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David K

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Everything posted by David K

  1. It was pretty cool to see some new stuff this year. Ever since i started going to MSA in 98, its been the same old same old handful of cars. This was my first year in 3 years ive went to the show. I can only tolerate still cars for so long. I think 280zforce and i stuck around for 1 1/2 hours. I had more fun sitting in his backyard listening to the waterfall in the pool afterward.
  2. This thread is all over the place. OP, why post when you are never gonna do it?
  3. Haha you guys. I never watch the onion, but i found this one funny as hell. NSFW! http://www.theonion.com/content/video/study_children_exposed_to
  4. Who is this Yorgo you speak of? I know nothing.
  5. That guy is a sore loser. Last year he intentionally blocked Tyler McQuarrie in the turbo S2000 on a potential track record lap because he was upset his motor was about to blow. You dont block in time attack.
  6. Ive had 3 boys between now and the date i joined this site. You know the mothers curse "wait until you have kids"? Well, everything my mom wished on me when i was little, is happening to me now. Its not that i dont like having kids...i actually enjoy it and wouldnt give it up for anything...but i REALLY MISS BEING SINGLE AND ALONE! Ahhhh the good old days of freedom. I dont know why people have kids. Me? I just have a problem with saying no, if you know what i mean.
  7. How do we know you arent someone who just doesnt like the guy? Wheres the proof?
  8. Heres one for all you car guys and racing fans. It airs nationwide tonight at 8pm EST on ESPN. http://www.truthin24.com My DVR is set
  9. If you guys go handle this on your own, i hope you end up in jail.
  10. Chris is cool people. Nobody better to show you a good time than Chris.
  11. I think I know who it is. Im gonna have some explaining to do with that comment then.
  12. Sounds like someone lacked imagination with that name.
  13. Its been for sale for 20 years.
  14. I looked at my kids last night and thought about the man who lost his whole family. It really bothers me, i cant imagine leaving in the morning and never seeing my kids again. From reading about the pilots composure when assisted, i can say i believe the pilot did everything in his power to attempt to avoid what happened. The whole incident is horrible.
  15. I go here to compare prices on my guns http://gunbroker.com
  16. Live video http://www.cnn.com/video/flashLive/live.html?stream=stream3
  17. An F18 just crashed into some homes in San Diego. It just happened a few moments ago. Anyone in the area?
  18. I need another project like i need a hole in the head. Off to ebay it goes.
  19. So far ive learned about changing the ends so one is closed to the firewall, and one has a snout, sawing the diesel mounting tabs off, and buying a whole bunch of parts so itll bolt all together on an engine. I just want to sell the thing. I have no use for it. Its been in my garage for years and years, and looks to have been rebuilt.
  20. Check this out http://www.ford-trucks.com/forums/791735-need-help-identifying-a-supercharger.html#post6754620
  21. Ill take some measurements when i get home later today. The 6-71's i find on the net and ebay have closed covers on the rear. Could this one have been part of a dual motor setup?
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