When I was growing up In western PA, the biggest fear I had riding my bike was riding into a pot hole and never being able to find my way back out,
Pop N Wood is saying what I meant to say, he is however much more articulate. Thanks Pop! BTW, I have a friend who is a quadrapheligic thanks to the helmet that broke his neck. I have been in several close calls because the skid lid impares your hearing, and periferal vision. As for the "Harley lovers" thing, this this on for size: I've been riding Harleys since I was 15, I am now 60 so I was riding when Harleys were a lifestyle, not a fashion statement. Before the introduction of the japanese bikes, every kid with a couple of hundred bucks wasn't out there skewing the accident stats. So maybe we shoould just ban Jap bikes, because they make my insurance go up? I think not. SorryI am a little incoherant, but I feel really strongly about the choice to wear helmets.