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Everything posted by Tim240z

  1. That is just too funny!! 529HP in the same sentence as a Geo Metro...ha ha ha You guys are such a bunch of yaahooos!!
  2. Did you put assembly lube on all the bearing surfaces?
  3. loosen the rods one at a time until you find the bad one...or maybe your pistons are just too tight?
  4. OK...here it is!!! Post #6000....damn I really need to get out more!!
  5. Damn!! I need to get a life!! :malebitchslap: :
  6. " I like big butts and I can not lie...you other bruthas can't deny...that when a girl walks in with a iddy biddy waist and round thing in your face...you get strung......"
  7. OMG Now that is funny!!!! How about "turtle head"?
  8. That's the very reason why we included the item in the site guidelines page that requests that the topic subject line is very specific. It make the serch function a lot more useable. I know what you mean about getting pages of search hits....... Tim
  9. Oh..OK..that was a bit fuzzy... I have <1/2 inch and it's fine too.
  10. From what I can gather it is very uncommon, but does happen. Remember these TC rods are 30+ years old..... Tim
  11. I have about 1/8 inch between my headers and setback plates. No problems. I also had to 'clearance' the plates a bit.
  12. http://www.mooneyes.com/Website/support Pricey, but very cool!!!
  13. OH.....BTW, in case you hadn't guessed....I was just kidding!! . We love ya still, man!! 8) Tim that was kinda fun though!! ha ha ha...kinda rude too, huh?
  14. Appology not accepted!! You acted very immaturely, maliciously, and very unprofessionally. This type of behaviour should not be tolerated on this board. I have very strongly urged the other Mods and Admins to consider banning you immediately!! It is exactly that type of behaviour that makes coming to this board very unpleasant. This is like a second home to many of us, and if you were physically in front of me, I would slap you upside the head!!! . . . . . Tim
  15. Mine did have plates, but that's irrelevant. I ordered vanity plates anyways, which is done through the DMV. CHP doesn't need to be involved at all. Just get a one day temp. reg. from the DMV (or AAA), take it in, let them verify the VIN, and that's it! Tim
  16. Well if that VIN is not in the DMV computer, then no-one, at least in CA, has registered under that VIN. You will just need to do a vin verification, and maybe have a new VIN tag made for the dash (the VIN has to be visible through the window). My Z was off the DMV records also, but it isn't a problem... Tim
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