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Everything posted by Chaparral2f

  1. Can you put me on your list? Mine isn't on stands, but it will be as soon as make enough room in the garage for it. ON3GO, There is something weird about a garage as clean as yours.
  2. Don't blame Wal-Mart. It ain't their fault that most of their janitorial associates got deported a while back.
  3. Zguy, What a great link thanks. There is a road sign near here that says "Four mile lake 6 miles "
  4. I have a cheap little olympus D-100 still camera, that I paid about $100 for. It works for whatever I want to shoot that isn't moving. However my camcorder is a Panasonic DVC Pro AJ-D700A with a Fujinon 14:1 zoom lens and AJ-VF15 high grade viewfinder. It cost about the same as a new midsized car. I am only telling you this to show that what you spend fora camera should reflect interests, and that a good piece of equipment, even if it is more expensive, will pay off in the long run. BTW, I still owe $2500 on that damn camcorder, and now I hardly use it. I mostly rent it out.
  5. My block huggers do their job just a little too well. It would be really helpful if they were about a quarter or three eights of an inch further from the side of the engine. Does anyone make a plate that would go between the head and the header? I can make them myself, but it is a major PITA, and if there is someplace to buy them it would be much simpler.
  6. Have a friend who did a 350 into a TR 4 (is that the wedge shaped one?) came out really nice and went nearly as fast as my ZX budget.
  7. Welcome to the group. What an awesome car. How long did you spend building monster? The best part is that the rest of the car is as clean as the engine room. Nice to see that white hair.(Unless of course you're only 23 and it turned white the first time you stood on the go pedal! )
  8. Can't say much for the engine swap. IMO the engine compartment should have had at least some of the old harness and other trash removed. I never did find a compressor for the air conditioner.
  9. Its the last picture that I love. Gotta get me a sound system like that!!
  10. If you are good with duct tape, you don't need all that other stuff! For advanced tech training on the proper way to use Duct tape, tune into the Red Green Show.
  11. You may want to check out Racingjunk.com I've bought a lot of stuff there, at some amazing prices Joe
  12. Puritans may have come up with the hats and buckles, but only God can invent a turkey. (or was that G.H.W. and Barbara Bush )
  13. We're the ones that gety to stay home, and feed the kids, grand kids and great grand kids. The house is already starting to smell like thanksgiving. Everybody be safe. As two of my favorite film personalities sang. "Happy Happy Joy Joy" Have a good holiday.
  14. Ah, yuou young whipper snappers. When I was your age I had to walk to school through 4' snow drifts, 45 miles up hill both ways. And don't even get me started on what a PITA it was trying to work on a hobby car in an unheated cave. ( of course it got slightly better when somebody discovered fire)
  15. Mexican Style? I was afraid that you'd dropped it to have about 2" ground clearance, or had decided to put a lot of grey primer on the fenders. I am glad that you are keeping your Z green, I think that color kicks some serious a$$ Joe
  16. I was looking at the airdam on the car in your personal gallery. My '84 is stock too, but not nearly as clean as yours. Sorry about your run in with the airborn wildlife that is always a bummer. But then look at the good side, it could have been a cow.
  17. I guess that I shouldn't complain that it's been getting into the 20's here at night. I knew that there was some reason that I moved here from Pennsylvania.
  18. I think it would look grrrrrrrrrrrrreat. I 'd love to do that to mine, if I ever get as far as body work.
  19. Smooth Operator, I know that this is way off subject, but I just gotta know. What is that body kit on your Z31??
  20. Klansman shot in the head? Oh well, at least it didn't cause brain injury.
  21. Damn, that's too bad. Well, at least it got home without the hook. Hope it ain't anything too major.
  22. Back in the eighties I had a tranny shop, and my partner owened a curtis craft midget. The sound of that little Offy was beyond great.
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