and then weld rods onto the plate, spaced the same as on the hood vents and the cowl. The other option is to cover it all with a metal mesh, like grill mesh, this would work with the aftermarket msa hood vents. Luckily you can fit whatever you come up with into the recess created for the window. For glass, you could probably go to any good automotive glass shop and they can cut some tinted tempered glass to shape for you. The interior ? LOL. The inside is all going to be custom anyway, with the pantera hatch and the window mechanism out of a Del Sol, it's going to be very non-stock.
  2. Yeah it can be consuming, mine went into the shop last June and is about half done. For flares, you could try these from black dragon (with modifications)
  3. I'm having the same problem in real life, I just cant stop approving mods. I liked it better without the vent, and here's one to improve any car, remove the mirrors and replace them with rear facing cameras. Oh yeah ! It's hard to beleive with these mods that the body style is almost 30 years old. I'd buy one
  4. Two things that are pretty amazing : - All of those mods are thoroughly do-able without too much work. - Graphics program sure have come a long way
  5. I love the shaved bumpers and rounded grille on anything before the ZX. I think the ZX has too many triangular lines up top (especially without the rear window) to be able to pull off rounded curves on the bottom . The MSA bodykit just enforces the aggressive angles while covering up the hideous stock bumpers. What your last pic needs is to round off the lower corners of the door, and maybe move the bottom door line up an inch to separate it from the trim
  6. I like the lowered profile, and that paint stripe sets it off nice. I just removed the wheel dings, and blended the headlight buckets. I hope he doesnt mind us messing with his car
  7. Ok, now take the photoshopped picture without the rear window, shave the door handles, remove the gas cap, and either remove the marker lights, or move them down into the body kit. ( Dang, I cant wait till mine is done )
  8. You mean something like this ? I'm in the process of getting the work done now. Check the site in the signature for what it all looks like without the trim or windows
  9. Black Dragon is what was once the Z-Car division of Victoria British.
  10. Computer Programmer with my own business, mostly banking and medical records software.
  11. ... Can you imagine the officers face when he pulls it over. But then again I'm sure theres a camera in there somewhere.
  12. In some places, the asking price is just the starting point, in others, its the fantasy number the seller would like to hit. You could offer asking+20K in some hotspots and get a chuckle and a polite "no thanks", while in other locations 80% of asking gets the seller scrambling for a pen. It's very much NOT like car shopping.
  13. SteelToad


    People like that are what keep the drug companies in business
  14. Delaware started printing your tag number on the sticker, so it cant be used on another car. The police can pull you over to verify that the sticker belongs to the car if they want to. Sticker theft has all but disappeared
  15. When your message contains and your sig says ... "woo ! we're in" Doesnt paint a good picture of you
  16. Lord help me, but those chrome ones are sexy
  17. SteelToad: I was walking through Walmart in the shoe department desparately trying to think of a unique name for my business (software development) I decided to close my eyes, walk, open them, and the first thing I saw would be my inspiration... It was a pair of steel toed boots.
  18. I'm going to create a new dash for mine, and i'm more than half tempted to cover it with the material used for the soft fuzzy half of velcro. It's a nice, smooth, soft material, and all I would have to do is put the plastic side material on anything I wanted to stay put.
  19. Does anybody know where that nose/bumper is from ????
  20. COOL (Selective Listening : its a gift)
  21. This one has some nice pics, and a decent taillight section as well http://www.zparts.com/showcase/zcsc/default.html
  22. Aside from the Z emblem, and perhaps the rims, there's nothing about that to make me say "I've got to get one of those". I still say the new Z looks more like a 10 year old Eclipse than it does a Datsun
  23. - Were his 10-J suited - What was his chip count compared to yours. If he had 5x your chips he might have figured "what the heck". It's partially your fault, when he went all in after the flop, you should have announced that you were calling for a "do-over"
  24. Thanks for the info, I'll look into it some more, but it sounds (from what you say) that the rust bullet may be the way to go. What I was originally referring to was the thick plastic liner for the front wheel area. It is the shape of the wheelwell, and goes up inside to protect against rocks and junk. The old/busted ones had little clips that fastened them to the lip of the fender around the tire area. That lip is cut away now, and the new flares move that lip a couple of inches further out than the old liner would reach. I included that pick from the back just to show the flares, but I would like to really protect the rear wheel well area too. I cant seem to find those inserts anywhere, and modifying them to reach out to the lip of the flares may be a lot of work. It looks like it'll be rust bullet and then a layer of rino over that, unless anyone else has ideas or has solved the issue before. Thanx again
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