I got MSnS-Extra code installed on my setup. Everything seems to be working right except the fuel pump prime when the key is turned on. I installed version 021p to start with.
I recompiled the code so it had my inc files to use the nissan temp sensor. I used the download batch file which lets you download new code without having to ground the bootloader pin.
I installed and used MegaTune225b331. Followed the instructions in the help.txt file that comes with the 021p code download. They tell you how to change the setting.ini file in megatune for extra code. They also tell you how to copy the msns-extra.ini file into megatune. Then you have all features available in one megatune.
I had to re-enter all of my settings manually, I didn't even try to reload the msq file after reading that it probably wouldn't work. Expanded my fuel and ignition tables to 12x12. Checked all possible settings in megatune to make sure they were turned off or defaults.
also had to recalibrate tps since I lost the throttle inc file
The car fired right up, re-checked ignition timing--OK
Checked that 4 pin HEI does not get hot--OK
Took it for a drive and it runs just like before
Now I can start to play with the new features. In order to have the unit control my cooling fan relay I have to install a small transistor circuit to drive the relay.
I am going to upgrade the code now to 021u and to megatune225b358. I already loaded the msq file over from 021p to 021u and that worked so I don't have to re-enter everything a second time. This should fix the fuel pump prime issue.
I'll let you know when that is done. For the average person there is prbably no reason to upgrade, but I want that cooling fan relay control, maybe boost control, knock detection, AFR target tables, dwell control for other ignition modules, shift lights,......