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Everything posted by Adam393

  1. great looking 240z

  2. Adam393

    New ride

    Even minor stuff like an exhaust or wheels or such would void the whole warranty?!?
  3. Thanks for the insight, either way it must be quite an experience
  4. Adam393

    New ride

    Nice! How is it to drive?
  5. I used to love trains when I was a kid (I still like watching them on road crossings) and always wondered what itd be like to be a conductor. Whats it like being one, is it fun? Aside from the early mornings
  6. Did a little Photoshopping, I tried to make the first two look like they came out of an old magazine: And this was no strobes or any photoshop: If anyone is interested, a guy posted on the IS forums that Popular Photography is doing a 2 yr for $7 deal: https://www.neodata.com/ITPS2.cgi?ordertype=reply%20only&itemcode=phot&iClientResponse=www.neodata.com/hfm/ym/phot.shtml&keycode=MY2
  7. Changing the plugs and after the last one is in, forgot you didnt gap any of them?
  8. God I love that car the more i see it, nice pics! What camera are you using?
  9. Ive always run 93, but I put in the fuel injector cleaner every time i change the oil, and my mechanic told me that can foul my plugs. My dad has a bead blaster attachment on his air compressor to clean off spark plugs, used that and it helped. Put in new ones tonight and it runs like a dream again! It must have been really fouled up plugs or something, but it does run a little bit better now that we prevented so much heat getting to the carbs (i didnt end up wrapping the lines, I dont like the way any car looks with the tape on it)...
  10. Thanks for that, Ill give it a look tomorrow and see how its holding up
  11. The car oddly is now having bad vapor lock issues this summer, when the previous two years it ran like a champ. I made a thread about the ongoing problem and what my dad and I have done so far to help remedy it if anyone is interested (feel free to post any suggestions we might have overlooked): http://forums.hybridz.org/showthread.php?p=1043277#post1043277 After I get the fuel lines wrapped in heat reflective tape, im going to get the carbs readjusted to try and finally get rid of the stumbling problems mentioned in that thread, hopefully the things i mentioned in the thread coupled with these two is the cure, after this im not sure what else there is to do...
  12. Since the two years this car has been on the road, Ive never had issues with the engine until this summer. It started off with the engine stumbling from idle and now has progressed to dying at idle, stumbling when downshifting, and maybe 1 or 2 things I cant remember now. My mechanic has diagnosed it as vapor lock so far, and my dad and I have done some things to counteract it. This is a car that is driven spring-autumn, so I doesnt see terribly cold weather, so I wouldnt recommend these for those who do drive it in cold weather. First off, we have the early orange airbox, and underneath that is a pipe where the intake sucks up the hot air from the exhaust to help heat up the carbs. We took off the hose and my dad found that Edge shaving cream cap fits perfectly and snugly on the end of that bottom pipe, the orange also almost perfectly matches! (You do have to trim off the safety clip though). Next what we did was put a plug in the water coolant line that leads to the carb. As of now, the car runs better when warm, i dont have to use the choke all the time and the engine revs up better. But once the engine is hot, the gremlins come up in full force, next up is heat reflecting tape for the fuel lines, hopefully that comes in soon. Do any of you guys have other suggestions that might help?
  13. Congrats on the baby! That must be one hell of a first ride!
  14. Anyone know where to find these? Im looking for them as well...
  15. Id be willing to bet they would work something out
  16. That is just too cool! What kind of engine do they have?
  17. I use AuctionSniper.com, they charge pennies on the dollar for their service, I just sniped a new lens a few minutes ago
  18. It looks too wide to get in there effectively. And how does being big have its advantages?
  19. Im sure youre all well aware of the crappy "pot metal" used in our ignition switches and how they wear out over time, and mine has just died for the second time. While I wait for the locksmith to come over and fix it, is there any remedy to this problem, short of buying a whole new unit? I know nothing on how they work so sorry if this is a stupid Q, but is it possible to replace them metal with higher quality stuff or modify the ignition in anyway to make it more robust, or am I just stuck with what i got and have to call the locksmith every 2 years?
  20. Minor update: Got an air horn so people now hear me when im honking, unfortunately it doesnt play Dixie or La Cooka Rocha... Here are some better pics of the engine bay: Turns out there is still a slight amount of oil seeping through between the valve cover. My dad and I are going to take it off again and this time use only a liquid gasket instead of the cork gasket + liquid gasket. Hopefully the head isnt warped....
  21. I cant stop laughing:lmao: That made my day!
  22. IS300, unless you want to be constantly fixing your German auto. You can get mid 20's if you dont drive crazy, I get pretty good mileage. Great car, fun to drive, extremely reliable, very uncommon and lots of mods available
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