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Everything posted by Challenger

  1. Ditto on the u joints/drive shaft. I had a similar issue with a vibration, shaking noise from inside the tranny tunnel. Turned out to be the driveshaft. Cant say anything about there being oil/grease. As for not dissassembling stuff, it is quite easy to just unbolt the 4 bolts from the driveshaft to the diff and slide off the driveshaft. You can then take it to a driveline shop to have them check it.
  2. They arent electronics as far as I know. On the temp and fan speed sliders its just a system of levers, sliders, etc inside the dash. If I were you Id just pull on it hard.
  3. Sweet. I always wanted to do that one my nitro car.
  4. Or if anyone can find a rebuild kit online that can be here with the next few days let me know!
  5. I let the seals dry out on my master cylinder while I was doing suspension and brake work. Now I need to get it rebuilt or replace it. I checked in town and they cant get anything quick, its all a week plus. I need to know if the master cylinder on my 81 turbo will work on my 78 280z. It would be nice to just pull the one off and slap it on my 78 since I know it works fine. Thanks!
  6. Im gonna do side exhaust, hopefully that gets rid of it.
  7. Like 2 years of me burning stuff in a barrel in my backyard, blowing stuff up, smoke bombs, burning a loung chair, etc. One time my dad burns some stuff in the barrel and the neighbors called the fire department. Obviously burning is illegal in city limits so he was going to give him a $550 ticket but didnt.
  8. I think there is only one producer, the one who sells partially through MSA. I really wish now I would have just bought a soft carpet cover, or do what I mentioned earlier.
  9. Ah, they do have the really big buldge look. My bad. Guess I should read the big parts of the post rather than just look at pictures and subtitles.
  10. Mine looks great in the garage with the lights off. Ill definitely be fixing it with bondo and new paint next summer or this winter.. Havent had it in the sun enough to see how it holds up.
  11. I used tokico hp shocks and springs. The car went down more than an inch. I think its pretty common that people get a couple inches.
  12. Just curious, why the username switch? Why cant people design something, make sure it fits ---- THEN ---- sell it. In other words you do the testing rather than customers. Imagine if say brembro used this method with their brakes. Designed something, oops 12 peoples brakes went out as they were driving, better fix the problem. CF parts would be really cool if they all fit nicely.
  13. I know that Subaru went through hell! Jumping through the trailer, going down the shoulder, running into semi trucks, explosives, more jumping.... all while at full throttle probably. Makes me want a subaru even more than before. Id like to get a newer sti when I finish college but now I might consider buying the 2.5rs get used to all wheel drive in a sports car, beat it to death then buy a nice sti.
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