Well I do work for Mitsu/Hyundai as a Tech. Flashing the code on a DVOM wont do any good unless the sensor is completly open or shorted. Thats all an ODO1 system will check for. Monday I'll see what I can find in terms of diag. flow charts. There are 2 books one elec. manual and the other is the engine/trans/body/troubleshooting.
1st off make sure there are no leaks from the MAF to the turbo inlet then make sure all hose clamps for boost tubes are tight.
2nd Right off hand I cant remember what year they started, but there might be a vacuum selinoid near the brake booster. That runs the the FPR, check to make sure thats getting proper vac/boost.
3rd If you do think it is the MAF figure out witch wire is the signal wire should be between 0-5 volts. Lower at idle higher on throttle.
Hope that helps alittle, Id be able to tell you more with more info about how the car is acting.