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Everything posted by MONZTER

  1. Yes this is how the software works. I can apply a Mass flow to the inlet with a pressure outlet, or I can apply a depression to the outlet and see the CFM rating. Most of what I have been doing is to apply 25" on the outlet with a stagnation inlet. This is how I ran my plenum. I would apply 25" to each runner outlet and let the air flow. I tweaked the design until all ran very close to the same. After I got this dialed in I then ran it with 735 CFM on the inlet and measured the flow out of each runner. A while ago a talked to Kevin at accurate injection. He gave me some insight of what a ITB flows on his bench. I modeled it in the computer and then ran the simulation. I remember them being very close. When I run the plenum and port set-up above the computer says they are running about 220 cfm at 25"
  2. Ya that make sence. This is what I did, the guide supports are only as wide as the guides, but smmoth out the front and back of the guide to make them more streamlined. You can see this in the Cad model in this view you can see how clean the flow around the guide boss is
  3. here are some more pics, close up on the valve head area. click on the picture for the super huge view. I also uploaded some more video, but Youtube really destroys the quality:icon13: enjoy
  4. Here is the link to the scan of the article http://www.savefile.com/files/1998523
  5. Here is a really good article on heads, that I found very clear and to the point. Give it a read and I can look into making some more pictures to better explain what I am trying to acomplish. ( I cant get it to upload any ideas? its 12 mb .zip file)
  6. Dynamic results would be great, but I am still thinking about the proper simulation, and what would be the set-up. So say an engine is spinning 7000 RPM. the cam is at half speed so each valve opens about 58 times per second. How different would this dynamic situation be vs testing them all open at 1 time. Also, consider there would be no shock wave being created so the results would still be so so. In the modeler program (which we don’t have) you can actually dynamically open and close the valves, and then apply a moving mesh in the solver. We have an 16 processor cluster we run on, but I think this would even hurt it. What are your thoughts?
  7. I have never used Fluent, but this is defiantly not pick it up on your own software like Floworks. I had a 1 week in house training (40 hrs) and still I am just scratching the surface of what it can do. It is defiantly geared towards full time, degreed in fluid dynamics, operators. You really have to know the physics. Good thing is the customer support is phenomenal. We are assigned a full time, always the same person Support Engineer who is really good and helps answer any question. He even helped set up our first case. CD Adapco www.cd-adapco.com Good company to work with.
  8. Hi TBS, Yes, it does have the ability for a movable mesh, I could also apply a velocity to a specific boundry. I am currently working on a time table to phase the cam opening and closing. This software can even do combustion, but thats waaaay advanced
  9. So a little back on topic... I have been using my new CFD software called Star CCM+. It is a really high end code, used in everything from military to F-1 - super powerful. So along with my intake; I have been working for a while now on redesigning my combustion chambers and ports in a P-90 head. The idea is to take all the new ideas being used today to increase the performance and detonation resistance in my motor (if I ever get it back from the machine shop) Basic idea is to maximize quench, swirl, and burn area. 1.) the new shape has 2 quench pads, one in the standard location, and a new one behind the spark plug where I think there is some dead area. 2.) shape the combustion chamber to produce more swirl and force the mixture towards the exhaust valve side of the chamber, where I have angled and relocated the spark plug. 3.) add streamliners to the intake and exhaust ports to again aid in swirl for the intake, and more laminar flow for the exhaust. Below is the cad model of the head and ports. Next is the head welded up and on the CNC getting the shape roughed out. It will go back in the machine when the seat, and guides are installed for a final clean pass. This is the CFD model of the complete system, plenum, runners, ports, valves, combustion chamber, cylinders. The model is actually the air space or fluid region of the flow. You have to use your imagination a bit. This link is a avi of the flow another link from the other side and one last link of the flow vectors in the chamber as you can see the flow is swirling quite nice and focusing directly under the exhaust valve where the plug now sits. Someday I actually have to stop playing, and get this all finished to see if it will run enjoy Jeff
  10. What do the ports look like on that thing. I like it so far
  11. I am not sure what measurment you wanted, so does this help.
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